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#267047 Currently Listening To:

Posted by yeahman on 10 July 2005 - 05:26 PM in The Shizz General Forum

RIGHT NOW: Prefuse 73- Interlude/Propagandhi- Refusing to be a Man.

Mos Def
Radio 4 (DFA Remix)
Motion City Soundtrack
Bright Eyes
And Mitch Hedberg

Were the plays of the day.

#272118 Currently Listening To:

Posted by yeahman on 21 July 2005 - 07:31 PM in The Shizz General Forum


Rakim and Eric B.- Paid In Full
!!!- Get Up/Take Ectasy With Me cover single.
Tom Waits- Mule Variations
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah- ?
The Go! Team- Huddle Formation
Brand New- Deja Entendu
The Arcade Fire- Funeral
Magnetic Fields- Holiday

And believe it or not, I've been listening to all of this at the same time.


#191451 is jessica seeing anyone?shes that chic in

Posted by yeahman on 28 December 2004 - 01:50 PM in The Shizz General Forum

The girl the post is about is the one I was saying I thought thought I was an asshole. I don't know who Jessi is.

Now I go eat bitches.

#210121 POLYSICS

Posted by yeahman on 14 February 2005 - 04:46 AM in Shows and Stuff

Ok, seriously...

Tucson was WAY better.

#209806 POLYSICS

Posted by yeahman on 13 February 2005 - 05:05 AM in Shows and Stuff

Dude, the Phoenix show was amazing!!!!!

Thanks for letting us play it, and we look forward to destroying Tucson as well tomorrow, yo!

I love you Scott.

Oh yeah! Mmmmm.



Posted by yeahman on 20 April 2005 - 02:18 AM in Shows and Stuff

All I have to say is, best show we've ever played.

Not even kidding.


Posted by yeahman on 13 April 2005 - 02:37 AM in Shows and Stuff

Peachcake @: Trails at 7PM!!!!! If anyone's interested.

**New EP Album out this summer..."What year will you have the world..." on Kanpai/Domo Records.**

#161200 Peachcake and the New Times.

Posted by yeahman on 23 October 2004 - 03:51 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Everyone pick up a New Times. Read the article. Michele is awesome.

Honestly this meant so much to us. Thanks everyone.

It' amazing how much nicer venues and promoters are to you. <_<

Whatev. We're just happy to be doing what we're doing.

It's very fun.


Posted by yeahman on 16 February 2005 - 11:33 PM in Shows and Stuff

Thanks Donald!!!! That was awesome. I wasn't expecting that.


Posted by yeahman on 16 February 2005 - 04:52 PM in Shows and Stuff

The Necronauts
Reindeer Tiger Team
Wax Vultures

$5 THIS FRIDAY, Feb. 18th.
@: Modified (407 E. Roosevelt, Phx.)

This is a very important show for us all!!!!!! Please come out and support it. A GOOD SHIZZ LINE-UP never goes hungry.



#277765 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 04 August 2005 - 05:29 PM in The Shizz General Forum


So I know most of you are very aware that we're up for that Fanta Music competition, and have made it now into it's final round of contestants, and artist's.

Well...it seems as though things are getting slightly ridiculous, and humorous, leading to it gett pretty heavy (I.E. Hate blog Post's, criticism from Ms. Jasmine Trias' fans, etc.), all because they seem to know/think we must be their main competition.

I'm not one for doing this, or competition usually, (other than the genes I inherited from my parents), but I say we give 'em hell, and unleash the mass fury of votes (metaphorical word...like, bombs?), unto those bastards, and claim this shit for all the struggling, small, unknown (non-nationally ranked, non-commercial, and non-Billboard artist's) out there, and as well as all you awesome kids who support such lovely artist's, and music.

I don't care who wins, but we all know that anything American Idol affiiated does not need to be propagated any further!!!!!!

Vote Peachcake now: www.myspace.com/thefantanas if you choose...UNDER THE "DANCE" CATEGORY!!!!

Let's give those corporate automaton's hell kids!!!!

Hell yeah! THANK YOU.


#277438 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 04 August 2005 - 12:07 AM in The Shizz General Forum

YES! I love enslaving women! ;)

#276931 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 02 August 2005 - 05:53 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Holy shit!

Dudes and Dudettes,

We're up for this Fanta Music Competition, and we made the overall final round so if we win, we get to go to LA and play this Myspace/Fanta party, and one of the people we're up against is an ex-contestant on American Idol!!!!!! Please vote for us (yes, again...sorrrry!), and tell everyone you know to, post bulletins, blogs (Myspace, wherever), anything man, I want to defeat an American Idol!!!!

The link is: www.myspace.com/thefantanas to vote!



P.S. Could this be stickied? I don't really care... I just don't want anyone from American Idol to take that shit any further.

#277768 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 04 August 2005 - 05:31 PM in The Shizz General Forum


So I know most of you are very aware that we're up for that Fanta Music competition, and have made it now into it's final round of contestants, and artist's.

Well...it seems as though things are getting slightly ridiculous, and humorous, leading to it gett pretty heavy (I.E. Hate blog Post's, criticism from Ms. Jasmine Trias' fans, etc.), all because they seem to know/think we must be their main competition.

I'm not one for doing this, or competition usually, (other than the genes I inherited from my parents), but I say we give 'em hell, and unleash the mass fury of votes (metaphorical word...like, bombs?), unto those bastards, and claim this shit for all the struggling, small, unknown (non-nationally ranked, non-commercial, and non-Billboard artist's) out there, and as well as all you awesome kids who support such lovely artist's, and music.

I don't care who wins, but we all know that anything American Idol affiiated does not need to be propagated any further!!!!!!

Vote Peachcake now: www.myspace.com/thefantanas if you choose...UNDER THE "DANCE" CATEGORY!!!!

Let's give those corporate automaton's hell kids!!!!

Hell yeah! THANK YOU.


Attached Thumbnails

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#279194 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 10 August 2005 - 01:47 PM in The Shizz General Forum


#191706 If interested, NEW Peachcake Mp3's...

Posted by yeahman on 29 December 2004 - 02:35 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Oh yeah, that's us being cute all right.

Fuck you man, you don't even know. You don't know how hard we've worked, and how much time we've put into this, or how many thousands of flyer's we've made to put out ourselves on our own time to make people aware. You don't know how much of our own money, and money we make off of the band we put back into getting shit for ourselves, and getting shit done. We don't use anyobne else's money for this shit.

You and your ridiculous ego need to get over yourself, and get over it.

I don't care what you think of me, or the music I or the band I'm in makes, I truly don't.

But things like articles in magazines, or the cover to one of the biggest in the state don't come to people who just are goofy, and look cute. That's not what we're about. We get to look cute on the cover because we put so much time and effort into this, and worked our asses off to make music we like.

You don't know our intentions, you don't know our politics, you have no idea.

I'm sick of people acting like they know what any band is all about. It's over. Just don't worry about it, and neither will I.

#277476 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 04 August 2005 - 02:29 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Now that's what I'm talking about!!! WOOT!!!

Can't wait to get back to my dorm at ASU and shit, so I can like rufi up some hot-ass chick or sumthin.


#278318 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 07 August 2005 - 01:37 AM in The Shizz General Forum

This is the funniest shit ever...
This is some funny shit...

Posted by Christian in the Fanta, The Fantanas, Myspace profile-message board...

JAZZY ALL THE WAY!!!!!!! To bad Camile isn't on here. I really like her too. Oh yeah and to all those Jasmine Bashers. She does have talent. She can sing all of her songs live perfectly. Not the many people get to the top 3 on American Idol without talent.
If u want to hear some of her songs go here!
If ya wanna hear some live performances let me know. Besides how many people listen to Techno anyway. How can u dance 2 that. It is pretty boring and gives headaches. Lol. Here are some quotes from other people on the internet when I asked about Peachcake

bituin: peach cake lol .. they're affraid with jazzie

NSN: I don't get PEACHCAKE music!

Jazz effecktZ: Peachcake is just making themselves look bad by degrading another artist

AznIntegra521: THere all just Jealous coz our Jazzie is a star on the raise

Timmyx916: What kind of name is Peachcake? You mean Fruitcake right? Looks like they're intimidated by Jazzy from the looks of their blog.

kaye: O well. Let them waste their time bashing. It won't make or break Jas.

daniNjordan94: what losers they should got drink from a toilet full of $h!t

Surfahboi22: cause peachcake fans are gay bashing losers worshipping a totally unknown group. they will be crying wen jasmine wins!

There ya go. Looks like Jazzie will be the winner and by looking at how little people know Peachcrap. We will be the ones who are left standing and happy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOOK AT THESE PEOPLE'S SN'S!!!! WHAT, ARE THEY IN LIKE 7th GRADE?!!!!! FUCK, It's amazing. This is so being considered for my LJ. This is fucking hilarious.

I don't know...I refused to vote for us, but not just because of that prick I actually just want to vote all day because those fuckers won't know what hit them. It's kind of like Cool Runnings, or something.


#278266 Peachcake Fanta overall Finalist's...

Posted by yeahman on 06 August 2005 - 06:39 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I will never be anyone's bitch...bitch.

#267438 Your Top Ten Songs of the Year?!

Posted by yeahman on 11 July 2005 - 08:41 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Fine you big stubborn A-holes, don't like music!!!!

;) ;)

#266983 Your Top Ten Songs of the Year?!

Posted by yeahman on 10 July 2005 - 01:01 PM in The Shizz General Forum

These are mine so far...

Bright Eyes- Arc of Time (Time Code)
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah- Over and Over Again (Lost and Found)
Motion City Soundtrack- Better Shut the Door
Caribou- Lord Leopard/Bees
Architecture in Helsinki- Maybe You Can Owe Me
My Chemical Romance- I'm Not Okay
Gym Class Heroes- Track 5 on "The Papercut Chronicles"
The Chemical Brothers- Marvo Ging
The Chemical Brothers- Surface to Air
Buck 65- Bandits

They have to be songs written or off albums written this year, and can be any band local/national.


#266993 Your Top Ten Songs of the Year?!

Posted by yeahman on 10 July 2005 - 01:52 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Come on people, this can be fun! REPLY! You can just do, TOP SONGS, not any specific number.

Oh, and apparently MCR's song is from 2004, but I think it got huget his year, so that counts too.


Posted by yeahman on 15 July 2005 - 12:23 AM in The Shizz General Forum

From the livejournal of Peachcake...

Serendipitously, we found out, thanks to an awesome fan, that we have been nominated as "Finalist's" in the Fanta Music Competition. We're up for best, "Dance" (under the Dance category), so if you have some spare time, we'd really appreciate your voting efforts!

Go here: http://www.myspace.com/thefantanas to vote.
Click on, Peachcake- Stop acting like you...and shabam! Your vote will be casted kiddies!

If we win, we have a chance to go to LA and play the big Myspace/Fanta party at the end of the summer, and hang out in CA!!!!

We just think this is pretty hilarious that we did get picked, & we like to do things that are funny to us, so this would be one!!!! WOOOO! PARTY!

Thanks for any and all support. :)



Posted by yeahman on 15 July 2005 - 12:27 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Haha, thanks guys.

Even to those who made fun...at least it's working.

Dude!!!!I Would love to replace that damn song with one of ours! That'd be hilarious! ;) Imagine: Come slowly, come again, WATCHIN' ALL THE GIRLS WITH (FANTA) COME AROUND AGAIN!!!!

;) ;)

Oh, and that fan that told us about it...she said she voted like 10 times in a row, so I think you can vote multiple times over.




Posted by yeahman on 20 July 2005 - 12:50 PM in The Shizz General Forum
