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#369524 promoters in phoenix

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 11 April 2006 - 03:39 PM in The Shizz General Forum

.....and laying it all on the line and "sacrificing" doesn't sound like a good business plan. If you look at it like "sacrificing" you are setting yourself up for disappointment and making yourself bitter. No wonder you don't respond to happy-go-lucky bands, you're too shell shocked from your own outlook on your business expenses (that YOU took the risk on) to give the bands the time of day.

Bitterness comes from listening to the very same people you help complain about you. I've had bands/venues/attendees complain for a myriad of reasons at shows. And, I usually stop working with those people and/or arranging those types of shows. As a concert promoter, you're exposing yourself to risk with every confirmed date. It's just common for a lot of the people involved to use the concert promoter as their scapegoat. This is the main point which I am concerned with. And, I don't view myself as a martyr.

#369510 promoters in phoenix

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 11 April 2006 - 03:13 PM in The Shizz General Forum

im not complaining about promoters, just saying some should try and be a little more courteous. if i take 20 minutes to write out an email politely asking to be on a show, they could at least hit reply and type "sorry, but not this one" back to me. its not like i was emailing trying to get on coachella or something... i have been in bands now for 8 years and never once have i asked to be paid for a local show, usually if we do get paid at a local show we just end up giving it to the band or bands on tour. this thread wasnt meant to attack anyone just a plea for better communication, but you can take it how you like

Honestly, there are more immediate issues I have to deal with than being able to answer every single email I receive. It's not just the occaisional band asking for a show. It's booking agents, managers, record labels, venues, promoters, touring bands, local bands, street teams & more of the same referred to me from any combination of the above. I have a running list of emails just waiting to be responded to. And, I would love nothing more than to do so.

#369496 promoters in phoenix

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 11 April 2006 - 02:51 PM in The Shizz General Forum

sacrifice? that sounds pretty dramatic.

what do you mean?

Time + Money = Concert Promotion

It's certainly not dramatic when a good portion of every single day is involved with putting on these shows. And, the financial burden of paying for them when the attendance isn't met.

#369275 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 10 April 2006 - 07:09 PM in Shows and Stuff

Tub Ring.

#369274 promoters in phoenix

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 10 April 2006 - 07:09 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I love reading posts from touring and/or local bands complaining about concert promoters. It only further validates everything that I have personally sacrificed by putting on these shows.

#368993 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 09 April 2006 - 08:31 PM in Shows and Stuff


#368298 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 07 April 2006 - 03:18 PM in Shows and Stuff

Femme Fatality.

#367605 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 05 April 2006 - 11:04 PM in Shows and Stuff

Dog Fashion Disco.

#367016 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 04 April 2006 - 03:21 PM in Shows and Stuff


#366720 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 03 April 2006 - 06:03 PM in Shows and Stuff


#366196 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 02 April 2006 - 12:25 PM in Shows and Stuff

Posted Image

Headlights (Polyvinyl Records) w/ Hiller (ex Mr Kline + the Wizards of Time) & Good Morning Providence @ OnePlace

#366193 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 02 April 2006 - 12:25 PM in Shows and Stuff

Posted Image

Dog Fashion Disco (Rotten Records) w/ Tub Ring (as seen on MTV2's "Dew Circuit Breakout!" competition), Look What I Did (Combat/Koch Records), The Attitude (ex Victims in Ecstasy) & Vistalance @ The Phix

#366192 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 02 April 2006 - 12:24 PM in Shows and Stuff

Posted Image

Koufax (Doghouse Records) w/ Cordero (Bloodshot Records), Adam Panic & Beyond Analog (Computer Club Records) @ The Rhythm Room

#366191 SceneIsDead Concerts :: April

Posted by SceneIsDead Concerts on 02 April 2006 - 12:23 PM in Shows and Stuff

Posted Image

4/20 SHOW: Peachcake w/ Femme Fatality (Collective Records), Bark Bark Bark (Castle of Sound), The Morning Kennedy Was Shot (ex Not Quite Bernadette), Ho-Ag (Mister Records) & Osama Bin Sars (featuring Grace from Landmine Marathon) @ Modified Arts