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I Know I Know Ya All Wanna Keep Your Money Local...But At What Cost?

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    Shizz Captain

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Posted 13 September 2014 - 03:05 AM

Tonight while doing the standard Door Persons Duties of Checking ID, making sure both patrons & staff were safe and secure, ya know and Protecting the Owners Liquor License, sort of a shitty job, you have to make judgement calls on aggressive behavior & over intoxicated customers...all while being nice. Sounds easy...its not. A group of 4 intoxicated prospective clients approached the door. They already were acting belligerent when asked for their ID, proceed to dump their garbage onto the sidewalk in front of myself & Collin (my fellow doorguy & stand up dude). When asked nicely to pick it up one of the Guys in the group says "it wasnt us". At this point Collin informs him he just watched him do it and just pick it up...its no big deal. Bro starts freaking out on me "whatta ya gonna do, bounce me, come on" bumping up into my chest...Collin immediately flanks him and we inform him yeah...thats exactly what we are gonna do. Denied Entry...thats, that. Or so we think. I go to throw another patron out for creeping on girls and get him problem free out of the building when I get called over by Collin. In my absence from the door he was approached by the owner of Casey Moores and told we were not allowed to deny entry to ANYONE unless the SWING AT US FIRST!!! That is right...we are not allowed to protect the staff or customers of the establishment or ourselves unless WE ARE FIRST ASSAULTED!?!? We laugh it off as insane and go about our business.A few minutes later I am told to switch my post by the head of Security. I inquire whats up and I am informed he has to fire Collin per word of the owner as Collin "Cost Casey Moores Money". Thats right Collin was fired for DOING HIS JOB!?! When I hear this I immediately inform him that Collin was backing me up and that I will not stand for it and will quit in his place to save his job...I'm told that is not an option and that Collin will be fired regardless. The only Moral thing to do was quit in solidarity with Collin, which may not be the brightest thing to do...cuz ya, I sorta need that little bit of money while I get my business off the ground. Oh well...standing for the right thing is sometimes the most important currency.



The Long & Short of It, If You Support Workers Rights of ANY sort, Moral Values & Integrity you will think LONG & HARD about where you put your money in this community. If you just need to hook up with Hipster Witches & bang dudes with Neck Tattoos while trying to make your Cocaine connection...then by all means. Sadly we all know what most of you will do...

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#2 joe.distort



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Posted 15 September 2014 - 09:57 AM

hey, i was ahead of the curve on this one as i havent given Caseys any money in a long time because i hate going to tempe and dont go to bars anymore


that fucking sucks though dude. sorry

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#3 JRC


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 03:22 PM

that is really crappy behavior on the bar's part.  

Can't believe Casey Moore's is ever in danger of losing money, but good employees who can make a bro bar bearable?

Those are people you bronze and treat like trophies.  
Never been there before, no reason to start now though.

Truthfully, there are plenty of locally owned bars, and lots of other better places to go and keep money locally.


Glad you stood up for your friend, and sorry it cost you your job.  

On the bright side, you have a skill set that should be easy to shop around in the meantime.  

I suppose recommendations will be hard to come by from your previous employer though.

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#4 JRC


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Posted 18 September 2014 - 11:01 PM

Relevant, to a degree:


"I asked if it was because the servers weren’t making enough money, or what was going on.  Steve & I had observed only two tables the previous show that were just drinking water.  He talked about being a businessman, and he needs to make money, and I said I understood that, it’s a symbiotic relationship- we put on a good show, but we need a place to put on a good show, and the place needs to make money so we have a place to put on a good show. 
...  He said fuck comedy, I don’t need it at Monkey Pants.  I asked if he would let us finish out September, and he again said no, there’s no more comedy at Monkey Pants.  He said, “I don’t know what kind of relationship you think we have, but you’re wrong.

I've been following this for a day or so in my FB feed, and feel bad for these guys. I don't know them well, but they have done a couple things at TS and were real professional, and delt w/ our odd setup. 

Someone is working for you for free, for 3 years, they should defenitly get more benefit of the doubt and talk when it comes push to shove. 

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