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There have been 118 items by Hooray For Everything (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#783874 Currently Listening To:

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 13 August 2009 - 08:54 AM in The Shizz General Forum

I love the Beautiful South......mostly the first couple, and mostly mostly the first. they were kinda like the smiths & belle&sebastian all rolled up into one.


i've been listening to the latest records by Aimee Mann, Sam Phillips, BB King, Joe Henry, Rodney Crowell, Loudon Wainright....pretty much anything produced by Joe Henry or T-Bone Burnett. That's my home music. Also been listening to a bunch of 70's country rock-ish stuff (Pure Prairie League, Poco, America)...and then he kinda stuff that I put together for the DJ thing at the Bikini, fun stuff.

#796803 Currently Listening To:

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 08 September 2009 - 08:48 PM in The Shizz General Forum

a bunch of sissy shit...

I mean, compared to all the Mesa & Glendale shit that you tough guys are posting.


Portishead - third

i really like this album

I listened to this and the self titled today

While you were shaving your vagina?


Totally kidding...it really ain't half bad...shit, I did some dishes today and listened to Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las vegas...

#802022 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 05:49 PM in The Shizz General Forum

lets turn this into the coolest thread ever. and post badass shows here

Also, the Garagshock show @ The Tribe where they did an all Mummys set.

HOLY SHIT! that is badass

OH and...

Posted Image

I'm looking more & more like this everyday, without the boat, I mean...and the bandana...but with the cheeseburger...

I fuckin LOVE cheeseburgers....with swiss cheese, tomatoes, avacado, jalepenos...oh man...CASEY MOORES...

#802014 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 05:32 PM in The Shizz General Forum

That's the spirit!!!!!

I, for one, am very excited about the Diminished Men, coming to the Trunk Space, Saturday, October 3rd...

Should be realllllly cool!!!!!!! scope out the link...

Get stoned first...

#802006 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 05:21 PM in The Shizz General Forum

;) ;) ;) ;)

#802059 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 07:25 PM in The Shizz General Forum


and more importantly, I have never played a show at library.


#801994 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 04:49 PM in The Shizz General Forum

See, people act like they don't like gossip, but it's just not true, they LOVE it.

#802565 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 21 September 2009 - 09:43 AM in The Shizz General Forum

I think it's okay to say who you like, AND who you don't like.....Is a person not supposed to express their opinion about someone, just because they are a local musician? That's silly.

My thing has always been that I have felt, that perhaps, we tend to support WHO we like, as opposed to WHAT we like....and that, maybe, we are not even interested in projects by individuals who we don't feel positively about, or individuals that we don't know....and, maybe, that's how it seem a bit clique-y to people.

For anyone out there who has made the mistake of meeting their heroes, you know that sometimes they are not the nicest people...

It sucks to sometimes have to make a decision between good art & nice people...

Man, my friends are jerks, but when they shut up, they sure do make some nice music....

Maybe that's the difference between local bands & the one's whose albums we listen to all the way through....we don't have to hang out with the 'national ones' so we don't know, or care, if they are jerks....

I go to see music I like, regardless whether of not I like the people, when I have the time & the money, and that's all I could ask of anyone, really.

There is tooooo much good music to go see in Phoenix......

#802947 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 21 September 2009 - 04:16 PM in The Shizz General Forum

It seems I remember a time on the Shizz we talked about music a lot...

no? maybe? It wasn't as much sarcasm & irony...well, except for 'Rudolpho of Pensacola'. he always kept things fun & light.

#802892 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 21 September 2009 - 03:27 PM in The Shizz General Forum

The Phoenix scene sucks cause you guys left.

It's all your fault.

#802763 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 21 September 2009 - 01:34 PM in The Shizz General Forum

this is the most amazing thread that should have never existed.

It's not really very good, and you know it.

It's petty, snippy, & mean spirited.

Like the Lame Phoenix Music Scene. ;)

#802731 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 21 September 2009 - 01:01 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I think the shizz is a jerk, but his band is okay.

#801986 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 04:28 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Three weeks ago? I believe I did state that we hadn't played that song in a few weeks.

Again, talk to the bandleader, not the drummer.

#801982 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 04:19 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I have never played a show at the Library. Ever.

#801958 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 03:22 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Not everything is meant for a message board....

and thanks for contributing to a situation that was already bad enough.

Maybe you should mind your own business, as basically, you are gossiping.

a) I just play drums, I don't get to pick the tunes.
B) we don't play it every set.
c) ever known any musicians that weren't your favorite people, but managed to write a decent song (or many decent songs)???
d) another lame part about a scene is when you DO have to pretend to like everyone & their bands...it's tiring...
e) Herb? Who the fuck is Herb?

and I IM'd you my number. Use it, ya goofball...I'm guessing we'll end up agreeing on a few things & finding we have more in common than not.


and I get the sneaking suspicion that you are Jeff Gonzales.

#801976 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 04:08 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Christ, if you live LA, why are you bothering to write on a lil ol message board in lil ol shitty Phoenix?

You're being silly.

You two can write me direct.

Stop posting your goofy shit here.

#801962 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 03:37 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Gossiping? YOU are talking about gossiping?
Is it SO incomprehensable that someone else doesn't care for your bullshit? I can assure you I'm not Jeff, just someone who sees things for what they are. Don't you want a nice write up?

write me at herbieferbie@yahoo.com if you wanna talk

I don't care about a nice write up, no...

Jeff & Matt's issues are really not for public viewing, I'm sorry that we were overheard discussing it, but I'm not sure how you can point fingers at this point.

#801954 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 03:14 PM in The Shizz General Forum

OK. For what it's worth I'm a music writer. A microcosm of the Phoenix music scene; I went to a show the other night and I overheard a few members of the band talking shit about the person who's song they were covering (THAT NIGHT!). I was appalled. OK I'll mention names. Shane Kennedy. In Matthew Reveles' band. Covering Jeff Gonzales' song Midday Epilogue (a young lady told me they play it in every set). I don't live here (and even if I did) I'm not afraid of repercussions from big fish in small ponds. Have some goddamn respect will you?

That sums up the scene; cliques, and general disrespect. LA sucks too but at least there's a general respect and comaraderie amongst the bands. Achieve that (without elitism) and there just might be a thriving music scene out here.

But the way, my name is Herb Ferguson, herbieferbie@yahoo.com

Maybe you should know what your talking about about before you open your mouth, because, once I do, you're gonna feel an asshole.

#801974 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 04:06 PM in The Shizz General Forum

and yes, I'll take the Social Security number, thanks...

and you weren't at the show the other night...

We haven't played that song for a few weeks, I think.

You can email me directly. You have before.

#801964 Why the Phoenix Music Scene Sucks

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 19 September 2009 - 03:48 PM in The Shizz General Forum

and yes, Jeff, me & my Shizz friends ( :lol: ) know this is you....as it seems to coincide with MySpace posts that you are putting up.

Sorry, folks...

Additionally, I find the downtown scene to be great & really supportive.....they are some great new bands & the ones that have been around for a few years are doing some of their best work....There are some great festivals coming up, and yes, the Shizz is putting one on. I've found the Shizz crowd to be quite the opposite of elitist, although we all are in our own way. Most, but by no means all, of the so-called "Shizz" bands (I hate to break it to you, but there are no 'official' Shizz bands) tend to rock out, and the Shizz hasn't, usually, been that into the mellowish-country thing...But their are wonderful exceptions to that....Rum Tenor, Nowhere Man & a Whiskey Girl, Lonna Kelley..and I had a lovely talk a few months ago with Donald about doing a Shizz Roots/Americana fest.....and as far as you thinking that I have any pull on the Shizz, sorry Charlie...the folks on the Shizz have, more than once, had to kick me on the ass.

The Shizz isn't some big scene that controls the Phoenix music scene...it's a lil homespun website of some neighbors, some friends, some musicians, some visual artists...every so often they put on a nice show, or festival, with some of those folks.

Certainly the way to get involved with these people is not to write accusatory & negative posts on a site that is frequented by a bunch of folks who are just trying to be cool & do their part. I have made that mistake before & I was set straight.

Also, posting anonymously doesn't work too well, as their are some hardcore technerds on here who are pretty slick about tracing IP addresses...

#811533 so who's going to shizzfest this saturday?

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 09 October 2009 - 02:35 AM in The Shizz General Forum

i'm getting in for free since i blow the guy who organized it.


#796457 Stuff for sale.

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 08 September 2009 - 05:28 AM in The Shizz General Forum

The Supertone sold...or is gonna...

I'll still get a pic for Mr. collector...you know who you are.

It sold to the dude from Tucsons Greyhound Soul...


#795861 Stuff for sale.

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 05 September 2009 - 09:28 PM in The Shizz General Forum

1938 Supertone Parlor Acoustic
22" Vintage Zildjian Ride
16" Zildjian Crash (B-grade)
74 Rogers Dynasonic Snare
Tascam M208


Posted by Hooray For Everything on 14 September 2009 - 12:05 PM in Shows and Stuff

I got all excited until I realized it was the Riverboat Gamblers & not the Compulsive Gamblers...

gosh darn it.

#799263 Gay Link

Posted by Hooray For Everything on 14 September 2009 - 11:43 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Posted Image

Shit...I can think of 'em faster than I can type 'em.