
Posted 06 August 2010 - 10:00 AM
Posted 06 August 2010 - 10:39 AM
Posted 06 August 2010 - 10:45 AM
Posted 06 August 2010 - 07:09 PM
*** Xbox: The UrVile *** PSN: The_Ur-Vile *** Steam: Low Pursuit *** Exophase: lowpursuit *** Retro Achievements: lowpursuit ***
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Posted 08 August 2010 - 12:05 PM
Yeah, I can back this idea. Shot to the head seems a little violent for my taste though. Also, fuck you for having a cleaning lady sent over so she can be scarred for life. Do what you want with your life but leave others out of it. Just call the police, tell them what you are dong, and have them rush over. At least this person would be semi prepared/trained.I respect their decision but holy fuck the execution (excuse the pun) was horrible.
Posted 10 August 2010 - 09:30 PM
pro choice on this as well - just what a horrible way to leave yourself for someone to discover AND clean up though.
Posted 11 August 2010 - 03:28 AM
No doubt. If they are part of something called the Hemlock Society, how about drinking some hemlock? Or at least OD on some barbiturates and alcohol, Marilyn Monroe style. That would be classy. Blowing your head off and leaving yourself for the unsuspecting cleaning lady to find you is well...I dunno, rude at the very least.I respect their decision but holy fuck the execution (excuse the pun) was horrible.
Posted 11 August 2010 - 08:41 AM
pro choice on this as well - just what a horrible way to leave yourself for someone to discover AND clean up though.
I totally agree. I actually found a body once of a guy who had committed suicide with a crossbow. He rigged it up and pulled the trigger with a rope and shot himself in the stomach. It took him many, many hours to die and THEN he decomposed in the summer heat for like almost four weeks. I was the lucky gal who got to find him. BUT, he was thoughtful enough to spread out some tarps before he did it, so things were not as bad as they could have been. Actually, it was more shocking and sad than gross. Stuff like that doesn't really gross me out too badly. He was pretty bloated though. And smelly.
Posted 11 August 2010 - 08:53 AM
Sweet Jesus I would never be okay again
Posted 11 August 2010 - 09:03 AM
Damn, that is crazy glitterbot!!! And How did I miss seeing that post!
pro choice on this as well - just what a horrible way to leave yourself for someone to discover AND clean up though.
I totally agree. I actually found a body once of a guy who had committed suicide with a crossbow. He rigged it up and pulled the trigger with a rope and shot himself in the stomach. It took him many, many hours to die and THEN he decomposed in the summer heat for like almost four weeks. I was the lucky gal who got to find him. BUT, he was thoughtful enough to spread out some tarps before he did it, so things were not as bad as they could have been. Actually, it was more shocking and sad than gross. Stuff like that doesn't really gross me out too badly. He was pretty bloated though. And smelly.
Sweet Jesus I would never be okay again
I am not sure how I would handle that situation before calling the cops. I know I would totally be shocked for sure. I doubt I would get sick, but I would think the smell would gross me more out than anything.
Sweet Jesus I would never be okay again
Actually it was, weirdly, not that traumatizing. for a few seconds when I first saw him, before I registered the crossbow bolt, tarps, and bloat, I actually thought he was like drunk on the floor. I was a property manager. For about 1.5 seconds I thought he was going to jump up and yell at me for entering his condo. (I was investigating a smell.) When I realized what was going on I screamed and ran out, called the cops, etc. I didn't have nightmares about it or anything. I can honestly say I have been more traumatized by spiders and scorpions.
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