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10 Year High School Reunion

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#1 danielle


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 04:15 PM

Mine is coming up this year in October. I figure it's only $45 to go, which is a small price to be amused. There will be dancing and drinks. I didn't like high school, but I didn't hate it either. So, I think I'm going to go...and drink...and people watch. I am carpooling with some dudes from HS that I used to hang out with, but totally lost touch with after (now we're friends on FaceB), so it should be interesting.

Any good stories about yours?
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#2 allisonorphan


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 04:41 PM

my school didnt get their shit together to have a ten year.

while cave creek is pretty big now, when i graduated, my class was fairly small.
i talk with a few folks on facebook and heard chitter chatter about a ten year last year
but nothing ever developed.

it is funny because my parents were astounded that we werent having one. they are big on going to theirs.
i think that with the changing times.....primarily the online social networking that is going on, maybe the
reunions may not be as big of a thing? things llike seeing pics of old classmates, chatting with them etc. is much easier now. i dont know. just a thought.

also, with the social networking, kids can become tighter with folks from other highschools making the loyalty to their
own school not as strong.
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#3 mattm


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 09:47 PM

i missed the ten year... was considering going out of curiosity but it just didnt end up happening. High school wasnt exactly a fun time for me, kids for the most part didnt relate. I am sure it is the same today... maybe I will hit the 20 year up... it is only five years away!
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#4 hunter


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Posted 22 August 2009 - 10:06 PM

Most of the people at my 10 year reunion are all fuck-ups and still doing the same shit they were in 2001... so I'd pass. I have nothing in common with them nor am I interested in reliving the "glory days"
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#5 chadk


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 08:01 AM

didn't go to my 10 year, might think about going to the 20, all these people on facebook ask me to be friends and i'm like who is this? and i look at their page and still can't figure out who the hell they are, but then see that they graduated the same year at the same school and still i'm like who are you already, i don't know you. i'm sorry and then i feel bad. :(
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#6 Tony


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 09:38 AM

i went to my 10 year. i still spend time with half a dozen people from my high school days, and at the reunion we all just went off to our corner and hung out. we could have done that anywhere.

at one point, a girl in my class came up to me and said that i had really upset her in 8th grade because i told her that her arms were fat, and she wanted to tell me that it made her angry. so i apologized and tried to brush it off like "hey, i was 12, i said and did some stupid shit", but she was like "no, you need to understand that you can't say mean things like that to people." again, i was 12. and i'm all for confronting the issues that make you upset, but it had been like 15 years. and i'm not going to take it back, because your arms are STILL fucking fat. two more drinks, and i would have been that guy.
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#7 negicore


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 09:40 AM

I didn't go to mine, and I never will....Not only because it's a long trip to CT, I wouldn't if it was next door. I hated 99% of the assholes I went to school with, the 1%ers I still see when I do go back, that's good enough for me...
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#8 unluckycharm


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 09:59 AM

I'd run far from such an event, but that's me. Never been to any "reunions" except a haphazard family type thing last year.
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#9 differently biotic

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 10:55 AM

didn't go to mine. I still talk and hang out w/ my close friends from HS so we can get together whenever. Now, w/ facebook I get the "i had such a huge crush on you" crap all the time. No thanks.
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#10 President Gator

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Posted 24 August 2009 - 11:07 AM

I don't know if my school is going to have one or not next year, but if they do I'm totally going! High School was absolutely horrible for me. I got beat up so bad I ended up in a wheel chair freshman year, I got expelled for bring a gun to school junior year, never went to a dance, had a date or kissed a girl etc...but ten years later I'm a pimp! Haha. I've modeled for The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, Juicy Couture, Crew, TIGI. I managed a band that got signed to a good label. I've gone on a sold out House of Blues tour. I run a successful company that I am very happy with and have won a "Best of Phoenix" award for! What have all these people who try to add me on FaceBook or Myspace done? Graduated college, working a 9-5, got married, had kids & gained like 50lbs?! Haha.
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#11 Tony


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 11:10 AM

Graduated college, working a 9-5, got married, had kids & gained like 50lbs?! Haha.

don't rub it in.
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Emperors of Japan

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#12 JJames


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 11:36 AM

ive got another six years to go but i doubt ill go.

Its not important to me. plus everyday at asu is like a highschool reunion and those kids are d-bags
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#13 MattChedda


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 03:54 PM

I don't know if my school is going to have one or not next year, but if they do I'm totally going! High School was absolutely horrible for me. I got beat up so bad I ended up in a wheel chair freshman year, I got expelled for bring a gun to school junior year, never went to a dance, had a date or kissed a girl etc...but ten years later I'm a pimp! Haha. I've modeled for The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, Juicy Couture, Crew, TIGI. I managed a band that got signed to a good label. I've gone on a sold out House of Blues tour. I run a successful company that I am very happy with and have won a "Best of Phoenix" award for! What have all these people who try to add me on FaceBook or Myspace done? Graduated college, working a 9-5, got married, had kids & gained like 50lbs?! Haha.

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#14 MattChedda


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 03:56 PM

Graduated college, working a 9-5, got married, had kids & gained like 50lbs?! Haha.

don't rub it in.

I don't think hes talking about you. Your the exception to the rule. :D
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#15 Rocquero


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Posted 24 August 2009 - 04:08 PM

my school does a 5 year, which is retarded. it was this year, and i'm glad i didn't go. i saw some pictures, and i don't give a crap about 1 person that was there. i'll probably go to the 10 year, though just out of curiosity.

also, Grosse Point Blank.
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