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I have no sympathy for people who don't pay their way in life

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#1 Jacki O.

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Posted 24 February 2011 - 04:49 PM

"I have no sympathy for people who don't pay their way in life," sneered Republinut state SenatorRon Gould as he voted for the measure to dissolve AHCCCS, Arizona's Medicaid program, without offering an alternative for the sick and impoverished.

That move alone guarantees taking an estimated $8.5 billion out of the Arizona economy from federal funding and job losses, severely impacting the ability of hospitals that we all use to survive.


Russell Pearce's Day of Bigotry, Barbarism and Triumph
By Stephen Lemons, Wed., Feb. 23 2011 @ 4:11PM

In the end, they all passed out of the state Senate Appropriations Committee, all of state Senate President Russell Pearce's anti-immigrant bills, other hate-filled measures offered by his stooges, and cataclysmic proposed laws that can only be described as outright attacks on whatever civilization is left in Sand Land.

I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not. One observer offered that it was like watching the sack of Rome, albeit via extremist legislation rather than the ancient Vandals. The analogy seems apt.

The Appropriations Committee approved the end of AHCCCS, Arizona's Medicaid program, without offering an alternative for the sick and impoverished. That move alone guarantees taking an estimated $8.5 billion out of the Arizona economy, severely impacting the ability of hospitals that we all use to survive. (Assuming it's approved by both chambers, natch.)

"I have no sympathy for people who don't pay their way in life," sneered Republinut state Senator Ron Gould as he voted for the measure.

Most committee members were equally pitiless when it came to higher education, voting to do away with the Arizona Board of Regents, which oversees Arizona's university system. GOPers delighted in the fact that they would no longer have to hear the Regents come before them and bemoan budget cutting.

The immigration related bills? Of course, they all moved and are now on their way to the Senate floor, where they will likely be approved.

Everything from SBs 1308 and 1309, which seek to undermine the 14th Amendment's birthright citizenship provision, to Pearce's nightmare hate-Mexicans omnibus SB 1611, to SB 1405, which will turn health care workers into immigration agents, to SB 1407, which will make schools ask K-12ers for their papers.

The undocumented became the collective punching bag for most Republicans, the literal scapegoat for all of Arizona's woes. They couldn't even agree on how much illegal aliens cost them. Some bandied about the mythological figure of $2 billion in state funds per annum. Or maybe they cost taxpayers $700 million here, hundreds of millions dollars here.

The closest anyone got to offering a source was citing the nativist hate-group FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform.

Democratic state Senator Kyrsten Sinema demanded backup, but got none.

"I have seen no data to support those numbers," she said of the varying claims.

Her complaints fell on deaf ears.

For Sinema's critics on the far, far left, who have been obsessed of late with her bill SB 1225 -- one that makes a minor change to the forgery law, kicking up the penalty from a class four to a class three felony when used in connection with a drop house -- your kvetching is truly asinine when weighed against Sinema's relentless opposition to the hateful, anti-immigrant legislation passing through Appropriations last night.

Senate minority leader David Schapira and state Senator Paula Aboud (both Ds) offered pushback as well, but it was Sinema who was on point, jousting homophobic, extremist law professor John Eastman, flown in from California, as he had been two weeks ago, to pimp Pearce's unconstitutional "anchor baby" elimination program.
picresized_1298450318_hhhhhh 055 (1).jpg
Pearce, admitting SB 1611 was a last-minute deal

And it was Sinema who, after a day of being protested by her critics on the left, grilled Pearce for nearly two hours on his compendium of racist legislation, SB 1611. This, as the night dragged on into the nine o'clock hour.

Pearce appeared at 8:15 p.m., flanked by security, as the committee reconvened from a break. In granny glasses and wielding a gold pen from the podium, he defended his bill from Sinema's withering attacks as she went section by section, line by line, pointing out how poorly written and odious Pearce's measure is in reality.

When Pearce described 1611 -- which makes it a crime for illegal immigrants to operate motor vehicles, prevents the undocumented from registering their vehicles, mandates that schoolchildren prove they're in the country legally or be reported to the cops, blocks those here illegally from attending community colleges, and on and on -- as an assortment of "cleanups," Sinema called him on it, numerous times.

Sinema said she counted in the bill "19 pieces of legislation that you've introduced over the years that didn't pass," adding that it was "more than just some cleanups."

She got Pearce to admit that the bill had been slapped together at the last minute.

"This was written in a very few hours on Friday afternoon," Pearce confessed more than once, almost apologetically, as Sinema pointed out its foibles in extreme detail.

One egregious example concerned the community colleges. Students would have to provide one of a list of documents to prove lawful status, such as a foreign passport with a visa.

Sinema pointed out that 36 countries have agreements with the United States that do not require their citizens to have visas while in the U.S., including Canada and Australia. Pearce had no answers.

Instead, he blathered on ad nauseum with a bunch of his pet lines, like, "Enough is enough," "Stop the invasion," "The laws must be enforced," and "You can't continue to break our laws."

Those last couple are pretty amusing, actually, considering the fact that Pearce's son Joshua is currently cooling his heels in county jail for, um, breaking the law. But hey, that's different, right?

Ultimately, two Republicans peeled away from 1611: Senators Sylvia Allen and Rich Crandall. Allen didn't explain her nay. Crandall did, which I'll get to in a sec.

My favorite vote explanation of the night came from Democratic state Senator Olivia Cajero Bedford, who had this to say before voting no on Pearce's prejudiced proposals:

"The spoken word today has been, `illegal alien,' but what it really is, is `Mexican,' and of course, I'm Mexican and Spanish. There was a remark made by Senate President Pearce that these illegal aliens are taking [the] jobs of... American citizens.

"But I just wanted to tell you that my great-grandfather was recruited by...an Arizona mining company in the early 1900s to come to work [in Arizona] for a mine. And the reason why was that the Mexicans' pay was less than those that was paid to the whites.

"There's a lot to this bill. This morning we had in rules Senate Bill 1433, which nullifies a lot of federal law. Tonight we're having a lot that [decimates] the Arizona Constitution. And what I see happening is sort of a dictator Senate President. Anyway, I respect the process, but I just had to express my feelings."

Though Appropriations Committee chairman Andy Biggs later chastised Cajero Bedford for the "dictator" comment, it's on the money. By his own admission, Pearce ramrodded this quickly-written bill through the process.

I could practically write a novel about what went on in AppCom yesterday. Some notable vignettes include:

*Republican state Senators Al Melvin and Lori Klein quietly mocking Border Action Network policy director Jaime Farrant's accent as he addressed the committee.

*Dr. George Pauk calling out the Senators, and telling them, "The elephant in the room is racism."

*Republitwit state Senator Steve Smith -- who looks and sounds like he could be Pearce-lickspittle (and state Representative) Carl Seel's mini-me -- blaming all of Arizona's economic problems on the undocumented.

*Democratic Senator Aboud getting an official from the Mayo Clinic to agree that, in some cases, under Smith's SB 1405, hospital workers might have to report infants to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

*And of course, the sheer infantile stupidity and waste of time of SB 1610, which would make the Colt single-action army revolver the official state gun. It was voted on at around 12:20 a.m.

(I later asked the gun lobby shill pimping the bill why he wasn't going for the politician-wounding, judge-killing Glock 19 as state gun. Not sure he appreciated my sarcasm.)

Lastly, I must praise the political courage of Republican state Senator Rich Crandall, who had the stones to vote against the anti-birthright citizenship bill, as well as Pearce's 1611, the move to end AHCCCS, the kids-show-us-your-papers bill SB 1407 and Smith's 1405.

He made reasoned arguments against them. Regarding the 14th Amendment travesty, he noted that Arizona was going it alone, despite claims from other GOPers to the contrary. He also complained that the two-tiered system of birth certificates had not been discussed or vetted properly.

On both the 14th Amendment bills and Pearce's 1611, he observed that they ran contrary to the state's publicity campaign to change its image, and he offered that under Pearce's 1611, even car rental companies would have to worry about checking people's immigration status.

On Smith's 1405, he said:

"I'd like to let the hospitals worry what they're good at, that is patient care, and have law enforcement worry about what they're good at, and that is immigration enforcement. So with that I'll vote no."

I caught up with Crandall in the hall after his vote against the anti-14th Amendment bills. He told me that he thought more Republicans would join him in voting against them on the Senate floor. He also mentioned that Pearce had stacked AppCom just so he could move bills like those through it, as, Crandall conceded, was his prerogative as Senate President.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder if Crandall feared retribution from Pearce over his opposition.

"Possibly," he said. "You can't count anything out. But Russell's been very respectful. On education, he's been very good to me. Honestly, to this point, I can't say a single negative thing about Russell, the way this session's run. He's let me run my big education reform bills, has supported them, signed off on one. So, no."

Then he laughed, "Now, tomorrow morning, ask me that question, when my name plate's gone..."

Crandall was good humored, self-deprecating. But Republicans like him with some Barry Goldwater-like common sense are rare birds these days. Or at least, those with the gumption to share that common sense in public. Kudos to Crandall. Goldy's giving you a thumb's up from the other side, I'll bet.


Ron Gould
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i hope this man never has to rely on the kindness of others. He does not deserve it.
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#2 thebiggameover


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Posted 24 February 2011 - 06:41 PM

well then the poor people die. problem solved.

cause the only people who have babies make 50k or more a year right? and the kids get to choose the mom and dad right? and life is ALWAYS fair right?
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#3 JJames


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 09:22 AM

I'm pretty full of rage. The end of AHCCCS means I will have no job. not to mention extremely important services that in the long term save the community from higher costs will be cut. FUCKFUCKFUCK
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#4 unluckycharm


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 09:46 AM

Besides the heartlessness of the idea of abolishing AHCCCS, it does not really make a lot of financial or even political sense. What will happen in a scenario where AHCCCS is gone? Families will go bankrupt and hospitals & nursing homes also might possible go bankrupt on a large scale. Then what will happen is there will 1 hospital or nursing home where before there were 3. And that in a state that has a huge retiree population, as well as retirees in waiting. Pearce and his jackbooted followers will have a lot to answer for.
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#5 Rize


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 09:46 AM

Things are pretty screwed up all over the country. I'm a sort of centrist libertarian, so while I like to see government shrinking overall, there are obviously right and wrong ways to accomplish that. And it never helps to act like a douche bag and say dumb shit.

The budget does have to be balanced somehow and that means government workers are going to have to lose jobs in one place or another.

My own job is constantly threatened since I took it out of grad school a few years ago (I also work for the state in LA). Our governor is cutting a bunch and if things get bad enough we might get merged with another department. Since I'm a non-classified worker, I can be fired at any time for almost any reason. If a merge happens, the best I can hope for is staying on as an analyst with no managerial duties which means I take a 25% to 35% pay cut.

recessions suck <_<
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#6 jeremx


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 09:55 AM

Since I'm a non-classified worker, I can be fired at any time for almost any reason.

recessions suck <_<

so does "right to work."
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#7 differently biotic

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 10:08 AM

I am floored by this. And disgusted.
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#8 Rize


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 11:04 AM

Since I'm a non-classified worker, I can be fired at any time for almost any reason.

recessions suck <_<

so does "right to work."

Oh, I'm not complaining about my own situation. I don't want to be in a union or classified work position. In general, I think a unionized work force (or otherwise uncompetitive work force) is unnecessary and harmful.
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#9 joe.distort



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Posted 25 February 2011 - 12:09 PM

fuck this 'recession' bullshit. the money is all still somewhere, its just in the hands of rich pieces of shit that horde it all instead of having a higher rater of spend through. the consolidation of wealth that has happened in the past 10 years is coming to head, and i dont think its going to end well for anyone.

the world is getting scary. i dont know what things will be like in 5 years.
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#10 Jacki O.

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Posted 25 February 2011 - 12:11 PM

reset button is coming up, be prepared
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#11 jeremx


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 12:11 PM

In general, I think a unionized work force (or otherwise uncompetitive work force) is unnecessary and harmful.

you're right.. i hate safe working conditions, competitive pay, benefits, vacation.. i'm sure if there were no unions (and the government regulations they spurred on) that companies would simply give me all that stuff because they're run by very generous, nice people.
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#12 Rize


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 01:24 PM

In general, I think a unionized work force (or otherwise uncompetitive work force) is unnecessary and harmful.

you're right.. i hate safe working conditions, competitive pay, benefits, vacation.. i'm sure if there were no unions (and the government regulations they spurred on) that companies would simply give me all that stuff because they're run by very generous, nice people.

So only workers in unions have safe working conditions, competitive pay, benefits or vacation time?
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#13 weener


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 01:26 PM

These assholes were born on third and think they hit a triple. God forbid they ever need anything.
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#14 joe.distort



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Posted 25 February 2011 - 01:38 PM

i cant even imagine how this is going to affect AHCCCS doctors. while a lot of doctors are exactly the shitty kind of people you think they are, the ones who run AHCCCS clinics are usually on a razor thin operating margin, and while they themselves still probably make 75000 a year, they are doing so at the expense of making twice that just so they can help out.

i know almost no one has sympathy for a doctor clearing 75k a year, so just imagine yourself voluntarily taking a 50% pay cut for the betterment of society.

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#15 Tony


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 01:53 PM

In general, I think a unionized work force (or otherwise uncompetitive work force) is unnecessary and harmful.

you're right.. i hate safe working conditions, competitive pay, benefits, vacation.. i'm sure if there were no unions (and the government regulations they spurred on) that companies would simply give me all that stuff because they're run by very generous, nice people.

So only workers in unions have safe working conditions, competitive pay, benefits or vacation time?

yeah, jer, i gotta agree with rize on this one. i've never been union and i get all of the above.

that said, i have mixed feelings on unions. conceptually, they're a nice idea to keep the working class protected. in practice, there's a lot of shady shit and politicking that can overshadow the good they might do.

i have no sympathy for people who are able, but don't try to pay their way in life. some things need to be cut because we can't afford to keep spending, but you want to rip the guts out of healthcare and education? eeeeep. you're putting a bandaid on a severed limb.
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