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Event: Ever We Fall w/ Ember Coast @ The Phix

in The Shizz Calendar of Events
Added by SceneIsDead Concerts, 23 Feb 2006

Taking place 23 Feb 2006 09:00 AM (Single Day Event)

SceneIsDead Concerts

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Ever We Fall (Hopeless Records) w/ Ember Coast, Days Like These (Lobster Records) & Domo @ The Phix

Portland, OR's Ever We Fall is bursting onto the national indie/emo scene in surprising fashion, with confidence and raw energy, taking stages like their lives are at stake, writing and recording with an emotional vengeance rare in a band so young. Here is a band that wants you to feel the same burst of emotion, the same rush of excitement that they feel when they craft the perfect pop hook, the unforgettable sing-along melody, and the perfect beat, the timeless riff.

Signing to Rise Records in September 2003, with a disc full of home recordings, the label said EP, booked London Bridge Studios in Seattle, and with John Goodmanson (Death Cab For Cutie, Vaux, Sleater-Kinney) at the controls, recorded their debut 6-song EP Endura in 4 days. The ironically titled debut release (more a statement of what's to come, than a present declaration), is stunning. A relentless call-to-arms, wrapped inside dense walls of guitar, layered with acoustic guitars and piano; a 30-minute burst of energy and emotion. No excess, no wasted time.

There?s a point in the life of every band where decisions are made. Hard decisions with lasting consequences. Faced with the inevitable roadblocks and sandtraps of their first US tour, Ever We Fall literally decided to stay on the road?forever. This group of teenagers passed the test on a rocky first trip around the country. Losing their bass player in NYC forced the band to make the career decision that brings them to where they are today.

There is no quit in Ever We Fall. (You cannot stop us! Nothing can stop us!)

Finishing the tour as a 3-piece with Ryan switching to bass and Adam taking over full guitar duties, Matt holding the show together as usual?a funny thing happened?.this band realized its work ethic matched the inherent passion and drive.

Ever We Fall is here to party, but after the work day ends.

November 2004 brings us to the signing of Ever We Fall to Hopeless Records. With a couple new demo tracks up at PureVolume.com and endless touring plans underway, the future is now for Ever We Fall.

Stay tuned in for the party. Feel free to sing along.
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