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There have been 11 items by Wizwars (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#1069154 Anyone want a WIZWARS Shirt?

Posted by Wizwars on 05 August 2011 - 07:33 PM in The Shizz General Forum

These are only $6 now. I was wrong though, we only have SMALL and Medium, not Medium and LARGE. L and XL will be available soon, and we can really do any size someone needs since it's a DIY operation. http://www.etsy.com/...-wizwars-shirts

#1066482 Anyone want a WIZWARS Shirt?

Posted by Wizwars on 27 July 2011 - 06:53 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Right now we only have sizes medium and large in stock, BUT, if you want to preorder a different size you can do that. The preorder will help cover production costs (making it quicker for us to get different sizes made) and you'll only have to wait maybe 2-3 weeks for the shirt, tops. Probably less. It should be noted that the chick in charge of this Wizwars shirt operation is a 4.2 GPA student and has her shit together, we got an order today and she instantly went to the post office. This won't be no Kraid shirt type thing :P

If you want to preorder, paypal $16 to wizwars@gmail.com and be sure to put your name, address and size in the description.

#1066370 Anyone want a WIZWARS Shirt?

Posted by Wizwars on 27 July 2011 - 12:22 PM in The Shizz General Forum

does it come with a free hand saw?

No. That's being kept around for the people who don't buy shirts. That's not just rust on the end.



dude, i'd proudly wear one of these. but i need to wait until your XL's are ready, being a husky gentleman.

Yeah, we totally dropped the ball. When in the fashion district in downtown LA lookin' for shirts, I only had enough money for two dozen + a one off 3X for myself...and the people wouldn't let us mix and match our dozens, otherwise we would've gotten some XLs and some Smalls as well...It's funny because the show I tried to sell them at, everyone who wanted to buy one was an XL...So I guess Large and XL might have been the smarter investment. But I think me and my merch bitch are gonna head back down to the fashion district next week and pick up a dozen XLs. And a couple of 2Xs.

#1066348 Anyone want a WIZWARS Shirt?

Posted by Wizwars on 27 July 2011 - 11:14 AM in The Shizz General Forum

does it come with a free hand saw?

No. That's being kept around for the people who don't buy shirts. That's not just rust on the end.

#1066256 Anyone want a WIZWARS Shirt?

Posted by Wizwars on 27 July 2011 - 01:30 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Since I know I've played to a good number of ya Arizona peoples...


Me and mah Merch Bitch (well, mostly my Merch Bitch) slaved away at making the screen look good (long story) and printing these damn things, having never done anything like it before. They came out looking really good. Right now we only have sizes Medium and Large in stock, but we'll get some XLs too, and really any size anyone needs we can do, just might cost more. If at any time you've found yourself rockin' out to my brand of REAL LOS ANGELES CHIPTHRASH and want to reprefuckinsent, this is your opportunity. All shirts come with a free sticker.

#1046497 Tornados in the Midwest

Posted by Wizwars on 25 May 2011 - 01:16 PM in The Shizz General Forum

Posted Image

Before and after I found on the Mother Jones tumblr...Crazy...

Goddamn...when you see a picture of destruction like that with nothing to compare it to, you don't get the same perspective...but actually seeing what was there and what it looks like now...fuck.

I can't even imagine living in a place where tornadoes like that are possible. I've heard people say the same to me about living in earthquake country, but it's rare to even feel a small earthquake, and the big ones are usually spaced out by 20 years or so and still cause nowhere near as much destruction as these twisters that basically cancel entire towns.

#1027871 Who would let a shizzie crash at their pad

Posted by Wizwars on 03 April 2011 - 04:53 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I think I have 4 people staying here so far. I still have some floor space but you'd have to bring your own bedding.

Are Toadette and I still counted in this?

Yes, as well as Foxxdragon and possibly mrtame.

Oh snap! Gonna be good times!

#1026874 Who would let a shizzie crash at their pad

Posted by Wizwars on 31 March 2011 - 08:46 PM in The Shizz General Forum

I think I have 4 people staying here so far. I still have some floor space but you'd have to bring your own bedding.

Are Toadette and I still counted in this?

#1003181 What's so great about Phoenix, anyway?

Posted by Wizwars on 29 January 2011 - 02:17 PM in The Shizz General Forum

here it is in a nutshell. if yer young and have no chains attached to ya, come on out and take a chance. what do you have to lose?? yer hometown ain't goin nowhere and u can always move back. everything else is subjective and hearsay. experience it for yourself.

Bingo. If you're in a position where it is possible and you really have nothing to lose (which based on your initial post it seems you don't), then why not take the chance? Other people from this very forum have done that exact same thing (wasn't it pretty much Mig's situation when he moved to phx?) and been successful. Others, like MegaMatt, made the leap, enjoyed it for a while, fell on hard times and ended up returning home and finding success there. Life is a risk sometimes brother.

#1002844 What's so great about Phoenix, anyway?

Posted by Wizwars on 28 January 2011 - 03:06 PM in The Shizz General Forum

come to FL. not as hot as Phx, not as cold as PA, not as many republicans (there are a few) but most people really don't care

The weather in Florida sucks! Every year there is the total possibility that your state could get completely raped by hurricanes.

The Phoenix area is one of the few areas in the country that is almost completely free from risk of most natural disasters. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but that's something I look at in choosing a place (funny, considering I currently live in the heart of earthquake country)

#1002700 What's so great about Phoenix, anyway?

Posted by Wizwars on 28 January 2011 - 11:15 AM in The Shizz General Forum

Anyone complaining about the weather, I've experienced any kind of temperature you can imagine. I grew up in Alaska. I've delivered newspapers in weather that was 30 below freezing. I lived in New Jersey for awhile, so I've done the 100 degrees with 100% humidity thing. And when I first moved back to California, I was living in the desert, in a house with no air conditioning, and it was 115 the day I moved down. Out of those three, give me 115 any day. Sorry, Phoenix. You guys have it easy, and do not try convincing me otherwise.

Does the 115+ weather suck? Sure. But when you consider that it is usually only THAT HOT for a relatively short amount of time (compared to the amount of nice weather for the rest of the year, when the rest of the country is still freezing it's balls off), to me it's a fair trade. The heat just makes me feel alive. Freezing cold or humidity make me feel like suicide.

I love Phoenix, and I'd still like to eventually end up out there, though a number of things are happening for me in LA right now that make me less likely to want to leave anytime soon. I'd say one major perk about PHX is the rent. Jesus christ, the rent. When I was looking at apartments out there, I could not believe how cheap it was. You could rent a fucking small house in Phoenix for the cost of a studio apartment in LA. I once stumbled across a listing for a pretty nice house in Scottsdale that wasn't even as expensive as this rundown house in the ghetto (where we have police standoffs next door and shit) that I am currently living in.