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#1 MikeyWretch


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 08:25 AM

The other night I played a show at a house in Phoenix called the Judy house. It’s like off of 7th St. and Pierce. Sitting on the porch a Mexican man walks up to me and asks me how I am. I tell him I’m good and he then offers me a drink of what ever he is pulling off of. I decline but tell him thanks. He tells me his name is Michael and I tell him so is mine but call me Mikey. We shake hands and he then goes into how he likes that bands play in the neighborhood because he likes to come see them. He tells me he was born and raised in that hood and that it’s cool to see stuff like this going on. Keep in mind he is nice and wasted but still nice. The next day it strikes me who he was after a friend brings it up. It was Michael Carbajal. Pretty cool. Here is a link to some internet shit about him if you do not know who he is. He was pretty bad ass in his time.

Mike Carbajal
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#2 Quezo


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 08:30 AM

cool Mikey!

I met Carbajal at the bar in Zen 32 like 4 years ago.

Nice guy. Pretty drunk. I have heard he can punch real hard.
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#3 MikeyWretch


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 08:33 AM

cool Mikey!

I met Carbajal at the bar in Zen 32 like 4 years ago.

Nice guy. Pretty drunk. I have heard he can punch real hard.

Yeah I bet even when he is drunk he could still knock the piss out of someone.
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#4 Quezo


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 08:54 AM

cool Mikey!

I met Carbajal at the bar in Zen 32 like 4 years ago.

Nice guy. Pretty drunk. I have heard he can punch real hard.

Yeah I bet even when he is drunk he could still knock the piss out of someone.

Reminds me of that movie "the great white hype" where everyone thinks fat Damon Wayans can't fight anymore.

Ut oh! They's wrong!
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#5 skeksis


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 09:11 AM

If I've got my facts straight - Carbajal family are the core of the 9th St gang, which was a big part of what wrecked the neighborhood in the first place 1980s/1990s... One of the roughest gangs ever in Phx. They own many properties around 9th st & pierce/fillmore, and an old church converted to a boxing gym. M's brother/manager had his own wife killed when she threatened to divorce him, then had other family members forge documents signing over ownership of the properties to the brother. Ugh. I think he's sitting in jail because of that.

Occasionally when M gets drunk (frequent) and stumbles around the neighborhood, he gets into trouble with the cops and it makes the news.

ANYWAY. Just saying, I don't know the guy, but his peeps are generally bad news.
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#6 billy


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 09:35 AM

what was that bar called that used to be across the street from band aids? i used to frequent the place when i lived off of central and MC would come in there quite a bit. he developed a distaste for my roomate and would always give him the stinkeye and try to start shit with him all the time. pretty funny now, but at the time he would scare the shit out of us.

and yeah back in the day he was the shit. pretty sure he was an olympian wasnt he?
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#7 JRC


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 09:46 AM

what was that bar called that used to be across the street from band aids? i used to frequent the place when i lived off of central and MC would come in there quite a bit. he developed a distaste for my roomate and would always give him the stinkeye and try to start shit with him all the time. pretty funny now, but at the time he would scare the shit out of us.

and yeah back in the day he was the shit. pretty sure he was an olympian wasnt he?

MECCA Lounge.
That place was an AWESOME "neighborhood bar" until it got hip.
I hated that they tore the place down tho . . .
Man, I am so pissed about this town right this second thinking about that . . . I just want to rant and rage.
f*ck it. not worth it.
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#8 Jacki O.

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 10:03 AM

whoa that's awesome mikey! wow that guy was amazing!

His professional career record was 49 wins against four losses, with 33 wins coming by way of knockout.

wow and a long career from 1986 to 1999!
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#9 MikeyWretch


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 10:04 AM

yeah Jacki the dude was a hell of a fighter. Maybe not the best person in the city for sure but was a bad ass in the ring
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#10 billy


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 10:35 AM

MECA Lounge.
That place was an AWESOME "neighborhood bar" until it got hip.
I hated that they tore the place down tho . . .
Man, I am so pissed about this town right this second thinking about that . . . I just want to rant and rage.
f*ck it. not worth it.

fuck yeah, the mecca. place was awesome. i used to go there in like 01 or 02. its a fucking parking lot now.
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#11 jeremx


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Posted 16 March 2011 - 10:37 AM

at my phoenix neighborhood patrol training this past saturday, the dude who was in there talking about gangs mentioned carbajal and his involvement with the 9th st gang. he used to make a "9" with his arms when he would bow to the corners before fights as a "fuck you" to rival gangs. yeah, not a great dude from what i've heard.
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#12 Coward Crutch

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 02:24 PM

Carbajal had a restaraunt in East Mesa with a huge land-gap out front I used to skate in the late 90s. It was on Main in between Power and Sossaman. I remember rolling up there one day and the whole thing had burned down and was being gutted. Always assumed it was some type of fraud attempt. Good times....
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shitty is now.

#13 weener



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Posted 16 March 2011 - 03:00 PM

If I've got my facts straight - Carbajal family are the core of the 9th St gang, which was a big part of what wrecked the neighborhood in the first place 1980s/1990s... One of the roughest gangs ever in Phx. They own many properties around 9th st & pierce/fillmore, and an old church converted to a boxing gym. M's brother/manager had his own wife killed when she threatened to divorce him, then had other family members forge documents signing over ownership of the properties to the brother. Ugh. I think he's sitting in jail because of that.

Occasionally when M gets drunk (frequent) and stumbles around the neighborhood, he gets into trouble with the cops and it makes the news.

ANYWAY. Just saying, I don't know the guy, but his peeps are generally bad news.

There was a big article in the New Times about that woman's murder. Screwed up stuff.
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#14 P xDITIx


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Posted 17 March 2011 - 08:03 AM

man I felt disgusting after drinking out of that dudes bottle, I guess cause I thought he was homeless, good to know he was just some drunk dude.
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