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So Much For Affordable Health Care

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#31 JRC


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Posted 28 June 2012 - 11:50 AM

Hey, so, I didn't expect that, hu.

Whadaya think?

Still don't like the way the system got set up--think it's kind of a sliding slope/dangerous precedent as far as mandates on individuals, and hands more $$ to private companies.

But it's something...
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#32 weener



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Posted 28 June 2012 - 10:38 PM

I'm hoping that the slope will slide in the other direction, towards getting the American people health care where the quality is less based on how rich you are.

I appreciate that under Obamacare (is that a derogatory term for it? I'm out of the loop) made it so my yearly gyno visit was free. I also talked to Scar (used to post here, remember?) and he is finally able to get health insurance after years of not having it because no one would cover him with all his health problems. I think that helping the millions of people like him in this country is worth the whining from people who think that tax is theft.

While Obama is far from perfect, he's doing a way better job of angling for my vote than the Repubes who think I should die in a ditch of AIDS because I've had sex before.
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#33 Jacki O.

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 12:15 PM

While Obama is far from perfect, he's doing a way better job of angling for my vote than the Repubes who think I should die in a ditch of AIDS because I've had sex before.

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#34 JRC


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Posted 03 July 2012 - 11:46 PM

While Obama is far from perfect, he's doing a way better job of angling for my vote than the Repubes who think I should die in a ditch of AIDS because I've had sex before.


They should toss in free vasectomies for the men.
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#35 weener



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Posted 04 July 2012 - 12:16 AM

They totally should. Not having babies saves everyone money.
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#36 Guy In Rubber Suit

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Posted 05 July 2012 - 10:17 PM

They totally should. Not having babies saves everyone money.

Not having babies is denying God's gift to women of them having dozens of babies and staying in the kitchen!

I'm mildly glad that the Obamacare (fairly certain it's derogatory, just don't feel like looking up the full name) was upheld by the Supreme Court. We'll see how well this turns out in a few years. Hopefully for the better overall.
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#37 thebiggameover


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 07:34 AM

I also talked to Scar (used to post here, remember?) and he is finally able to get health insurance after years of not having it because no one would cover him with all his health problems.

this is good to hear....
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#38 joe.distort



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Posted 09 July 2012 - 02:31 PM

fun fact: under this law, these companies that are for-profit must report the percentage of their income that is spent on paying out claims, payroll, etc through their tax reporting. if that number doesnt reach 80% of their net, they have to pay it back to the enrollees. i just got a check for the difference of last year! its not a ton of money, but its money. also fun: since i wasnt paying the premiums, yet the check is addressed to me and not the company, its a total bonus
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