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AZ Bill SB 1070

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#1 Jacki O.

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Posted 20 April 2010 - 12:38 PM

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we kinda already have a thread about it but this is a new one. that deals specifically with the SB1070 bill (pdf link)

which has passed.

AltoArizona.com is good site for getting more info on this bill

not that it matters but the Cardinal of LA says the AZ state bill "encourages German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques"
just now!
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#2 Big Jilm

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 03:51 AM

The sure sign of unnecessary legislation is when the proposed bill makes it illegal to do or be something that is already illegal. WTF? I'm sure that this state would surely benefit from frothy mouthed xenophobes parked in their car, in a Home Depot parking lot, calling the cops and checking to make sure that the cops arrive and "do their duty" and arrest all the "illegals". They'll be taking notes, too, so they can sue the authorities for failing to discharge their duties if the roundups and arrests aren't satisfactorily completed.

The Governor may weasel on this one and allow it to become law, or even sign it, thinking(or hoping) that it will immediately be struck down in court as unconstitutional. The danger is that it won't- leaving this state saddled with a poorly conceived, poorly written, unfeasable law on the books that does no good whatsoever.

I've always been curious about this, and wish some right-leaning scholar could set me straight: AFAIK, "brown" folks have been streaming into this country steadily for decades, if not most of the last century. They've always been here doing jobs that no one else will do and illegal status notwithstanding, contributing to the economy. Why did this only recently become a "problem" of such proportion that extensive legislation, funds, manpower, and sheer force of will are needed to cleanse this scourge from our lives? To the best of my reasoning ability- the "problem" is the same as it has always been. This is merely being exploited for political gain- the problem of illegal immigration for me ranks right up there with the problem of illegal garage sales. They're everywhere, sometimes unsightly, but probably contribute a surprising amount of money to the economy. And they probably do more good than harm.

I've got an idea! lets crack down on all those illegal garage sales. I bet most of them aren't reporting that income and probably haven't acquired any sort of tax resale license either. That's a LOT of untaxed revenue that should be going into the state's coffers!
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#3 Jacki O.

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 10:02 AM

Napolitano condemns the law

interesting huffington post article on the fate of Arizona

AZ Central on the protests against the bill
As of Monday, the Governor's Office had received 1,356 calls, e-mails and faxes in favor of SB 1070 and 11,931 against the bill.
seems like more people are against it than for it....i wonder if she'll listen to the citizens of her state?

contact the governor here
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#4 Rial


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Posted 21 April 2010 - 10:25 AM

from huffington post article:

"The state will suffer from a national and international backlash should Brewer sign the bill. The US census will probably put the US Latino population at 50 million. Add other ethnic minorities into the mix and it will not be hard to stage a successful boycott of the state, by simply explaining to Americans that their family vacation can be quite uncomfortable, in a state that requires anybody that looks like they may be undocumented to carry their birth certificates with them at all times. Arizona must also worry that their biggest export customer is Mexico who as of late has been willing to stand up to American myopia."

sign that shit Brewer I always wanted to live in the south circa 1950's.
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#5 Jacki O.

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 10:30 AM

maybe she should sign it. then we can see how fucked up we can make this state. then none of elected officials who drafted or voted for the bill will get re-elected!

maybe her signing it will destroy the republican stronghold on this state?
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#6 donald



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Posted 21 April 2010 - 10:33 AM

maybe her signing it will destroy the republican stronghold on this state?

sadly I doubt that would happen :(

I just hope Arpaio doesn't become our next gov :(
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People don't give a shit, unless it affects them personally, this affects me personally!

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Message board?

This is The Shizz.

Chromelodeon manages to get all the furniture from their hotel into the lake a few years back...and people are worried about shizzies?

#7 Rial


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Posted 21 April 2010 - 10:34 AM

right!?!?! Let these mongoloids shit there beds so deep they can't get out, plus like tons of kick ass punk rock anthems should arise from something like that. But the potential of me getting a tan this summer and walking down my street with the last name RiAL could end up being sucky.

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#8 Rial


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Posted 21 April 2010 - 10:37 AM

I hope and pray Arpaio runs for Gov and gets smashed by Goddard then gets arrest by the feds for all his bullshit and McCain OD's on viagra and Hayworth chokes on a dick at a reststop bathroom and Kyle is held captive by mexican drug smugglers.

(actually i don't wish harm on these people, just want them out of power)
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#9 Jacki O.

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 10:46 AM

wait is this law saying that all legal citizens must carry documentation on them at all times or only non-whites? im confused.

what if i am just riding my bike around the neighborhood? or walking my dog? i dont usually carry my passport or state ID with me when i do those things. i hope my skin is light enough to pass.

all these silly republicans hate socialism and communism but they love fascism no?

and what is going to happen to the legal children of illegal parents when they get arrested? Are they going to go to child protective services? Are they going to sit in the jails with their parents? Are they going to foster families after their parents have been deported? And how are we going to afford to arrest, detain, process, and export millions of people?

are the people we arrest for not being US citizens going to a separate jail or are they going into our regular jails with the violent offenders?
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#10 NattiWretch


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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:01 AM

Seriously,fuck this state. Someone at work just asked if this new bill means we can shoot em on sight. I may have thrown up just a little.
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#11 Jacki O.

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:15 AM

why are people here so hate-filled? what is going on?

what if a child is playing in the park and gets arrested for not having her citizenship papers on her person? is there going to be a special detention center for children under 18? what kind of documentation do children have to carry on them in order to avoid arrest?
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#12 Quezo


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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:22 AM

Where is the Rosa Parks for Mexican people?

It seems to me that Racism is not tolerated unless it's against Mexicans.

WTF is that?

These radicalists claim to be Christians?

Jesus was Middle Eastern, and the US is fighting two wars against the people of his origin, in his name.

Like feeding beef byproducts to cows breeds mad cow disease.

Add guns and....

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#13 capharnaum


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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:26 AM

call me paranoid but,
i never go anywhere without my green card.
true story
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#14 jomama


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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:29 AM

Where is the Rosa Parks for Mexican people?

It seems to me that Racism is not tolerated unless it's against Mexicans.

Racism is tolerated by Mexicans because the Mexicans are too scared to stand up for themselves or they will be deported.

Black people never had to worry about getting shipped back to Afica.
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Isaiah 16:11 (Farting is cool)
Ezekiel 4:12 (God wants you to eat poop)
Deuteronomy 21:18-21 (Kill your son if he is disrespectful and a drunk)

Ah, the wonderful Peru

#15 Jacki O.

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Posted 21 April 2010 - 11:48 AM


the Dioceses of Phoenix, Tucson, and Gallup, New Mexico have issued statements opposing the bill

you can also tweet: petition @GovBrewer Veto AZ' SB1070. Say NO to racial profiling. http://act.ly/1wg RT to sign #actly #ufw

and Brewer has a facebook page! guess who just became my new bff?
post on her wall!

Pearce is a wacko
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