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What grinds my gears!

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#16 Quezo


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Posted 23 September 2010 - 02:37 PM

i can't stand foodies. most of the ones i've interacted with are elitist pricks.

it's not that we're elitists - it's just that we're better than you. don't take it personally.

Go eat a sour ornamental orange.

I will make ornamental orange curd sweetened with local honey, and eat it with foir gras on crostini, and a dry aged port.
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#17 Tony


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Posted 23 September 2010 - 02:54 PM

i can't stand foodies. most of the ones i've interacted with are elitist pricks.

it's not that we're elitists - it's just that we're better than you. don't take it personally.

Go eat a sour ornamental orange.

I will make ornamental orange curd sweetened with local honey, and eat it with foir gras on crostini, and a dry aged port.

god damn, that sounds good.

we could have some sort of iron chef sour orange festival, where we each make like 5 dishes focused on the sour orange. then we can eat them in front of viewfinder and talk about how superior we are while he cries himself to sleep.
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Emperors of Japan

My thesis is called the "Black-Emperor-Says Theory" and holds that any any Phoenix-area indie rock festival there is a 100 percent probability that Emperors of Japan, Black Carl, and/or What Laura Says will be on the bill.

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#18 Guest_viewfinder_*

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Posted 23 September 2010 - 02:57 PM

i can't stand foodies. most of the ones i've interacted with are elitist pricks.

it's not that we're elitists - it's just that we're better than you. don't take it personally.

Go eat a sour ornamental orange.

I will make ornamental orange curd sweetened with local honey, and eat it with foir gras on crostini, and a dry aged port.

god damn, that sounds good.

we could have some sort of iron chef sour orange festival, where we each make like 5 dishes focused on the sour orange. then we can eat them in front of viewfinder and talk about how superior we are while he cries himself to sleep.

Yeah you should. Post it on Yelp.
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#19 Quezo


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Posted 23 September 2010 - 03:11 PM

i can't stand foodies. most of the ones i've interacted with are elitist pricks.

it's not that we're elitists - it's just that we're better than you. don't take it personally.

Go eat a sour ornamental orange.

I will make ornamental orange curd sweetened with local honey, and eat it with foir gras on crostini, and a dry aged port.

god damn, that sounds good.

we could have some sort of iron chef sour orange festival, where we each make like 5 dishes focused on the sour orange. then we can eat them in front of viewfinder and talk about how superior we are while he cries himself to sleep.

Let us do this. I would challenge you Tony. Although I do not make some of the extravagant foods you do,
I have other areas pretty much locked in. :)

Face it Tony, my suggestion was the only creative food beside your own that has sounded good for a couple of days.

We should offer some to VF though.

Can nobody bring him a snack?

(@ VF - I saw your post earier, and I hope you were able to eat, sir)
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#20 joe.distort



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Posted 23 September 2010 - 03:20 PM

people that think things stopped mattering when they stopped being interested. one of my worst fucking pet peeves of all time...yet i probably do it hahah

but seriously, can we make stuff with ornamental oranges???? i get a fuck load of them come winter. they just clutter up my little courtyard area.

one time i found one that hit the ground and split like a perfect pac man. it made my day

im a nerdy loser
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#21 mancopter



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Posted 23 September 2010 - 03:22 PM

people that think things stopped mattering when they stopped being interested. one of my worst fucking pet peeves of all time...yet i probably do it hahah

That's a good one. I know I'm guilty of that.
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#22 Quezo


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Posted 23 September 2010 - 03:22 PM

nerdy loser

Oxymoron Alert!
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#23 negicore


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Posted 23 September 2010 - 03:25 PM

people that think things stopped mattering when they stopped being interested. one of my worst fucking pet peeves of all time...yet i probably do it hahah

That's a good one. I know I'm guilty of that.

That shit is the worst!

I remember a long time ago, CIV's 1st non NYC show was in CT and Anthony kept saying, "Hard core is back!" Why because you are? Sorry man, but that shit was around while you were in retirement...
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the next time the star shoots across the sky, I'm gonna grab it, and smash it, under my feet...http://djjohnnyvolume.tumblr.com/

#24 joe.distort



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Posted 23 September 2010 - 03:31 PM

nerdy loser

Oxymoron Alert!

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#25 Quezo


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Posted 23 September 2010 - 03:34 PM

nerdy loser

Oxymoron Alert!


Nerdy + loser = does not compute

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#26 Tony


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Posted 23 September 2010 - 04:03 PM

but seriously, can we make stuff with ornamental oranges???? i get a fuck load of them come winter. they just clutter up my little courtyard area.

this probably belongs in the "currently cooking with ornamental oranges thread", but based on quezo's input from today:

orange marmalade
orange curd sweetened with (local) honey

and from my own experience, i've used the juice in place of lime juice or other citrus in recipes. it's called for specifically as a marinating ingredient in a lot of cuban food (mojo, for example). i also use it in cocktails all the time - mojitos rule.

oh, and dave i'd totally have a food extravaganza with you. i don't know if i want to make it a competition (it's the culinary equivalent of a battle of the bands), but let's do it. in deference to the people who get their gears grinded by you and me derailing their threads, we should probalby start another one to discuss it...
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Emperors of Japan

My thesis is called the "Black-Emperor-Says Theory" and holds that any any Phoenix-area indie rock festival there is a 100 percent probability that Emperors of Japan, Black Carl, and/or What Laura Says will be on the bill.

- Martin Shizzmore

#27 Quezo


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Posted 23 September 2010 - 04:04 PM

but seriously, can we make stuff with ornamental oranges???? i get a fuck load of them come winter. they just clutter up my little courtyard area.

this probably belongs in the "currently cooking with ornamental oranges thread", but based on quezo's input from today:

orange marmalade
orange curd sweetened with (local) honey

and from my own experience, i've used the juice in place of lime juice or other citrus in recipes. it's called for specifically as a marinating ingredient in a lot of cuban food (mojo, for example). i also use it in cocktails all the time - mojitos rule.

oh, and dave i'd totally have a food extravaganza with you. i don't know if i want to make it a competition (it's the culinary equivalent of a battle of the bands), but let's do it. in deference to the people who get their gears grinded by you and me derailing their threads, we should probalby start another one to discuss it...

muahahahahaha! indeed!
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#28 differently biotic

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Posted 23 September 2010 - 04:08 PM

so orange curd is basically like a sweet hollindaise? Interesting.
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#29 joe.distort



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Posted 23 September 2010 - 04:09 PM

hahaha, nice

although lately im beginning to wonder if im actually a non-ironic loser

(whine whine whine)
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#30 MikeyWretch


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Posted 23 September 2010 - 04:10 PM

people talking to me even after I never even turn my head to look at them or respond.
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