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#1 Guest_castles_*

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 01:31 AM

hahah if you werent at the fall show, you missed an incredible ending. i dont want to ruin it for the rest of you but, lets just say that alcohol will make you look 199 years old when youre really supposed to be 50. i feel bad for anyone that had to pay 25 dollars.
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#2 Guest_jim_kotta_*

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 09:34 AM

Yeah, what a train wreck. We went just to watch the band implode. And implode they did. My friends got put on the guest list cuz one of them tried to book the Fall on the previous abortive tour and lost $$$. That time around, the Fall cancelled and didn't give the advance money back. Talking to the guitarist before the show, they found out that Mark E. Smith had been an even bigger a-hole on this tour than he had been on previous tours. Lots of infighting to say the least. MES had actually physically attacked the rest of the band on a couple of occasions. My friends kicked down some cash for me so I wouldn't have to pay $25 and feel ganked. We knew that if the show actually did happen, something stupid would go down and sure enough it did. 'tis a shame, cuz when we saw them a few years ago, they were quite good. Oh well.
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#3 Guest_Battarista Sucio_*

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 10:55 AM

Hey share man... what happened?
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#4 mancopter



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Posted 08 May 2006 - 10:58 AM

No joke. You're not spoiling anything if we never have the chance to see it again.
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#5 chadk


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Posted 08 May 2006 - 11:13 AM

so they didn't play?
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All the time when I tell people what I do they say, "Oh I don't understand art, I can't even draw." (or worse, "I only like art I can understand.") Well, ya know what, I don't know how to make a car, but I sure appreciate being able to drive one.


#6 SceneIsDead Concerts

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 11:14 AM

Last night became the final date of their U.S. tour... congratulations to anyone who caught their reduced set. Mark E. Smith is a dreadful human being.
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#7 aaronburke


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Posted 08 May 2006 - 11:17 AM

ok. seriously. that makes like 3 people on this thread
who have alluded to what happened. can someone spill
the beans please? you know that i'm at work and i'm
bored right?
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#8 unluckycharm


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Posted 08 May 2006 - 11:21 AM

I wasn't at either show, but a friend of mine had this review of the Tucson show:

The openers were dull, probably chosen for the ease of The Fall being able to mop the floor with them. They were one of those post-Strokes bands that think they sound like Television but actually sound more like The Knack.

Next up was some unbearably pretentious video/techno mixer who sucked so hard that I even tried to amuse myself into thinking he was actually satirizing pretentious art. Nope, this was the real deal, Bill McNeill. Let me make a statement here: unless you're like Radiohead or Sigur Ros or someone of that caliber, PowerBooks have NO fucking business being on a stage where rock-and-roll is to be played. So there went thirty minutes of my life that I'll never have back. It was amusing to witness at the end of this guy's "set" that I heard a total of maybe four people applaud him. It was like some avant-garde equivalent of that scene in "Citizen Kane" where Charles was the only one who clapped at his girlfriend's opera stylings. People were too bored by him to even boo - that's how badly he sucked.

The Fall finally hit the stage, and they sounded good. The latest line-up are like a tight revved-up Sixties-ish garage-rock band. For those of you at home, this means they resembled a cross between The Hives and Stereolab's more Krautrock-ish moments. Mark E. Smith's gaunt look and chronically-bored countenance made him resemble what would happen if Malcolm McDowell was prescibed an all-barbituate diet in order to play Frank Sinatra in a TV-movie biopic. He had two expressions: one was boredom, and the other was scouting out which guy in the audience he was going to beat up for looking at his girlfriend. Mark's latest Girlfriend-Who-Happens-To-Be-The-Keyboard-Player (can't remember her name, but it hardly matters - she'll get kicked out of the band as soon as they break up anyway) is quite attractive, actually. On a couple of songs, she was mixed louder than anyone, including the drums AND the vocals. Go figure.

Being a roadie for The Fall has to be a thankless task. Smith casually tosses mike stands anywhere (hey, I know The Fall is his band, but you'd think he'd at least make sure he wasn't tossing a stand right into the drummer's kit during a song) and messes with the settings on the musicians' amplifiers in the middle of songs. Still, he sounded good. His voice sounds better and less slurred than on their late-Nineties records, so maybe he's cut back/quit the cigs and/or the drinking.

So, the set was about 75 percent from their new album, 23 percent from their last one, and the remaining 20-plus years of catalog to choose from consisted entirely of a bored run-through of "Touch Sensitive" and a rushed encore of "Mr. Pharmacist" (which, since it was a cover, doesn't really count as a Fall song anyway). So, no "Totally Wired", no "Lie Dream Of A Casino Soul", not even "Lay Of The Land" or "Hey Student". It reminded me of when T. and I went to see Wire play in Chicago back in 2002, and their set consisted almost entirely of new material (which wasn't bad by any stretch, but left more than a few people baffled as to when their favorite songs were going to appear in the set), aside from "Advantage In Height" and a weird arrangement of "Pink Flag" that reduced the song to one repeated chord.
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#9 Hooray For Everything

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 11:30 AM

Was it at least $25 worth of entertainment??

I backed out at the last second...

I guess I should be okay with that, and be pleased that I saw them in the early 90's in PDX, & it was gooooooooooooooood.
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"HFE...sometimes you seem serious when you are joking and jokey when your serious. You make me laugh and sob all at once. Bless you, and bless the great asshole in the sky that shit you out onto earth. Thank you...thaaaaaaank you. " - bb

"Real love amounts to withholding the truth, even when you're offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone's feelings." - DS

"one persons harassment, is just another person trying to get there shit back, ever think-a that?"


SHOCKER." - Mig50

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss

#10 mancopter



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Posted 08 May 2006 - 11:34 AM

None of this explains what happened last night. :(
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#11 Guest_dynamo_*

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 12:25 PM

seriously, come on and spell out the train wreck
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#12 Guest_castles_*

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 12:42 PM

ill take a shot at explaining last night, but please make the exception that i really dont know much about the history of the fall other than what has been said on this board.

this is all to my understanding and my witness last night:

the fall was on tour with a band from south caroline called the TALK. the talk opened for the fall on this tour, and mark e. smith has been nothing but trouble on this tour. i guess the "background" info about last night is that the 3 other members from the fall (everyone except mark and his wife), all quit yesterday before the show. they decided mark's behavior was over the top and decided to fly home last night after their performance. i guess they totally missed the memo that the fall has gone through about 30-some members in their existence.

word got around to the talk about the fall disbanding, which would result in the end of the tour. i guess this is what roared up the lead singer and guitarist to throw (I THINK?!) a piece of ice at mark's head during their set. he just ran up on stage and threw it at point blank rage.

this is kind of the funny part. mark kind of doesnt know whats going on, then takes his suit jacket off and wobbles towards the dude. they both run outside and everyone doesnt know what is going on. his wife grabs her purse and runs off after him. i felt like i was in a fucking VHI movies that rock movie. the whole crew is outside and mark is running after the lead singer of the talk. they are running around an RV like cat and mouse.

eventually he comes back on stage with his wife. they play two more songs and he just is throwing shit off stage and fucking with all the members. he turns the girls amp way up and its just a mess. the band just seems really upset about everything. he grabs his things and tell his wife that theyre done. "tells her" means fucking with her moog keyboard while she was playing and just persuading her to get off stage. so they leave and the rest of the band finishes the set.

everyone is pissed, and the girl later returns to explain that "the venue didnt do the stage setups correctly" and that they were "scared he might come back". i guess meaning the dude from the other band. thank god i was on the guestlist.

i think this sums it up. sorry about my lack of history on the band.
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#13 unluckycharm


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Posted 08 May 2006 - 12:49 PM

that's worth at least a few dollars!

almost as good as watching a certain local band fight onstage at long wongs
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#14 mancopter



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Posted 08 May 2006 - 12:50 PM

Wow! That's pretty fucked up.

I definitely would have paid to see that! Not $25, though.
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#15 Hooray For Everything

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Posted 08 May 2006 - 12:55 PM

you said 'the rest of the band finished the show"...

the rest of WHAT band?

I thought that the other members of the Fall had flown home the previous night, no?
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"HFE...sometimes you seem serious when you are joking and jokey when your serious. You make me laugh and sob all at once. Bless you, and bless the great asshole in the sky that shit you out onto earth. Thank you...thaaaaaaank you. " - bb

"Real love amounts to withholding the truth, even when you're offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone's feelings." - DS

"one persons harassment, is just another person trying to get there shit back, ever think-a that?"


SHOCKER." - Mig50

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss

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