it seems all the sudden everyone is complaining about having to take care of other people. Oh it's such a burden for our government to provide health care or education or streets.
why should my money have to go into a fund to pay for other people's health care?
why should my money go to have to pay for other people's education?
why the fuck not? why not be an awesome country. why not educate people whether they are legal or illegal?
i'm in agreement with that. i just wish two things:
1) illegal or not, everyone should pay their fair share. i have no problem with letting people into the country, but the fear-mongering makes them hide under the radar and in some cases do even more illegal shit (like having to falsify employment documents or the like). if we could say "hey, come on in and take advantage of what we have to offer - but you need to pay your taxes and be part of the system" that would make sense to me. but whatever.
2) both health care and education seem like a black hole to me - i wish somebody could streamline it and make my dollar worth more. but that's such a pipe dream that it's not even worth mentioning.