XIU XIU (www.xiuxiu.org/) Minimalist acoustic guitar or piano chords, whispers and whines, and all-out, anguished wails. Cut-up style beats and tape loops, electronic screeches, clanky percussion, makes it all so desolate. OLD CANES (http://home.satx.rr.com/blschubert/) Old Canes is the side project of Appleseed Cast frontman Christopher Crisci Multi-instrumental fuzz-folk masterpiece featuring the talents of Jordan Geiger (Minus Story) and Nathan Richardson (The Caskett Lottery). THE RACE (http://theracemusic.com/) Chicago based quartet, tempered and melodic baritone harmonies. WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY Stunningly stark, modern folk music.
Doors at 730pm $7
modified arts 602-462-5516 407 E. Roosevelt Street Phoenix, AZ 85004 www.modified.org