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Event: Teatro Caliente @ Modified

in The Shizz Calendar of Events
Added by monsterbaldy, 28 Oct 2005

Taking place 28 Oct 2005 10:00 AM (Single Day Event)


Teatro Caliente!
A Festival of Experimental, Transcultural Performance in the Southwest

( Phoenix , Arizona ) Theatre in My Basement announces its thirds
annual Teatro Caliente!, a festival of alternative performing arts in
the Southwest.
More than 20 solo artists and groups will be presenting new, cutting
edge works of dance, theater, performance art, and live music Oct.
28-30 at Modified Arts (407 E Roosevelt ) in downtown Phoenix.

Thanks to the enormous success of the previous years festivals, which
played to full houses each night, and generous grants from the Phoenix
Office of Arts and Culture and the Arizona Commission on the Arts, the
festival keeps growing. Performances are scheduled Oct. 28-30 from
7:30 p.m. - midnight.

Featured acts for this year's festival include performance art, dance,
music, and digital theatre presented by some of the hottest
performance artists in Arizona, Austin, Texas, and Yucatan:
Isel Rodriguez & Sara Sanabia (MCs), Gabriela Vargas-Cetina, Theater
In My Basement, Austin Head (and Jonny Noir), Tamara Underiner, Kristyn
Steve Noettl, Miranda Zent, the Intertribal Theatre Project ®, Amanda
Schaar, Dustin Bradley Goltz, Crossing 32nd Street, Paul North,
Michele Ceballos & Lance Gharavi, Garrett Quentin Smith, Cantamus
Poetique, Mizu Desierto & Lily Noir, Monica Vilches, Tuey Burns, and
the Eulogy Project.

Teatro Caliente is dedicated to celebrating the rich cultural fabric
that makes up the Southwest, honoring both its history and its future.

The cost is $8 at the door (per night) but no one will be turned away
for lack of funds.

For more information and updates, go to www.timb.org/tc.php

TIMB is supported through the generosity of its core audience members,
sustaining supporters, the Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture, the
Arizona Commission on the Arts and the NEA. Gabriela Vargas-Cetina
appears courtesy of the Performance in the Borderlands Project of
Arizona State University.


Para Información: Chris Danowski & Natalia Jaeger
Directores Artistic@s y Co-Conspiradores
Theatre in My Basement/SW Annex
Phoenix, Arizona; Norte América; Hemisferico Oeste; Tierra

¡Teatro Caliente!
Festival de Artes Escénicas en el Suroeste

(Phoenix, Arizona) Theatre in My Basement anuncia su ¡Teatro Caliente!
Ya en su tercer año, este Festival presenta artes escénicas
experimentales y transcultraled del suroeste del país. Más de 20
artistas – solo y grupos –presentarán nuevas obras de danza, teatro,
performance art, y música en vivo. El Festival tendrá lugar del 28 al
30 de octubre, en la galería Modified Arts,407 E. Roosevelt, en el
centro de la ciudad.

Gracias al gran éxito del Festival en su primer y segundo año, los
cuales fueron presentados cada noche frente a una audiencia que lleno
la casa, y al apoyo generoso del Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture y
a Arizona Comisión on the Arts, el evento sigue creciendo cada año.
Los eventos tendrán lugar desde las 7:30 p.m hasta la medianoche.

El festival incluirá performance art, teatro digital, danza, y música
en vivo, presentados por muchos de los artistas más activos y
creativos de los Estados Unidos y México: Isel Rodriguez & Sara
Sanabia (MCs), Gabriela Vargas-Cetina, Theater In My Basement, Austin
(y Jonny Noir), Tamara Underiner, Kristyn Benedykt, Steve Noettl,
Zent, the Intertribal Theatre Project ®, Amanda Schaar, Dustin
Bradley Goltz, Crossing 32nd Street, Paul North, Michele Ceballos &
Gharavi, Garrett Quentin Smith, Cantamus Poetique, Mizu Desierto &
Lily Noir, Monica Vilches, Tuey Burns, and the Eulogy Project.

El Festival se dedica a la celebración de la riqueza cultural que
constituye el suroeste del país, en una manera que refleja, con
dignidad y honestidad, la transculturidad de la región.

La entrada cuesta $8, pero nadie será negado la entrada por falta de

Para mas informacion y noticias, visite www.timb.org/tc.php

Theatre in My Basement se apoya a través de la generosidad de su
público leal, miembros sustenientes, el Phoenix Arts Council, el
Arizona Arts Commission, y el National Endowment for the Arts.
Gabriela Vargas-Cetina aparece a través del apoyo del Performance in
the Borderlands Project de Arizona State University.

Chris Danowski & Natalia Jaeger
Artistic Directors/Co-Conspirators
Theater In My Basement/SW Annex & Teatro Caliente
(602) 870-8918
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