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Posted by primm on 27 February 2010 - 04:51 PM in Shows and Stuff


a very special event is happening in my hometown. It is this:

Posted Image

This evening will mark the official release date for the Magic Hammer album MOST EXTREME ULTIMATE THUNDER. The Hammer is performing alongside Makeup and Vanity Set (who will be releasing a new album of his own) and also some really really really awesome chipmusic acts, on tour throughout the South of America en route to SXSW.

There will be special guest singers, live lo-res visuals, and ParaPara dancing by local crew Para2Mahou!!! (www.Para2Mahou.com).

The FB event page has more info: http://bit.ly/9MDOPr

If you aren't on facebook, you can plug your rock into the wall and email Eric for more info at MagicHammerGlobal at gmail dot com.

If anyone was ever planning a trip to Nashville, this would be the weekend to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really super pumped for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!