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There have been 13 items by RAMBO (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#893352 AZ Bill SB 1070

Posted by RAMBO on 23 April 2010 - 04:22 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I think I have some work to do in Arizona.

#867332 Currently Listening To:

Posted by RAMBO on 24 February 2010 - 05:23 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I kill cassettes.

They are bad design and should be blown up and shot!

#874205 Currently Thinking........

Posted by RAMBO on 12 March 2010 - 12:46 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I need some grenades.
Maybe some C-4 too.

#867186 Currently Thinking........

Posted by RAMBO on 24 February 2010 - 02:06 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I want to shoot and blow some shit up.

#874254 Its Friday mawfuggas!

Posted by RAMBO on 12 March 2010 - 01:35 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Im setting trip wires around town so watch out.

John? Is that you? Don't do it John, we can talk about this.

Where did you come from Sir?

I'm here to help John. Let's end this before it's too late.

There wouldn't be no trouble except for that king shit cop! All I wanted was something to eat, but the man kept pushing Sir.

Pushing back is only going to make things worse John. Let me come in there so we can talk.

Sorry. I can't do that Sir.

DON'T BE CRAZY JOHN!!! I don't want a bloodbath on my hands!

They drew first blood, not me.

#874264 Its Friday mawfuggas!

Posted by RAMBO on 12 March 2010 - 01:48 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Im setting trip wires around town so watch out.

John? Is that you? Don't do it John, we can talk about this.

Where did you come from Sir?

I'm here to help John. Let's end this before it's too late.

There wouldn't be no trouble except for that king shit cop! All I wanted was something to eat, but the man kept pushing Sir.

Pushing back is only going to make things worse John. Let me come in there so we can talk.

Sorry. I can't do that Sir.

DON'T BE CRAZY JOHN!!! I don't want a bloodbath on my hands!

They drew first blood, not me.

The sheriff has promised me that if you surrender quietly he'll let me take you in myself. No one else gets hurt. What do you say, John? Come on out.

They drew first blood.........

::::::END TRANSMISSION:::::::::

#874246 Its Friday mawfuggas!

Posted by RAMBO on 12 March 2010 - 01:27 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Im setting trip wires around town so watch out.

John? Is that you? Don't do it John, we can talk about this.

Where did you come from Sir?

I'm here to help John. Let's end this before it's too late.

There wouldn't be no trouble except for that king shit cop! All I wanted was something to eat, but the man kept pushing Sir.

Pushing back is only going to make things worse John. Let me come in there so we can talk.

Sorry. I can't do that Sir.

#874219 Its Friday mawfuggas!

Posted by RAMBO on 12 March 2010 - 12:56 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Im setting trip wires around town so watch out.

#874242 Its Friday mawfuggas!

Posted by RAMBO on 12 March 2010 - 01:23 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Im setting trip wires around town so watch out.

John? Is that you? Don't do it John, we can talk about this.

Where did you come from Sir?

I'm here to help John. Let's end this before it's too late.

There wouldn't be no trouble except for that king shit cop! All I wanted was something to eat, but the man kept pushing Sir.

#874237 Its Friday mawfuggas!

Posted by RAMBO on 12 March 2010 - 01:17 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Im setting trip wires around town so watch out.

John? Is that you? Don't do it John, we can talk about this.

Where did you come from Sir?

#875564 The Shizz Presents: AM or PM... I Don't Know...

Posted by RAMBO on 15 March 2010 - 04:56 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Im going to blow.


Did you think of that all by your self?

You are not slurring your words enough. I can understand what you are saying.

Bend your bottom lip more and try to speak through the back of your throat.

Also: I am impenetrable to any sneak attacks or sucker punches and am your mental superior.

IOW- Don't try anything, soldier, the power of tittays is with me. You fail. 8:L]

You were in such a hurry to come back you gave up the fact that you are not the real Troutman.

Not very sneaky... sir. Also Rocky slurs his words not me.

#875539 The Shizz Presents: AM or PM... I Don't Know...

Posted by RAMBO on 15 March 2010 - 04:22 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Im going to blow this comp away.

#875556 The Shizz Presents: AM or PM... I Don't Know...

Posted by RAMBO on 15 March 2010 - 04:42 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Im going to blow.


Did you think of that all by your self?