Peachcake w/ An Angle, Ever We Fall, Great Glass Elevator & Sunrise Elementary @ Modified Arts
From Tempe, AZ comes the two-man electro-pop act known as Peachcake, who in the space of seven songs manage to convince you that the whole sorry electroclash debacle never happened and the Electronica revolution is still just around the corner. With buzzing sci-fi synth sounds, insanely catchy drum melodies, utterly danceable drum loops, silly but ear-catching lyrics, and disarmingly natural vocals, Peachcake suggests what The Streets would have sounded like if Mike Skinner had grown up as an AV geek in a suburban regional high-school somewhere in the American boondocks... only Peachcake have better, catchier, more inventive backing tracks. Roll over, Williamsburg, and tell LCD Soundsystem the news; Peachcake are going to take over the world.