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Did you know the shizz was born on (for) NYE?

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#16 unluckycharm


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Posted 09 January 2013 - 12:52 PM

eh yeah I guess I am an old timer, though I didn't join until a while later. I'm more like a usurper who crashed the party, though I was there with the ancients before the shizz existed (hi montoya and donald). i can remember some party (NYE?) at a space by four peaks where these guys called the 'minibosses' played at the top of some stairs or something. methinks that was pre-shizz times. woot.
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#17 donald



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Posted 13 January 2013 - 02:39 PM

Jim, that night by fourpeaks was basically the beginning of the shizz. and yes, that was a NYE party ;) 

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This is The Shizz.

Chromelodeon manages to get all the furniture from their hotel into the lake a few years back...and people are worried about shizzies?

#18 unluckycharm


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Posted 13 January 2013 - 08:08 PM

Wow, so that was shizz beginnings, eh?  I was there with optimist (i know, i know).  anyway, that was about the time of this show, which some will appreciate:


Jonny Bionic and The Trailer Park Disaster, at the Lucky Dragon:



A bunch of shizzie type bands played at the lucky dragon.  Note the Loud Americans loading in their gear here.  Also note the video focuses on my butt for some reaosn.

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