50 worst States
The sheriff of the area is an insane lunatic cowboy wannabe who rules the town like Gene Hackman in the The Quick and the Dead. Alabama's batshit immigration law was inspired by Arizona's own SB 1070, a racist and xenophobic piece of legislation representative of Arizona's roiling immigration crisis that was signed into law by the state's governor Jan Brewer, a perky-eyed psychopath who speaks in tongues.
Ok I agree with this statement so as not to completley turn in my democrat card with my earlier rant about the Leftards in New York. But I do take up issue with extremes from both political parties because they only believe in there way or no way.
and this is written in just bad taste. Laxed gun laws were not to blame for this...a lunitic was. I am not saying our gun laws are that great either...but saying something like this is taking some of the blame of the crazy who person fired the weapon.Arizona is swiftly devolving into a dystopic free-for-all of armed mad men patrolling the state with guns, often to disastrous effect. (As witnessed in the Gaby Giffords incident — though, c'mon, you can't blame Arizona for Jared Loughner any more than you can blame Colorado for Columbine.)
To give the Grand Canyon the only props for the state just shows how ignorant these douche bags in New York are. They are also the ones that think howling coyotes and "teal" are how we all decorate our homes out here... they could have at least given us Bisbee and Jerome as other awesome cities other than Flagstaff.
I am going to register for there site and comment and thell them they forgot to mention theshizz.org as one of the best parts of AZ...