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July shows at The Trunk Space

art music all ages punk folk rock touring bands

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#1 JRC


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Posted 06 July 2013 - 05:21 PM

The Trunk Space
ALL July 2013 Events
1506 NW Grand Ave, Phoenix AZ  85007
Most shows $6 unless otherwise noted
All events All Ages
Doors at 7:30pm unless otherwise noted


July 1: Jess Williamson on tour from TX. Local support from North Brother Island, Moses, and The Small Bears. Introspective folk music with lush chamber sound.

Tues. 2nd: Mad Judy (hosted by Girl Boner) w/ Button Struggler and The Declaimed.  With no commercial ambitions, Mad Judy bust out a bitch’s brew of hardcore punk, indie, pop, and even metal to create a washtub moonshine of sound that Steve-O himself would think twice about butt chugging. A sound that's been described as "friendly bastard rock... with noise"…

Wed. 3rd: Baroque pop by Dwight Smith & Julia Lucille on tour--Indie folk music in the hybrid vein of Sufjan Stevens, Nick Drake, and Tallest Man On Earth.  with Fovxchildern and Aaron Acerno.

Thurs. July 4th: Space-Alien Donald is the only "Uncle Sam" I believe in!

Fri. 5th, 6-9pm: Art "TRANSMUTE": Mind bending art, from the serene to the unsettling. New work by
James B. Hunt:
Dain Quentin Gore:
and Daniel Funkhouser:

Sat. 6th: Many Many Minutes of Music! with '10 Speed Music', "a strange but magnificent combination of post-punk and folk" On tour from Portland, and "neo crust classy acid folk" from Two Currents of Fresno CA. PLUS locals Straight Straws, Skinny Shamans, and Andrew Jemsek. Its an eclectic night hosted by CJ Melton!

Mon. 8th: Jenn Kelly (Germany) "My music ranges from straight-forward folk to punk rock to lyrical art folk. I've been told my songs fall somewhere between the Moldy Peaches, Kristin Hersh and Joan Baez." With locals Chloe Benson, and Skinny Shamans!  

Tues. 9th: Set And Setting (FL) "If you’re going to listen to heavy post-rock like this, it’s best to do so on an overcast, gloomy day to get the full impact--Proves there’s still gold to be found out in those hills." - Decibel Magazine.  Hosted by Cassiopeia w/ Creosote Mantra!

Wed. 10th: Treasure Mammal Tour Kickoff!

Thurs. 11th: Our Friend the Mountain, large porch-folk band from TX.  On tour supporting their self-titled LP. With Marathon, and D & the Bandolins.

Fri. 12th: Where Are All the Buffalo? All Star Tour Kickoff, w/ The Balcony Scene and Of the Painted Choir! Kicking off their first tour, and their first venue! Awe, feels the feels.

Sat. 13th: "It's a party, cry if you want to" hosted by Electrisad (former Love is for Losers). With Rough Tough Dynamite, Chloe Benson, Waytansea Point, Emby alexander.  A different kind of birthday show. for Talisha Toyer

Sun. 14th: MUSIQUESTRIA! 9 My Little Pony inspired music acts on tour from across the US, and New Zealand! Genre from folk, to IDM, to rock, and hiphop!  More info here:
$10adv/$12day of.

Mon. 15th: Chaotic RoCk Night with Something Went Awry (alt/ska-jazz), Feline Trouble (punk vixens), Naked Pizza (punk-jazz), and The TK & the Irresistables (pop punk)! Hosted by Garyn!
All Local, All Awesome

Tues. 16th: 'For You, My Lady' on tour from Las Vegas. Influenced by Freelance Whales, Lady Danville, Minus the Bear, "the band aims to bring a sense of heart-pounding excitement with a breathtaking backbeat of soulful sound." With Great American Youngbloodz, more tbd.

Thurs. 18th: LYCUS (20 Buck Spin Records), slow epic funeral doom metal, hosted by Papa Greg! with Godhunter, Sorxe, Funerary.

Fri. 19th: The GRID 2013: Personal Maps. Over 10 creators their First Person Map of Phoenix, and their past. This show will mix personal history as it intersects with collective cultural history in our town.  

Sat. 20th: People People & Ditch Plains, with Clubc@z and Skinny Shamans.
A night of pop music from around town, reunion show, CD release, and goodbye concert all in one night.  Amazing!

Mon. 22nd: Andy Boyd hosts Zigtebra (from CH) who are into Conservatories, gardens, museums, ghosts, the ocean, and old churches. With JJCnV, Deep Uncle and Mizcole!

Wed. 24th, 7-9pm: Story Time Improv! Featuring Apollo 12 and Unicorn Warpath! Pre-School for adults. We lay out blankets and pillows on the floor and invite everyone to gather round.   We definitely want it to feel like kindergarten.

Fri. 26th: Avant-pop on the cello from CO with Ian Cooke! With locals The Strange New Things, and others TBD.

Sat. 27th: The Annual St. Ranger Bearch Party! & tour kickoff, with Twin Steps (Oakland) Wonderfully broken down punk R&B/Soul funk! Plus Bear State, and Webs!  Help get these dudes out of AZ, and on the road! More awesome acts to be announced!

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: art, music, all ages, punk, folk, rock, touring bands

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