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#900974 shizbee

Posted by hotshizzlick on 13 May 2010 - 01:25 PM in The Shizz General Forum

hey all y'all who made shizzbee the shizziest fuckin messy noisy beutiful thing that will be done again thank you for efforts and fun and love for our place....hot licks.....we are interestd in all who would like to come to play and explore/expand and just plain crush the shit. our contacts? derrick -no where man whiskey girl.... her on this the shizz thing....E'mail plutzerd@aol.com danny--hotlickssaloon@gmail.com--Karyn---- Bar phone 520 432 3117 open late afternoon and we barely pick up the phone Cell-520 236 8432---might have minutes or 520 432 6834 the lucky caller gets me groggy.This event rattled my bones and shook old bisbee. thanks again sorry I had to be jerk and send everyone wherever glad most stayed in town found boy/babe floor yard car again lets do it again dp