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#61 Jacki O.

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 12:41 PM

it's hard to not be a hater towards men when learning about the history of women's equality movements. It's also hard to hear about fucked up shit that men did/do when you are a man. Just like I find it hard to not get defensive about myself when i get reminded of my "white privilege" in society. Or my straight privileges.

There are a lot of haters out there (male and female) no doubt. Hating is way easier to do.

i agree, but i can only deal with so much guilt for being a white, young, male that was born in the usa (springsteen style)

i recommend internalizing the guilt and then abusing drugs and alcohol as an escape mechanism.
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#62 JJames


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 12:56 PM

it's hard to not be a hater towards men when learning about the history of women's equality movements. It's also hard to hear about fucked up shit that men did/do when you are a man. Just like I find it hard to not get defensive about myself when i get reminded of my "white privilege" in society. Or my straight privileges.

There are a lot of haters out there (male and female) no doubt. Hating is way easier to do.

i agree, but i can only deal with so much guilt for being a white, young, male that was born in the usa (springsteen style)

i recommend internalizing the guilt and then abusing drugs and alcohol as an escape mechanism.

sounds fun, ill do it
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#63 differently biotic

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 12:59 PM

It was a lovely day yesterday making the bike riding even better than usual. What I can't stop thinking about is that not once, but twice, while riding around downtown Tempe, male students in, what I can only conclude, douchebaggery, felt it was the appropriate action to yell something out the car window as they sped by me. I believe is was an attempt to startle me to make me fall or something. The second guy yelled something like "fresh meat" or something similar sounding.

How do these creatures of this nature function daily? Were they dropped on their head several times at a young age. I don't want to say they are juvenile because my eleven year old brother wouldn't even behave in that fashion. Who raised these males? Would they do this to their own mother? Or do they not have one or a bad one at that? But I don't even want to use that as an excuse. My mother isn't winning any awards of mother of the year, my father at that either and I'm a respectful person by nature. The thought to yell at someone out of vehicle's window while I drive by doesn't even occur to me. Maybe it's me that's broken. Maybe I'm obsessing over things, again, that are out of my control.
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#64 MikeyWretch


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:01 PM

Thats not a male or female thing. That happens to me In Tempe all the time.
I think its just Brodudes. they like to yell or talk shit when they are in bigger numbers than you.
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#65 JJames


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:04 PM

It was a lovely day yesterday making the bike riding even better than usual. What I can't stop thinking about is that not once, but twice, while riding around downtown Tempe, male students in, what I can only conclude, douchebaggery, felt it was the appropriate action to yell something out the car window as they sped by me. I believe is was an attempt to startle me to make me fall or something. The second guy yelled something like "fresh meat" or something similar sounding.

How do these creatures of this nature function daily? Were they dropped on their head several times at a young age. I don't want to say they are juvenile because my eleven year old brother wouldn't even behave in that fashion. Who raised these males? Would they do this to their own mother? Or do they not have one or a bad one at that? But I don't even want to use that as an excuse. My mother isn't winning any awards of mother of the year, my father at that either and I'm a respectful person by nature. The thought to yell at someone out of vehicle's window while I drive by doesn't even occur to me. Maybe it's me that's broken. Maybe I'm obsessing over things, again, that are out of my control.

only things appropriate to yell outside of a car are as follows:
Watch out!
bob saget
and holla holla ladies (but only if driving slowly next to a beach in a lowrider)
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#66 chadk


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:05 PM

there is something called the doplar effect that these guys must not know about also.
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All the time when I tell people what I do they say, "Oh I don't understand art, I can't even draw." (or worse, "I only like art I can understand.") Well, ya know what, I don't know how to make a car, but I sure appreciate being able to drive one.


#67 JJames


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:06 PM

Thats not a male or female thing. That happens to me In Tempe all the time.
I think its just Brodudes. they like to yell or talk shit when they are in bigger numbers than you.

even though i go to asu i try to stay far away from campus at all times.

I hate the student body here
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#68 Jacki O.

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:08 PM

that happens to me a lot too.

Especially when i am jogging. Guys will yell "Nice Ass" or "Shake your tits". Totally lame. To be fair though, i do jog naked.

there's an awesome phx comedian named Genevieve Rice who has this joke about taking her new boyfriend to meet her parents and explaining to them that they met when he called her "tit factory" from the window of a moving car as she was jogging. Love at first sight.
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#69 differently biotic

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:10 PM

Thats not a male or female thing. That happens to me In Tempe all the time.
I think its just Brodudes. they like to yell or talk shit when they are in bigger numbers than you.

I did notice that they become more boisterous and confrontational when in a group. Pack mentality huh? hahaha
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#70 MikeyWretch


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:13 PM

Yeah well I got hit in the head with a head of lettuce while walking down the road. I wish they would have just yelled something. Who just has an extra head of lettuce? really?
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#71 awesome


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:16 PM

yeah, I'm stoked for my prep hour right now to nom down.

I'm thinking about how stoked I am for kickball tonight! I need to get out some aggression!
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My name is Erica.

#72 differently biotic

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:17 PM

throwing food is just abuse. plain and simple.
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#73 JJames


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:20 PM

Yeah well I got hit in the head with a head of lettuce while walking down the road. I wish they would have just yelled something. Who just has an extra head of lettuce? really?

WHAT!? so many questions: Why throw something at someone? why lettuce? where would they get this lettuce? What kind of idiot thinks thats funny? and WHY LETTUCE?

if i would throw anything at people from a car it should be money or drugs. That way they get pissed at first, and then happy.
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#74 MikeyWretch


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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:20 PM

I wish they would have thrown a pizza!
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#75 weener



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Posted 13 April 2009 - 01:21 PM

Yeah well I got hit in the head with a head of lettuce while walking down the road. I wish they would have just yelled something. Who just has an extra head of lettuce? really?

Damn, I always wodered who that was telling that story on that album! For some reason I'm not surprised it was you.
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