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There have been 8 items by Vacuum Tube Antimatter (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#1109752 celiac disease

Posted by Vacuum Tube Antimatter on 05 January 2012 - 02:07 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Does anybody here have it? Does anybody *not* have it but they were mis-diagnosed? One doctor says I have it, then they said it's possible I don't. The g.i. doctor doesn't think I have it but wants endo to know for sure. Is it worth getting the endo if I'm already eating g.f. the best I can? (If anyone sees a guy drinking water or sprite at the bar, that would be me.)

I'm no expert on this by any means, but you could simply try removing all wheat from your diet for several weeks and see if you feel better. This means you'd have to make all your own food so you can be sure there's no wheat sneaking in there (like Big Jilm said, you never know where it can sneak in). It takes at least two weeks for food-born irritants to get out of your system, so if you really want to be sure, go three weeks or more and keep a diary of how you feel every day so you can keep track. This probably doesn't sound very practical, but it's preferable to having your doctor charge you an arm and a leg to knock you out and run a roto-rooter up your dink.

I heard you will do it for free!

#1078883 Guitar cabinet at Goodwill $12.50

Posted by Vacuum Tube Antimatter on 13 September 2011 - 01:12 PM in The Shizz General Forum

just throwing this up in case anyone is interested.

Posted Image

I saw this guitar cabinet at goodwill today on guadalupe and rural in tempe. It's priced $25, but today is 50% off, so $12.50 for the rest of the day. I don't know what it is, but it's older. If it works, it's a helluva deal.

Why didn't you buy this? We could have set it on fire!

#1056519 San Diego

Posted by Vacuum Tube Antimatter on 26 June 2011 - 01:28 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I thought I heard Center City lost their Gibson distributorship for some unethical shit.

Yeah, from Scary Jerry @ MTroniks...

#1056110 Bob Schriner on Shakeytown Radio

Posted by Vacuum Tube Antimatter on 25 June 2011 - 10:52 AM in The Shizz General Forum

HAHA, I went to high school with Boob.

Was playing trivial pursuit awhile ago. A prank he pulled was one of the questions....LMAO

#1056108 San Diego

Posted by Vacuum Tube Antimatter on 25 June 2011 - 10:48 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Super Sound Music in Escondido is a pretty rad guitar store, but it's also pretty dense. They have some pretty rare/boutiquey stuff, but it's a little like digging through someone's attic. That's where I first found my Tokai flying V and fell in love with it.

I'd heard good things about Center City Music in the past, but googling it not only is their website gone, but not to many people had good things to say. Super Sound looks pretty cool. I'll definitely check it out if we can combine it with a trip to Stone Brewery, which is also in Escondido.

I played the best Les Paul I have ever played at Center City. A Jeff Beck Custom shop. I think it was like 15K.

Super Sound Music in Escondido is a pretty rad guitar store, but it's also pretty dense. They have some pretty rare/boutiquey stuff, but it's a little like digging through someone's attic. That's where I first found my Tokai flying V and fell in love with it.

I'd heard good things about Center City Music in the past, but googling it not only is their website gone, but not to many people had good things to say. Super Sound looks pretty cool. I'll definitely check it out if we can combine it with a trip to Stone Brewery, which is also in Escondido.

If I recall correctly, Super Sound is only like 10 minutes from Stone Brewery. That's where I went after the first time I went to Super Sound.

You recall correctly! HAHA

#1044132 wisdom teeth

Posted by Vacuum Tube Antimatter on 17 May 2011 - 12:45 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I was so high when I had mine out I hugged all the dental assistants on the way out telling them thanks and see them soon. I also tried to get out of the car and walk home.

#1039092 Osama is dead

Posted by Vacuum Tube Antimatter on 03 May 2011 - 04:10 PM in The Shizz General Forum

let this be a lesson to future terrorists. attack us once and ten years later, we'll get you back.

i want to amend this statement to say:

let this be a lesson to future terrorists. attack us once and we will spend trillions of dollars on multiple unecessary wars, kill tens of thousands of people including thousands of our own soldiers, kidnap and torture thousands of people in secret and not-so-secret prisons, lie to the UN, lose our badass reputation in the international community, perform hate crimes against our own citizens if their skin color/ethnicity/religion is similar to yours, stir up more anti-american sentiment in the world than ever before, strip our citizens of our own constitutional rights, elect racist/fear-mongering politicians who will steal money from us and be instrumental in the collapse of our economy, make people take their shoes off in the airport and throw away their hand lotion bottles, and then, ten years later, we will get you back. so there.....?

Don't forget junk touching!

#1016550 You need a cat

Posted by Vacuum Tube Antimatter on 01 March 2011 - 12:34 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Does Raja taste like chicken?