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There have been 118 items by Hooray For Everything (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#801798 New all ages venues coming to Tempe

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 03:14 AM in The Shizz General Forum

"art shit" :lol:

I used to be into thay type of art. Its fun but can get messy and smells horrid!

I had a staring contest a couple Tuesdays at the YUCCA with a guy who look liked your avatar.

Really? wait what? Was it awkward?

Y'know, funny you should ask, at first it kinda was....then, I dunno, I was looking at the guy thinking "Hmmm, he's staring back, but not getting huffy puffy...hmm...maybe he's gay?", but I just kept staring, as did he, and then, I dunno, it got kinda...umm..romantic? We never spoke....I just hope he remembers me, like I remember him...

#801602 New all ages venues coming to Tempe

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 18 September 2009 - 03:33 PM in The Shizz General Forum

"art shit" :lol:

I used to be into thay type of art. Its fun but can get messy and smells horrid!

I had a staring contest a couple Tuesdays at the YUCCA with a guy who look liked your avatar.

#801600 New all ages venues coming to Tempe

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 18 September 2009 - 03:31 PM in The Shizz General Forum

"art shit" :lol:

Usually is...

pllllllllllease Phoenix...give us more mexploitation & booby art.......

#801591 New all ages venues coming to Tempe

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 18 September 2009 - 03:15 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I hoping someone opens a 31 & up club...

or have some kind a weight minimum...

Sorry, dude....you're 5'10" and only weigh 150 pounds...go eat some fuckin cheeseburgers & come back next month


Posted by Hooray For Everything on 18 September 2009 - 03:12 PM in Shows and Stuff

bad is the new good. :)

#801581 Snow Songs

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 18 September 2009 - 03:08 PM in Shows and Stuff

Fill me in on Coats&Villa....anyone?

Oh shit...i know them...

I should really pay more attention.


Posted by Hooray For Everything on 18 September 2009 - 02:52 PM in Shows and Stuff

tell me about it....whew....

#801549 New all ages venues coming to Tempe

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 18 September 2009 - 02:27 PM in The Shizz General Forum



Posted by Hooray For Everything on 18 September 2009 - 02:24 PM in Shows and Stuff

yeh yeh yeh yeh

#799524 R.I.P

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 14 September 2009 - 06:32 PM in The Shizz General Forum



Posted by Hooray For Everything on 14 September 2009 - 12:05 PM in Shows and Stuff

I got all excited until I realized it was the Riverboat Gamblers & not the Compulsive Gamblers...

gosh darn it.

#799263 Gay Link

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 14 September 2009 - 11:43 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Posted Image

Shit...I can think of 'em faster than I can type 'em.

#799258 Hey, Jim Carrol died

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 14 September 2009 - 11:34 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Just saw this, just now....


I really enjoyed his poetry.



#798828 Rum Tenor, TDF, Juarez

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 13 September 2009 - 10:42 AM in Shows and Stuff

Neither Rum Tenor, nor Juarez, ever sounded better.

Really, really good.

#798159 Americans Observing 9/11 By Not Masturbating

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 11 September 2009 - 09:30 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Y'mean, like, less, in general, or less today? Because, for me, masturbating less, today, would be not masturbating at all, y'know? I mean, there aren't many days where I find it necessary to do it twice.

Oh, crap... It's 9/11 & we're talking about this...what good Americans we are...wasting our time on stupid shit.


#798153 Cafe Science

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 11 September 2009 - 09:14 AM in Shows and Stuff

im cool with free booze and food!

Isn't that the official slogan for ASU Alumni?

;) ;)

#798152 Americans Observing 9/11 By Not Masturbating

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 11 September 2009 - 09:12 AM in The Shizz General Forum


#796829 Bone Thugs

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 08 September 2009 - 09:57 PM in The Shizz General Forum


#796803 Currently Listening To:

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 08 September 2009 - 08:48 PM in The Shizz General Forum

a bunch of sissy shit...

I mean, compared to all the Mesa & Glendale shit that you tough guys are posting.


Portishead - third

i really like this album

I listened to this and the self titled today

While you were shaving your vagina?


Totally kidding...it really ain't half bad...shit, I did some dishes today and listened to Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las vegas...

#796457 Stuff for sale.

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 08 September 2009 - 05:28 AM in The Shizz General Forum

The Supertone sold...or is gonna...

I'll still get a pic for Mr. collector...you know who you are.

It sold to the dude from Tucsons Greyhound Soul...


#795861 Stuff for sale.

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 05 September 2009 - 09:28 PM in The Shizz General Forum

1938 Supertone Parlor Acoustic
22" Vintage Zildjian Ride
16" Zildjian Crash (B-grade)
74 Rogers Dynasonic Snare
Tascam M208

#795806 Heard a band I like

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 05 September 2009 - 03:13 PM in The Shizz General Forum

yes, they are great.

#795791 So Heres An Concept, If Your Band Is Designing A Flyer

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 05 September 2009 - 02:33 PM in The Shizz General Forum

The 'scene' conversation is always very interesting to me....

Some people are nice, but have lame bands, some people are jerks and have good bands.

So, do you support the nice people, or the good bands?

Does one want a scene of nice people or of good bands?

Now, obviously, there is a lot of grey area there..

A lot of locals that I respect DON'T really associate themselves with a scene...or at least I am not privvy to knowing their scene.

On the downside, scenes can become an overprotective bubble, and not be inclusive of good bands, because someone doesn't like someone.

There are actually a few, somewhat like-minded, bands in this town, who could very much benefit by playing together, but can't, or won't, because of personal issues.

That doesn't strengthen a "music" scene, maybe it strengthens a clique, but not a "music" scene...and I suppose that's the issue with a scene, is the fact that as much as it purports to be about INclusion in theory, it ends being about exclusion in practice.

Perhaps scenes are about music, and cliques are about personalities, I dunno.

Or maybe it's a scene when you're in it, and a clique when you're not.


I mainly think that a music community is important. Not as a way to be obligated to attend shows or to have to like everyband that comes around. I think having a strong music community serves as a good agent of awareness among others outside of the usual clientele. It also gives different exposure of a variety of music to lots of people that would otherwise be unaware. I don’t like the term music scene as much as a community. A scene implies that it is something hip or some exclusive clique instead of supportive positive minded musicians working together as a cohesive unit. If you don’t like a band, you don't HAVE TO work with them so DON'T. Its not your responsibility to promote the band but it IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GIVE THEM A DEGREE OF RESPECT. Not only is it courteous but it is a necessity. How can anyone expect to feel welcome in a community of artists if they are not given any respect or rather given disrespect. If we are all divided and filled with spite, loathing, or any ill-will we will NEVER achieve what we could if we respected each other or worked together. This being said, I am not into some stuff. I’m just not into it. How many run-of-the-mill acts have we all "scene"?(PUN) There are genres and even bands that I just can't enjoy, but this doesn’t mean that we shouldn't give them a chance or at least some respect for expressing themselves. How else can we ever feel free and comfortable to the point were we can share our music? Music is a personal thing which is why we should still be supportive. I always stay at shows for at least a little longer and try to talk to people and engage them. You would be surprised how much you have in common with someone that is completely different than you music wise.

I like playing shows cause you get to see other bands for free and usually meet some damn good people and hear some tunes.


Indeed, very eloquent.

#795787 Rain!

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 05 September 2009 - 02:08 PM in The Shizz General Forum

This rainstorm fairly rocks so far, although the thunder woke me up. It rattled my bedroom door like a bomb exploded across the street.

yea, the thunder must've gone off right over my apartment, I swear my half dream brain thought we were being tacked.
B.O.P (bombs over phoenix)

glad it held off through F F but it woulda been kinda funny/sh*tty to washout the skateboarders.

Werd....woke right up out of my sleep, scared the b'jesus out of me.


#793858 Good Gay Bars in Phx

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 01 September 2009 - 05:50 PM in The Shizz General Forum
