Member Since 15 Mar 2009Offline Last Active Mar 19 2015 11:40 PM
Profile Feed

MikeyWretch → JJames
you're 21 now!
Now you can blow your paycheck at bars and hate yourself. YAY!!!
Now you can blow your paycheck at bars and hate yourself. YAY!!!

JJames → Jacki O.
wtf did you help invent this?

MattChedda → JJames
Hey, Are you going to need me to take my shirt off when you guys are playing at shizzfest? I can do it if it will help you. :)

JJames → MattChedda
The Weeping Demon? you named yourself after a guitar pedel...
oh man you just got a little bit gayer
oh man you just got a little bit gayer

→ JJames
i miss you Justin !!!! if we were to marry, my name would be Jessie James... shall we???