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Somewhere between 20 and 50% of self identified

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#1 chalupacabra


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Posted 03 February 2010 - 11:40 AM

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#2 Rial


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Posted 03 February 2010 - 11:45 AM

Should openly gay men and women be allowed to serve in the military?

Yes 26
No 55
Not Sure 19

Should same sex couples be allowed to marry?

Yes 7
No 77
Not Sure 16

Should gay couples receive any state or federal benefits?

Yes 11
No 68
Not Sure 21

Should openly gay men and women be allowed to teach in public schools?

Yes 8
No 73
Not Sure 19

But our very republican state wants to allow concealed weapons w/ out permits, wants guns in bars, wants federal regulations exempt from guns made in Arizona...WTF how are pieces of metal getting more attention and concern then rights of tax paying citizens of the United States!!!!! Who cares were they put there penis or who they kiss.
Insane vs. not insane....plus on for insane.
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#3 chalupacabra


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Posted 03 February 2010 - 11:50 AM

I think when you see those #s its probably closer to 75% insane. So if you're gay you can't serve in the military, teach, get married or received benefits. But I'm sure if you called these respondents homophopes you get the..."hey, i don't have a problem with what people do in their own homes" bullshit. Well, yeah, yeah you do dickface.
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#4 differently biotic

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 11:51 AM

so much hate.

humans are capable of such intolerance and hate.

it makes me so sad.
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#5 Rial


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Posted 03 February 2010 - 11:56 AM

this made me happy

"42 percent of Republicans aren't really patriotic. They pretend to love America only when they approve of the president. These traitors don't believe in democracy, in our nation's founding ideals, or in our flag. To them, those colors run. They are cowards.

Note, secession sentiment is MUCH stronger in the South than elsewhere -- 33 percent want out, compared to just 52 percent who want to stay. In the Northeast, "just" 10 percent want out, in the Midwest, its 18 percent, and in the West, it's 16 percent. Can we cram them all into the Texas Panhandle, create the state of Dumbfuckistan, and build a wall around them to keep them from coming into America illegally?"
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#6 chalupacabra


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Posted 03 February 2010 - 12:04 PM

this made me happy

"42 percent of Republicans aren't really patriotic. They pretend to love America only when they approve of the president. These traitors don't believe in democracy, in our nation's founding ideals, or in our flag. To them, those colors run. They are cowards.

Note, secession sentiment is MUCH stronger in the South than elsewhere -- 33 percent want out, compared to just 52 percent who want to stay. In the Northeast, "just" 10 percent want out, in the Midwest, its 18 percent, and in the West, it's 16 percent. Can we cram them all into the Texas Panhandle, create the state of Dumbfuckistan, and build a wall around them to keep them from coming into America illegally?"

"just" 10 percent want out, in the Midwest, its 18 percent, and in the West, it's 16 percent

The funny thing about those in the NE and W is they probably want out largely to get away from being in the same country as the inhabitants of the new Dumbfuckistan
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#7 Rial


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Posted 03 February 2010 - 12:27 PM

Do you believe that the only way for an individual to go to heaven is though Jesus Christ, or can one make it to heaven through another faith?

Christ 67
Other 15
Not Sure 18

Two-thirds of Republicans assume anyone that is not a Christian is going to hell. It certainly makes it easier for them to dehumanize their enemies, either real or perceived.

My wifes mother who also watches my kid, is currently got her fingers crossed for the rapture and a simulations announcement from god that he has impregnated sarah palin and they are having quadruplets....thinks along the Christ is the only way to heaven...and I have subtlety made it clear my kid is not to be proselytized into any zombie worship...my question is how psychopathic can you be to be sure the world is going to end pretty badly and your cute little grand daughter and her very attractive mother and father aren't going to float up to heaven and hang with her.

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#8 Jacki O.

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 12:41 PM

i dont want to read this until i feel better physically. any crazy republican shit is going to make me sicker
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#9 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 02:04 PM

MyDD proposes that they oversampled southern republicans for this poll.

Not that there's not a lot of crazy of course - there's just a slightly smaller amount of the crazy - at least in the rest of the country (which allows for a hint of hopefulness?)
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#10 chalupacabra


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Posted 03 February 2010 - 02:14 PM

MyDD proposes that they oversampled southern republicans for this poll.

Not that there's not a lot of crazy of course - there's just a slightly smaller amount of the crazy - at least in the rest of the country (which allows for a hint of hopefulness?)

That's interesting and I get what they're saying. I think one of the really shocking things though is the 'maybes'. For example:

QUESTION: Do you believe Barack Obama was born in the United States, or not?
All 36 42 22

Assuming the NE was sampled more accurately, how does that effect this question. Do you think yes gets to 50%? What if it did? That still means that half the republicans in this country either don't believe or aren't sure the President was born in this country? That is completely crazy no matter how you slice it.
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#11 hunter gather

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Posted 03 February 2010 - 02:57 PM

Fucking Retard Parade.

Minnesota State Senator Mike Parry
described Obama as a "power hungry arrogant black man." On his Twitter page.

Arlington, Tenn., Mayor Russ Wiseman
About Obama on Facebook: "Ask the man if he believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he will give you a 10 minute disertation (sic) about it....w...hen the answer should simply be 'yes.'" Also called him a “Muslim President.”

U.S. Rep. Lynn Jenkins, R-Kan.
"Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope."

Glenn Beck
According to this retard Obama is "a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture. I don't know what it is. This guy is, I believe, a racist."

GOP activist Mike Green
On Twitter: "I just heard Obama was going to impose a 40% tax on aspirin because it's white and it works."

Texas GOP Leader Diann Jones
"another terrific idea from the black house and its minions."
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#12 mikemfer


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Posted 03 February 2010 - 03:02 PM

There already is a state of Dumbfuckistan... we live in it! Slice off the west coast and the east from DC on up. What you're left with is the Dumbfuckistan region.
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#13 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 04 February 2010 - 06:15 PM

When Obama was killing all those Jews, she went to a Tea Party - what did you do?
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#14 Vacuum Tube Antimatter

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Posted 04 February 2010 - 07:40 PM

Should openly gay men and women be allowed to serve in the military?

Yes 26
No 55
Not Sure 19

Should same sex couples be allowed to marry?

Yes 7
No 77
Not Sure 16

Should gay couples receive any state or federal benefits?

Yes 11
No 68
Not Sure 21

Should openly gay men and women be allowed to teach in public schools?

Yes 8
No 73
Not Sure 19

But our very republican state wants to allow concealed weapons w/ out permits, wants guns in bars, wants federal regulations exempt from guns made in Arizona...WTF how are pieces of metal getting more attention and concern then rights of tax paying citizens of the United States!!!!! Who cares were they put there penis or who they kiss.
Insane vs. not insane....plus on for insane.

Gays and Lesbians need guns, too.

A joke. Please have your sarcasm detector set to 11.
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#15 glitterbot


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Posted 05 February 2010 - 08:53 AM

The schism in this country really makes me sad. I honestly can't understand WHY people are so full of hatred, distrust and intolerance. It truly baffles me why someone cares what sexual partner another person chooses, or which god they choose to worship (or not.) If you really are a true believe in God or Gods or god with a little G or whatever, can't you just feel confident that the NON-believers/sinners/whatever will get their due in the afterlife? Why bother wasting your life judging other people's decisions if you honestly believe that there is a God out there that will do it for you?
I have a cousin who is super religious, like crazy-dresses-like-a-prairie-woman religious. My mother asked her why she would judge someone else's lifestyle, using the whole "Judge not lest ye be judged" idea. My cousin said, "well aunt louise, some people NEED to be judged." So there you go. I seems to just be a blind refusal, an intolerance that won't be budged.
I felt so happy and hopeful when president Obama was elected. I really thought it was a huge step forward for our country, a sign that maybe americans were moving toward a new tolerance. Now I just feel like our country is more divided and that the haters are more confident in spewing their hate. And now you see Palin 2012 t shirts and it makes me want to puke. and it scares me for what that could mean for our country.
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