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Politics 2012--local votes? Maricopa county AZ

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#16 JRC


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Posted 29 October 2012 - 08:40 PM

Thanks X^2 much for the info and links!

I think I'm going to fill out my ballot on Halloween, because what's scarier than that, right/?

Other thing I'll add, is that this is one of those years on the national level that, while the candidates really don't sound all that different, there is a real gap in goals and desires.

Locally, it all still feels kind of like a mishmash to me.
I do not like that AZ initiative about the top two vote getters do a runoff--wtf, which flavor of red do you want?
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#17 thebiggameover


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Posted 30 October 2012 - 01:07 AM

Thanks X^2 much for the info and links!

I think I'm going to fill out my ballot on Halloween, because what's scarier than that, right/?

Other thing I'll add, is that this is one of those years on the national level that, while the candidates really don't sound all that different, there is a real gap in goals and desires.

Locally, it all still feels kind of like a mishmash to me.
I do not like that AZ initiative about the top two vote getters do a runoff--wtf, which flavor of red do you want?

idk man. if you check the link, brewer and the red are against the top two vote thing. but then again it could fuck us over. this is how the whole "david duke" thing popped up so idk man. i just dont know....
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#18 MrAwesome


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Posted 30 October 2012 - 09:25 AM

Anyone that still has a ballot please remember to mail it in by Thursday Nov 1st. If you look at the date on the ballot keep in mind it says it must be received by election day, not sent on.
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#19 JRC


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 11:03 AM

Weener and I just finished ours up last night, and she's doing drop off today.
It was kind of exhausting, and one of the most terrifying Halloween experiences I've had in a while.

While working on it, we found news reports the the current County Recorder, Helen Purcell, doesn't actually know the rules about who is allowed to turn in ballots, among other things.
It's pretty depressing that she is running unopposed.

It was also neigh impossible to find a list of the "legitimate" write in candidates, which the SOS office is supposed to make available.

Also depressing: the other party-affiliate positions running unopposed.
Democrats, get your act together.

I did find this on democraticunderground for those situations where you can't find out anything decent about the judge or candidate and just want to do the ol' Party Line thing.

I know judges aren't supposed to be partisan positions, but lets face it they will decide the legality of some laws and they get appointed by politicians--math = done.

I don't know how good that list is really, but assuming it has been well researched it would work for you on either party line--just flip the yes/no.

I found the types of groups who are opposed to Prop 121 interesting, it basically seems like the Reps & Dems are kind of equally against it, while the small indie parties like it, which I can understand.
From a two party system POV I can see some positives or negative.
In the end I voted against it because I felt it would limited my access to a diverse field of candidates.
Maybe they should make all positions write-in only?

The Public Land Trust stuff was as confusing as ever. Seems like we make changes to that stuff all the time. I voted against it.
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#20 MrAwesome


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 11:33 AM

Also depressing: the other party-affiliate positions running unopposed.
Democrats, get your act together.

So why didn't you run?
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#21 JRC


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 12:21 PM

Also depressing: the other party-affiliate positions running unopposed.
Democrats, get your act together.

So why didn't you run?

total lack of political ambition.
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#22 John MFer

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Posted 01 November 2012 - 02:45 PM

121 is interesting but I think the consequences would have an adverse impact on the elections. Given how red AZ is as a state, all the hardcore red voters would turn out and vote for the worst blue candidate. I'm concerned the state would move even further to the right.

Now, if 121 had abolished political parties and made every single election non-partisan? YES YES YES

118 - I didn't fully understand it, what I read about it made me even more confused. So, I just didn't vote on that one.

Anyway, I just dropped my ballot off at the Tempe/ASU polling place, so I have voted.
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