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Posted by yeahman on 10 September 2005 - 02:15 AM in Shows and Stuff

Hey, Rudolph, go get a red nose.




I swear, it's all in good fun, just like 40's.


Posted by yeahman on 09 September 2005 - 05:19 AM in Shows and Stuff

Hey guy's,

Just wondering if anyone knew about/was going to the BAM Music Festival (Big Arizona Music Festival) on Sept. 24th in Tucson?!

I know us (Peachcake) and The Necronauts are playing it, and I was wondering if anyone else was too. It sounds cool, but funny. I'm looking forward to it.

We play at 9PM at Heart V (Five) Gallery, I beleive. I'll post details soon.


www.bamfest.com for more info./line-up (kind of). Haha!!! YEAH!!!

#288710 Peachcake is playing Edgefest!

Posted by yeahman on 09 September 2005 - 05:15 AM in Shows and Stuff

Thanks guy's!!!! I'm super excited, and I baffled at the decision, but I can't wait.

We started this band as a complete joke. I don't know what the fuck happened, but thank you all so much.

#287344 Peachcake is playing Edgefest!

Posted by yeahman on 05 September 2005 - 04:37 PM in Shows and Stuff

Anybody going, eh? Eh? Haha.

#285732 Peachcake is playing Edgefest!

Posted by yeahman on 31 August 2005 - 12:32 PM in Shows and Stuff

Hey all,

I just thought I'd let you know that we just got added to the line-up for Edgefest this year!!! So, if any of you were planning on attending (which I doubt many of you were...) we'll be playing probably early. I'm not sure what stage or time yet, but I'll let you know as soon as they get us all that!


Hope all is well.


#280894 Koufax, Limbeck, Peachcake, Hiller

Posted by yeahman on 15 August 2005 - 01:59 AM in Shows and Stuff

Did you know I'm a sex machine?

#279194 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 10 August 2005 - 01:47 PM in The Shizz General Forum


#278809 dance disaster movement, kill me tomorrow

Posted by yeahman on 09 August 2005 - 02:21 PM in Shows and Stuff

YESSSSS, I think I'll be there.


#278727 Koufax, Limbeck, Peachcake, Hiller

Posted by yeahman on 09 August 2005 - 04:39 AM in Shows and Stuff


#278318 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 07 August 2005 - 01:37 AM in The Shizz General Forum

This is the funniest shit ever...
This is some funny shit...

Posted by Christian in the Fanta, The Fantanas, Myspace profile-message board...

JAZZY ALL THE WAY!!!!!!! To bad Camile isn't on here. I really like her too. Oh yeah and to all those Jasmine Bashers. She does have talent. She can sing all of her songs live perfectly. Not the many people get to the top 3 on American Idol without talent.
If u want to hear some of her songs go here!
If ya wanna hear some live performances let me know. Besides how many people listen to Techno anyway. How can u dance 2 that. It is pretty boring and gives headaches. Lol. Here are some quotes from other people on the internet when I asked about Peachcake

bituin: peach cake lol .. they're affraid with jazzie

NSN: I don't get PEACHCAKE music!

Jazz effecktZ: Peachcake is just making themselves look bad by degrading another artist

AznIntegra521: THere all just Jealous coz our Jazzie is a star on the raise

Timmyx916: What kind of name is Peachcake? You mean Fruitcake right? Looks like they're intimidated by Jazzy from the looks of their blog.

kaye: O well. Let them waste their time bashing. It won't make or break Jas.

daniNjordan94: what losers they should got drink from a toilet full of $h!t

Surfahboi22: cause peachcake fans are gay bashing losers worshipping a totally unknown group. they will be crying wen jasmine wins!

There ya go. Looks like Jazzie will be the winner and by looking at how little people know Peachcrap. We will be the ones who are left standing and happy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOOK AT THESE PEOPLE'S SN'S!!!! WHAT, ARE THEY IN LIKE 7th GRADE?!!!!! FUCK, It's amazing. This is so being considered for my LJ. This is fucking hilarious.

I don't know...I refused to vote for us, but not just because of that prick I actually just want to vote all day because those fuckers won't know what hit them. It's kind of like Cool Runnings, or something.


#278266 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 06 August 2005 - 06:39 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I will never be anyone's bitch...bitch.

#277768 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 04 August 2005 - 05:31 PM in The Shizz General Forum


So I know most of you are very aware that we're up for that Fanta Music competition, and have made it now into it's final round of contestants, and artist's.

Well...it seems as though things are getting slightly ridiculous, and humorous, leading to it gett pretty heavy (I.E. Hate blog Post's, criticism from Ms. Jasmine Trias' fans, etc.), all because they seem to know/think we must be their main competition.

I'm not one for doing this, or competition usually, (other than the genes I inherited from my parents), but I say we give 'em hell, and unleash the mass fury of votes (metaphorical word...like, bombs?), unto those bastards, and claim this shit for all the struggling, small, unknown (non-nationally ranked, non-commercial, and non-Billboard artist's) out there, and as well as all you awesome kids who support such lovely artist's, and music.

I don't care who wins, but we all know that anything American Idol affiiated does not need to be propagated any further!!!!!!

Vote Peachcake now: www.myspace.com/thefantanas if you choose...UNDER THE "DANCE" CATEGORY!!!!

Let's give those corporate automaton's hell kids!!!!

Hell yeah! THANK YOU.


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#277765 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 04 August 2005 - 05:29 PM in The Shizz General Forum


So I know most of you are very aware that we're up for that Fanta Music competition, and have made it now into it's final round of contestants, and artist's.

Well...it seems as though things are getting slightly ridiculous, and humorous, leading to it gett pretty heavy (I.E. Hate blog Post's, criticism from Ms. Jasmine Trias' fans, etc.), all because they seem to know/think we must be their main competition.

I'm not one for doing this, or competition usually, (other than the genes I inherited from my parents), but I say we give 'em hell, and unleash the mass fury of votes (metaphorical word...like, bombs?), unto those bastards, and claim this shit for all the struggling, small, unknown (non-nationally ranked, non-commercial, and non-Billboard artist's) out there, and as well as all you awesome kids who support such lovely artist's, and music.

I don't care who wins, but we all know that anything American Idol affiiated does not need to be propagated any further!!!!!!

Vote Peachcake now: www.myspace.com/thefantanas if you choose...UNDER THE "DANCE" CATEGORY!!!!

Let's give those corporate automaton's hell kids!!!!

Hell yeah! THANK YOU.


#277476 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 04 August 2005 - 02:29 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Now that's what I'm talking about!!! WOOT!!!

Can't wait to get back to my dorm at ASU and shit, so I can like rufi up some hot-ass chick or sumthin.



Posted by yeahman on 04 August 2005 - 12:08 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Come on you guy's...someone has to give a shit about this...


#277438 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 04 August 2005 - 12:07 AM in The Shizz General Forum

YES! I love enslaving women! ;)


Posted by yeahman on 03 August 2005 - 07:19 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Hey...LISTEN UP...This is REALLY important:

In Denver, CO, the state legislature has just recently now passed a law banning Pitbulls from the city. As result of this, the authorities there have gone around collecting the breed from homes and owners that possessed them. They are currently euthanizing (putting to sleep), and/or finding ways to get rid of the dogs. I can't believe how fucked up this is. I've found an online petition that will be on the Peachcake site, and I plan to plaster it all over Myspace/Livejournal, etc. If you can help me, please let me know by responding to this message, also if you'd like to help.

GO HERE: http://www.petitiono...e.com/savepits/ TO SIGN THE PETITION AND READ MORE ABOUT THE ISSUE PLEASE. :) :) :)

Not only are animal rights being entirely violated, but our own personal civil rights and liberties, as well as these people who have to suffer from this, their own emotions are being totally discarded.

Thank you.


#276931 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 02 August 2005 - 05:53 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Holy shit!

Dudes and Dudettes,

We're up for this Fanta Music Competition, and we made the overall final round so if we win, we get to go to LA and play this Myspace/Fanta party, and one of the people we're up against is an ex-contestant on American Idol!!!!!! Please vote for us (yes, again...sorrrry!), and tell everyone you know to, post bulletins, blogs (Myspace, wherever), anything man, I want to defeat an American Idol!!!!

The link is: www.myspace.com/thefantanas to vote!



P.S. Could this be stickied? I don't really care... I just don't want anyone from American Idol to take that shit any further.

#276648 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 02 August 2005 - 03:01 AM in Shows and Stuff

Holy shit!

I wasn't going to post this until tomorrow, but then I found out about the American Idol, and it was a sign I was supposed to post immediately...

Dudes and Dudettes,

We're up for this Fanta Music Competition, and we made the overall final round so if we win, we get to go to LA and play this Myspace/Fanta party, and one of the people we're up against is an ex-contestant on American Idol!!!!!! Please vote for us (yes, again...sorrrry!), and tell everyone you know to, post bulletins, blogs (Myspace, wherever), anything man, I want to defeat an American Idol!!!!

The link is: www.myspace.com/thefantanas to vote!



P.S. Could this be stickied? I don't really care... I just don't want anyone from American Idol to take that shit any further.


Posted by yeahman on 01 August 2005 - 02:07 PM in Shows and Stuff

Thanks to everyone who came out to this. It was truly awesome, and a ton of fun. We raised a lot of money for Modified! Rock!


#276365 Koufax, Limbeck, Peachcake, Hiller

Posted by yeahman on 01 August 2005 - 02:05 PM in Shows and Stuff

What up?!

This show should be fun.

7PM. Aug. 15th. W/ A ton of good bands, that have already been listed. Biotch.

Hope all is well.


#272118 Currently Listening To:

Posted by yeahman on 21 July 2005 - 07:31 PM in The Shizz General Forum


Rakim and Eric B.- Paid In Full
!!!- Get Up/Take Ectasy With Me cover single.
Tom Waits- Mule Variations
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah- ?
The Go! Team- Huddle Formation
Brand New- Deja Entendu
The Arcade Fire- Funeral
Magnetic Fields- Holiday

And believe it or not, I've been listening to all of this at the same time.



Posted by yeahman on 20 July 2005 - 12:50 PM in The Shizz General Forum



Posted by yeahman on 16 July 2005 - 09:12 PM in Shows and Stuff

Thank you kids.

We really appreciate it.

If you can or do get anyone else to vote, that'd be amazing, and beyond super-rad-fantastical!

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Posted by yeahman on 16 July 2005 - 09:09 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I'm so sexy.