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#793824 Good Gay Bars in Phx

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 01 September 2009 - 05:01 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Cruisin 7th, this isn't your typical gay bar, this has like chicks with dicks and weird shit like that.

FEZ, awesome food and tons of hawt dudes. I made the mistake of going in there with sweat pants one time and all the dudes saw my boner.

The Clarendon Hotel (they haven't waved a rainbow flag or anything but if the profile song on their myspace page isn't equivelant to them spreading their butt cheeks then I don't know what is.) They have rooftop partys and their pool is open to the public sometimes too and it is really nice.

Homme Lounge. Sorry if someone said this already.

was this thread really to long for you to read?

This is obnoxiously dumb & homophobic.

#793847 Good Gay Bars in Phx

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 01 September 2009 - 05:33 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I like the Pogues shirt.

#793776 Good Gay Bars in Phx

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 01 September 2009 - 03:34 PM in The Shizz General Forum

The place next to Honey Bears on VB is called "New Town"

I mean, that's what it said on Google..'cause I totally have never been there....

It's not like a clean & pretty gay bar...

Think of it like the Bikini Lounge of gay bars.

I remember it as being kinda John Watersy...

If that makes any sense...

#792724 Where Were You In "82"

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 30 August 2009 - 12:46 PM in Shows and Stuff


I was enjoying the glory & splendor of KISS - Love Gun

#795787 Rain!

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 05 September 2009 - 02:08 PM in The Shizz General Forum

This rainstorm fairly rocks so far, although the thunder woke me up. It rattled my bedroom door like a bomb exploded across the street.

yea, the thunder must've gone off right over my apartment, I swear my half dream brain thought we were being tacked.
B.O.P (bombs over phoenix)

glad it held off through F F but it woulda been kinda funny/sh*tty to washout the skateboarders.

Werd....woke right up out of my sleep, scared the b'jesus out of me.



Posted by Hooray For Everything on 30 June 2009 - 01:10 PM in Shows and Stuff

I coulda sworn I posted something here...no?

#792470 Mr. Cool Guy

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 29 August 2009 - 01:57 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Do I need to write this out in crayon? This wasn't about ME. It was about this sweet & generous guy throwing a party for himself & you people who DO normally go there.

I have NEVER claimed to go there frequently. Somehow we ended up playing there, I don't remember how, he liked us, he asked us back...I just met the guy, and yet he really impressed me, so even though I just met him, I helped organize his party. I would of thought that you who HAVE known him longer would've been more supportive. The people who were there were great, Johnny, Fatigo, Colorstore, Hooves....we all had a very nice time.

This has nothing to do with ME.

I felt badly for Daryl, that's it, I'm not sure how that makes me a jerk.

I have nothing more to say about this.

#792486 Mr. Cool Guy

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 29 August 2009 - 03:12 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I guess I did approach this jerkish, my bad. I apologize. Seriously. I hope we can leave it at that.

#792296 Mr. Cool Guy

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 28 August 2009 - 08:26 PM in The Shizz General Forum

As you probably could guess, I could give a fuck, except the dude was bummed, and he's good people....

#792269 Mr. Cool Guy

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 28 August 2009 - 05:52 PM in The Shizz General Forum

calm down, lil guy...

I'm just sayin', the guy just spent $500 on barbeque & kinda lost his ass on it...

#792259 Mr. Cool Guy

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 28 August 2009 - 05:17 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I don't recall seeing any of the "Hell Yeah" folks at the barbecue, do you John?

#780585 Did you read this in the New Times a few weeks ago?

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 05 August 2009 - 06:35 PM in The Shizz General Forum

The article didn't make me react one way or the other... The kid was just one in a line of fresh faced kids who's gonna change the world, naive, hypocritical, and perhaps not able to look at himself in the mirror & judge himself by the same standards he judges others....how is some dork-o hipster who has a beard (this month) & plays a silly instrument any goofier than a guy who puts the effort into putting product in his hair, and having a "look", and playing it all agro punk whilst he caters to fuckin' Hot Topic. The writer is a bit older & has lost some of his useful idealism & never was into 'punk rock' anyhoo...I liked his little asides, personally.

I really liked the Descendents, and although I never listen to them anymore, I can still remember what it felt like the first time I heard them.

We all, generally, think our fashion, music, ideals are absolutely right & others absolutely wrong.

The fact that the kid wears fashionable tight jeans & western shirts & chucks & also 'styles' his hair, makes me think he's not that far from being the new asst. manager of the previously mentioned Hot Topic.

So punk.

#787607 Outlaw Country Brunch!

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 August 2009 - 07:31 PM in Shows and Stuff

It's fun...and Johnny plays decent stuff...

#792261 Outlaw Country Brunch!

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 28 August 2009 - 05:20 PM in Shows and Stuff

That birdy/eggy thing was fucked up...

really fucked up.

me no likey.

#788527 Outlaw Country Brunch!

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 21 August 2009 - 09:36 AM in Shows and Stuff

I'm putting in a request for Johnny Paychecks 'Motel Time Again'

even though it came out way before the "Outlaw" thing started...

#795791 So Heres An Concept, If Your Band Is Designing A Flyer

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 05 September 2009 - 02:33 PM in The Shizz General Forum

The 'scene' conversation is always very interesting to me....

Some people are nice, but have lame bands, some people are jerks and have good bands.

So, do you support the nice people, or the good bands?

Does one want a scene of nice people or of good bands?

Now, obviously, there is a lot of grey area there..

A lot of locals that I respect DON'T really associate themselves with a scene...or at least I am not privvy to knowing their scene.

On the downside, scenes can become an overprotective bubble, and not be inclusive of good bands, because someone doesn't like someone.

There are actually a few, somewhat like-minded, bands in this town, who could very much benefit by playing together, but can't, or won't, because of personal issues.

That doesn't strengthen a "music" scene, maybe it strengthens a clique, but not a "music" scene...and I suppose that's the issue with a scene, is the fact that as much as it purports to be about INclusion in theory, it ends being about exclusion in practice.

Perhaps scenes are about music, and cliques are about personalities, I dunno.

Or maybe it's a scene when you're in it, and a clique when you're not.


I mainly think that a music community is important. Not as a way to be obligated to attend shows or to have to like everyband that comes around. I think having a strong music community serves as a good agent of awareness among others outside of the usual clientele. It also gives different exposure of a variety of music to lots of people that would otherwise be unaware. I don’t like the term music scene as much as a community. A scene implies that it is something hip or some exclusive clique instead of supportive positive minded musicians working together as a cohesive unit. If you don’t like a band, you don't HAVE TO work with them so DON'T. Its not your responsibility to promote the band but it IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GIVE THEM A DEGREE OF RESPECT. Not only is it courteous but it is a necessity. How can anyone expect to feel welcome in a community of artists if they are not given any respect or rather given disrespect. If we are all divided and filled with spite, loathing, or any ill-will we will NEVER achieve what we could if we respected each other or worked together. This being said, I am not into some stuff. I’m just not into it. How many run-of-the-mill acts have we all "scene"?(PUN) There are genres and even bands that I just can't enjoy, but this doesn’t mean that we shouldn't give them a chance or at least some respect for expressing themselves. How else can we ever feel free and comfortable to the point were we can share our music? Music is a personal thing which is why we should still be supportive. I always stay at shows for at least a little longer and try to talk to people and engage them. You would be surprised how much you have in common with someone that is completely different than you music wise.

I like playing shows cause you get to see other bands for free and usually meet some damn good people and hear some tunes.


Indeed, very eloquent.

#766814 AZ Music Family Tree/Timeline: The Grid @ Trunk Space

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 05 July 2009 - 04:14 PM in The Shizz General Forum

After I left, I started thinking of all kinds of people/bands we forgot.

Goodbye Blue Monday, Lonna Kelley, Shane Kennedy, Rum Tenor, etc...

SO much damn info and I know we can't include everything.

Yeah, I've played in a few I guess....never really amounted to shit, but I guess that's everyones story here, huh?


Zipperback Monster (Sparks, Casselman, Scott H, drummer)
Mill Bastard File (Andrew Sparks, Jason Casselman, Norman Scott Norman, SK)
Champion (Sparks, Casselman, Lynn, SK)
followed by A Starlit Pond, Young Mothers, ?

hmmm....Pelton Crane...

Let's not forget Monte Verdict Stars, dogshow, Senorita Bonfire...(I had nuttin to do with those bands but they involved Brent Miles & Bobby & Matt Wiser at times I think) early to mid 90's indie rock shit

Last Virgins of Guadalupe...Go Big Casino....

I dunno...

this is depressing...

#811536 The Shizz Halloween Party!

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 09 October 2009 - 02:43 AM in Shows and Stuff

What's the entertainment line-up?

#762543 Michael Jackson DEAD?!?!?!

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 25 June 2009 - 03:43 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Child molesting creep....

but, man what catchy tunes...

as if I didn't get enough stupid Michael Jackson requests at the Bikini already....ugh.....

#811274 New Tmes music editor says "Downtown is ovah."

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 08 October 2009 - 01:02 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I take the opinions of shizz members any day over some hack journalist from a free weekly.

Let's not get carried away...


#811106 New Tmes music editor says "Downtown is ovah."

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 08 October 2009 - 02:16 AM in The Shizz General Forum


I think the Carpenters said it best...

We've only just begun, to live,
White lace and promises
A kiss for luck and we're on our way.
And yes, We've just begun.

Before the rising sun we fly,
So many roads to choose
We start our walking and learn to run.
And yes, We've just begun.

Sharing horizons that are new to us,
Watching the signs along the way,
Talking it over just the two of us,
Working together day to day

And when the evening comes we smile,
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow,
And yes, We've just begun.

#809138 Phx art scene

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 03 October 2009 - 12:17 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Perhaps it's because people spend more time in their studio there, perhaps 'cool' people prefer seasonal variety & rain.

see whats great about being in a band here is that we don't have to worry about rain while loading our gear or snow for that matter. ever try to load super heavy gear on black ice?

Too true....Vermont/New Hampster/Mass were like that...Portland was okay, just rain, but I was only recording there. Good point, though, Chad.

#809140 Phx art scene

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 03 October 2009 - 12:20 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Phoenix is a stepping-stone city. For every 5 people that move here 3 people move away. That's why it is good for artists beginning their career. There are many entry-level opportunities and chances to get involved. Once an artist achieves a certain level of success here, it is difficult to progress without looking outside the city and region for opportunities. Therefore, artists emerge until they are at a mid-level: they're not beginners, and they're able to eke out a living and be self-supporting artists, but the opportunities just aren't available in this town as much for locals. The Phoenix Art Museum was proud of itself for featuring local artists in their recent exhibition, Phantom Sightings, but those types of shows are few and far between for locals. Think of the music scene here. There are plenty of places to play for beginning bands or hobby bands, but where do you play if you are a professional musician and can draw more than 200 people to a show? How often do Shizz bands get to play the Marquee or Dodge or Celebrity Theatre? There needs to be something in between the downtown galleries and Scottsdale galleries. Bentley Projects tried to be this--but it failed and dropped many artists in the state who had emerged and were professors in art departments who now have no gallery representation here. This is why artists who have emerged must move away in order to take advantage of bigger opportunities that just aren't available here. Creative Capital did research in Phoenix in 2006 on the art scene and this was their conclusion. Artists who want to make a plan for becoming self-supporting should take advantage of Creative Capital. They have grants and other professional development tools to help artists.


Um, how many Shizz bands, that do original music, can draw 200 people?

There are Shizz bands that have played big venues.....a couple played the Rialto, but as an opener...

#809003 Phx art scene

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 02 October 2009 - 03:33 PM in The Shizz General Forum

It was seems to me that my favorite art/music comes from places where it rains....

Perhaps it's because people spend more time in their studio there, perhaps 'cool' people prefer seasonal variety & rain. I know rainy weather=soft ground=basements, so I think that led to lot's of great music, so finding a good place to set up a studio/practice area was easy...

Maybe not, too.

(I'm a big Christina/Lara/Suzie fan....we have a lot of great female visual artists in Phoenix)

#803013 what bands

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 21 September 2009 - 06:19 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Just saw JoJo a couple months ago...