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#1094350 Currently Listening To:

Posted by cath on 05 November 2011 - 02:35 AM in The Shizz General Forum

I am listening to Pinks, "Raise your glass." My teenage son says I'm too old and grumpy to listen to her, but I love her music. It all has good messages, has good lyrics, and a hard-driving beat. If you close your eyes and turn up the music it's almost like she's right in your face yelling at you.

#1094348 Halloween Hangover

Posted by cath on 05 November 2011 - 02:33 AM in Shows and Stuff

I think I missed it, but still hope will get a second chance to enjoy but I have 2 questions to ask:
1) Is this for men and women or women only?
2) Do you have any experience or advice on Vertigo? Sunday I was suddenly stricken with this plague. No ear infections, no sinus infection no nothing other than the world started spinning. Now on antivert which is as mind blowing as the vertigo itself. I'm tapping all my resources in hopes of finding a quick cure for this insanity.

Assuming this horrible plague goes away as fast as it hit me- I'm really interested in your halloween hangover!
We'll see. Right now- I'd be happy to sit up and not have the world rotate.

#1094347 Need your guitar set up or fixed? Looking for gear?

Posted by cath on 05 November 2011 - 02:30 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Let me tell you, Throwdown's new offering is crap, their sound is so goddamn generic on this new offering, they've re-recorded two old songs "Slip" and "Raise Your Fist" that didn't need to be redone at all, they also managed to slow them down!
They got rid of the "nu-metallish" vocals they inserted since their *beginning*, which I think made Throwdown special. Also, i don't know what
they did to their great guitar sound, but now it sounds like any boring metalcore generic release. DO NOT BUY, download it then delete it.