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There have been 5 items by ToroRojo (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#1087082 Stuff for sale.

Posted by ToroRojo on 10 October 2011 - 03:03 PM in The Shizz General Forum

DW 5000 Double Kick Pedals w/ nice carrying/storage case - Excellent Condition - $185
DW 7000 Single Kick Pedal - Good Condition - $40

#1084760 On Your Last Legs

Posted by ToroRojo on 02 October 2011 - 07:24 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Eh...I dunno about sharing this here.

But I've got The Cancer. I have tumor in my spinal cord at the T-11/12 level. I had a surgery about a year and a half ago. I had to learn how to walk again due to damage done by the tumor and surgery. I underwent radiation treatment. After about a year, I was basically as back to normal as I was going to get. I would always have a limp. I would always need a cane for long distance walks. I wouldn't run or jump again. But I was riding my bike with the help of clip in pedals. I could still play drums although some kick patterns weren't doable. And then everything fell apart in the span of about 2 weeks. The tumor came back in a more aggressive form. I had a second surgery exactly 2 months ago. Learned to walk again. Just finished my second round of chemo on friday (1st round wasn't bad, 2nd round made me sleep all weekend and my appetite is all messed up).

The neurosurgeons have offered me what can only be likened to a deal with the devil. Basically, the tumor will come back again and it will continue to be more aggressive. It will eventually kill me. As an alternate, radical approach, the surgeons can completely remove my spinal cord where the tumor exists (that's the short of it, it's a little more involved than that). In exchange for the use of my lower body, I get a decent chance at a cure (not a guarantee).

I have accepted the surgery. The morning of October 13 is the last time I will ever walk.

#1083868 On Your Last Legs

Posted by ToroRojo on 29 September 2011 - 05:50 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Say you had two weeks until you are paralyzed from the waist down. What would be on your list of things to do prior to that event?

Keep in mind that you are already have significant problems with your legs (going on a hike means walking from the car to the trailhead, taking a break, and walking back to the car).

You also have a dentist appointment at 2pm on Oct. 8th, so you gotta stay in town for that.

#1083866 Music/Studio Equipment For Sale

Posted by ToroRojo on 29 September 2011 - 05:44 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Sorry for bumping this guys, but I'm willing to take offers on this stuff.

#1074192 Music/Studio Equipment For Sale

Posted by ToroRojo on 25 August 2011 - 09:45 AM in The Shizz General Forum

I've been dealing with some health issues and the medical bills have started to pile up. I've decided to get rid of a bunch of stuff I really don't use anymore. Please send me a PM if any of this stuff is of use to you. Thanks.

Ampeg SVT4 Pro - the workhorse - SOLD
Ampeg PR410H - in good condition - minor scratches and stuff from loading in and out/transporting - casters all work fine. This thing is heavy though. - SOLD

Mackie 32x8 with meter bridge - SOLD

Ibanez EDB600 Bass with hard case - SOLD

Alienware Monitor 20in (not widescreen) - really the cadillac of monitors - all kinds of connections and stuff on here - $40
Posted Image

Other stuff I don't have pictures of, but I can take some if you really want them:

Alesis QS7 Keyboard w/ stand - excellent condition - never gigged - SOLD
Roland JV2080 rack mount synthesizer sound module w/ expansion pack - $200
Presonus ACP88 8 channel compressor - SOLD
Presonus ACP22 2 channel compressor - missing a cover on a pushbutton switch, but functionally fine - $150
Presonus M80 8 channel mic pre - SOLD
ART PRO MPA 2 channel tube mic pre - SOLD