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What's so great about Phoenix, anyway?

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#61 Wizwars


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Posted 29 January 2011 - 02:17 PM

here it is in a nutshell. if yer young and have no chains attached to ya, come on out and take a chance. what do you have to lose?? yer hometown ain't goin nowhere and u can always move back. everything else is subjective and hearsay. experience it for yourself.

Bingo. If you're in a position where it is possible and you really have nothing to lose (which based on your initial post it seems you don't), then why not take the chance? Other people from this very forum have done that exact same thing (wasn't it pretty much Mig's situation when he moved to phx?) and been successful. Others, like MegaMatt, made the leap, enjoyed it for a while, fell on hard times and ended up returning home and finding success there. Life is a risk sometimes brother.
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#62 apstrougo


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Posted 30 January 2011 - 02:48 PM

I loved reading all of these -
I've lived here my whole life...
What's kept me here? Nothing that hasn't generally been mentioned by everyone else, also family, work, etc...

The desert/outdoors have a simple beauty that I could spend forever figuring out/appreciating.

I get really goddam frustrated when great places close/get torn down or likewise, when some hotshot developer comes in and builds what they think is the right solution for the city (which they barely know)

But the places that have remained have a close tie, the 'inner' layer is tight and growing.

And despite the fact I've lived here my whole life, every few months there's something brand new (for better or worse). Always seems to be something to discover.
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#63 JJames


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Posted 31 January 2011 - 11:19 PM

it was like 75 degrees on christmas. FUCKING LOVE ARIZONA
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#64 thundertortoise


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Posted 02 February 2011 - 02:32 AM

Phoenix is GREAT! But so are other places. Just effing DO it! I mean, if you want to.


- The weather. Everyone has mentioned all the basic pros/cons. Lack of major natural disasters is always good though. .
- Because of the weather. . lots of datacenters and call centers. Tech stuff if you're looking for it
- There's always telemarketing! haha. no but really. .
- good eats once you find them
- the cultural "second layer" . . . It's there, just gotta look for it and don't fall for lame generalizations. If you went to a bunch of shows for a little while you'd learn where all the cool stuff is pretty quickly, plus you already have some friends here
- If you like gardening there's a realllly long growing season


- easy to fall into a rut, whether it be broke downtown person, complacent suburbian person, party-addled person. . . etc.
- people look at you weird if you say "Good morning" or the like on the street most of the time
- people get effing CRAZY when it's hot outside
- local political whackos

That's my $.02. Visit. If it blows go somewhere else, no big. ;)
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#65 raubhimself



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Posted 02 February 2011 - 12:13 PM

PHL Philadelphia
Feb 28, 2011
11:10 AM

PHX Phoenix
Feb 28, 2011
04:35 PM
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'the smuggest amongst us will always be the quickest to point out the most minor transgressions of others around them'- a quote i just made up and put quotes around to make it seem slightly fancier

#66 Tender Lad

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Posted 02 February 2011 - 12:41 PM

PHL Philadelphia
Feb 28, 2011
11:10 AM

PHX Phoenix
Feb 28, 2011
04:35 PM

You ain't fuckin' around!
Is this the move or reconnaissance?
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#67 raubhimself



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Posted 02 February 2011 - 12:56 PM

Just a little desert recon.
Posted Image
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'the smuggest amongst us will always be the quickest to point out the most minor transgressions of others around them'- a quote i just made up and put quotes around to make it seem slightly fancier

#68 DoctorShumway


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Posted 02 February 2011 - 01:01 PM

Hitman One to Hitman Actual. You got eyes on that target?
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Take your time old man/These vultures are happy to wait

#69 Quezo


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Posted 02 February 2011 - 01:09 PM


Just stay until you get a job, then go back to get yer stuffs!

yay raub
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#70 fatguyaz


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Posted 02 February 2011 - 02:33 PM

Welcome! (almost)
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I still don't have a signature.

#71 Danosaur


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Posted 02 February 2011 - 07:49 PM

Don't move to mesa, which is loaded with mormons and meth, horrible horrible town I guess there are good parts of mesa but I wouldn't know.
You always here people say, man this town is so friendly, or man this town has so many rude people. I have heard both of phoenix, it just depends on your outlook on things. Most everyone I think is fairly friendly, but that's just my opinion, I am sure there is someone who thinks otherwise

Hey...careful now...of course i now live on the nexus of Tempe Chandler and Mesa (101 and Guadalupe)...but I'm a native to Mesa...its just that our city government is overrun with lameness...Mormons aren't that bad ( im not one) they can be the best neighbors because they won't be total dicks.

AZ = Awezome...

thread over.
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#72 fatguyaz


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Posted 03 February 2011 - 10:57 AM

Don't move to mesa, which is loaded with mormons and meth, horrible horrible town I guess there are good parts of mesa but I wouldn't know.
You always here people say, man this town is so friendly, or man this town has so many rude people. I have heard both of phoenix, it just depends on your outlook on things. Most everyone I think is fairly friendly, but that's just my opinion, I am sure there is someone who thinks otherwise

Hey...careful now...of course i now live on the nexus of Tempe Chandler and Mesa (101 and Guadalupe)...but I'm a native to Mesa...its just that our city government is overrun with lameness...Mormons aren't that bad ( im not one) they can be the best neighbors because they won't be total dicks.

AZ = Awezome...

thread over.

Damn! Shut it down, Dan!!
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I still don't have a signature.

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