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Prop 203 WON

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#1 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 November 2010 - 01:23 PM

CNN says it's true!

welcome to the 15th Marijuana state!
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#2 Quezo


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Posted 15 November 2010 - 01:25 PM

My back hurts. Alot. Chronically even.

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#3 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 November 2010 - 01:27 PM

another brick off the wall
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#4 joe.distort



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Posted 15 November 2010 - 01:29 PM

ive been withholding celebrating until it is actually ratified...we have approved this before only to have our government deny the will of the people.

this will be very exciting, as the lady already has an rx for Marinol, the synthetic thc pill because of her immune disorders and how it affects her painwise/appetite/other things. she is one of the people that this will benefit from just a purely medicinal standpoint.
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#5 bob


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Posted 15 November 2010 - 01:33 PM

makes jan brewer actually being elected slightly less nauseating.
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#6 differently biotic

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Posted 15 November 2010 - 02:11 PM

I'm happy even if it doesn't get implamented, again. Especially in the first few days of vote couting all the news on tv were all - NO is gonna win on this blah blah blah.

When things I vote yes on go through - makes me feel all warm in fuzzy about voting.

I, too, would be one of the people to benifit from this so I'm really, really hoping it does get implemented, finally.
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#7 thebiggameover


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Posted 15 November 2010 - 10:25 PM

sort of answeres for questions i guess...

new times story
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#8 fatguyaz


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Posted 16 November 2010 - 12:02 PM

sort of answeres for questions i guess...

new times story

That's a good read... Who wants to open a dispensary with me?

I was so sick last night, but then i took some "medicine" and i felt muuuuch better.
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#9 Jacki O.

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Posted 16 November 2010 - 01:02 PM

30 Facts about the New Medical Marijuana Bill in Arizona

1. The allowable amount of marijuana for patients and caregivers is 2.5 ounces.
2. IF a patient or caregiver is allowed to cultivate, the limit is 12 plants that must be grown in an “enclosed, locked facility”, defined as “closet, room, greenhouse, or other enclosed area”.
3. Qualifying conditions: cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s), Crohn’s, Alzheimer’s, cachexia or wasting syndrome, severe and chronic pain, severe nausea, seizures (like epilespy), and severe and persistent spasms (like multiple sclerosis).
4. Caregivers must be 21 years old and pass criminal background check for certain felonies.
5. Caregivers can serve no more than five patients, must keep a card for each one
6. Caregivers may receive reimbursement for actual expenses – not labor – from their own patients only.
7. Patients’ and Caregivers’ medical marijuana cards last for one year and will contain their photo, name, address, birthdate, and indication whether medical marijuana is allowed to be cultivated at home.
8. If the state has not issued a card within 45 days, a copy of the application shall have the same force as the card.
9. Patients and caregivers must submit fingerprints to law enforcement and sign a statement that they will not divert marijuana to non-patients.
10. Patients and caregivers may share marijuana with other patients for free, as long as they don’t knowingly cause the patient to exceed 2.5 ounces.
11. Non-profit medical marijuana dispensaries are allowed.
12. A patient who lives within 25 miles of a dispensary may not cultivate their own medical marijuana.
13. Patients and caregivers may not possess medical marijuana on a school bus, school, or correctional facility.
14. Patients may not smoke marijuana on public transportation or in any public place.
15. Patients may not drive under the influence of marijuana; however, marijuana metabolites shall not be proof of impairment.
16. Fees for non-profit dispensaries shall not be greater than $5,000 or $1,000 for a renewal license.
17. Dispensaries must cultivate their own medical marijuana, which they can do onsite or at one separate physical address
18. Patients and Caregivers may give marijuana to dispensaries, but not for any compensation.
19. Neither the dispensary nor the cultivation address may be within 500 feet of a school.
20. There can be no more than one dispensary for every ten pharmacies, except that there can be at least one dispensary in every county.
21. The cards or recommendations for visiting patients from other medical marijuana states will be recognized in Arizona, but they may not shop at the dispensaries.
22. Patients in assisted care facilities can be limited to non-smoking methods of use and only in certain areas; however, such facilities are not required to enact these limitations.
23. Dispensaries must have a single secure entrance, a strong security system, and no medicating is allowed on the premises.
24. Dispensaries must track patients’ acquisitions to ensure they receive no more than 2.5 ounces from any dispensaries within a fourteen day period.
25. There shall be a secure, web-based confirmation system accessible by law enforcement and dispensaries, that reveals patients’ and caregivers’ names but not addresses and how much marijuana the patient received from all dispensaries in the past sixty days.
26. Non-patients cannot be punished for being the vicinity of lawful medical marijuana use by patients or providing paraphernalia to patients.
27. Schools and landlords cannot discriminate against medical marijuana patients and caregivers, unless they are subject to federal penalty.
28. Employers cannot discriminate against patients and caregivers and a positive test for marijuana metabolites is not cause for disciplining or terminating a patient.
29. Medical facilities and treatments, including organ transplants, cannot be denied to patients for their medical marijuana use.
30. Parental rights of patients cannot be denied solely for their medical marijuana use.
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#10 jeremx


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Posted 16 November 2010 - 01:42 PM

12. A patient who lives within 25 miles of a dispensary may not cultivate their own medical marijuana.

no one open a dispensary! that way everyone can grow at home! B)
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#11 P xDITIx


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Posted 16 November 2010 - 08:21 PM

I am currently being prosecuted for a DUI as I tested positive for thc even though I wasn't high at the time I had grubbed the hell out of this pot brownie four days prior to me getting pulled over. I wonder if this new law will somehow give me a .01% chance of being found not guilty.

15. Patients may not drive under the influence of marijuana; however, marijuana metabolites shall not be proof of impairment.
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#12 fatguyaz


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Posted 16 November 2010 - 10:04 PM

I am currently being prosecuted for a DUI as I tested positive for thc even though I wasn't high at the time I had grubbed the hell out of this pot brownie four days prior to me getting pulled over. I wonder if this new law will somehow give me a .01% chance of being found not guilty.

15. Patients may not drive under the influence of marijuana; however, marijuana metabolites shall not be proof of impairment.

You gotta be a patient. We'll still get in trouble.
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#13 thebiggameover


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Posted 17 November 2010 - 08:29 AM

4. Caregivers must be 21 years old and pass criminal background check for certain felonies.

so will this DUI fuck me over? btw i have cronic pain and could get a weed card in cali if i lived there, so this is a real question for me...
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#14 fatguyaz


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Posted 17 November 2010 - 09:03 AM

i bet if you had a felony pot charge on your record, you wouldn't qualify... irony?
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#15 sweetdeal


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Posted 17 November 2010 - 09:17 AM

so will this DUI fuck me over? btw i have cronic pain and could get a weed card in cali if i lived there, so this is a real question for me...

you can be a patient but not a caregiver. in california, ANYBODY can get a weed card for ANYTHING, including "stress".
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