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Member Since 22 Mar 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2009 10:59 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Truth

18 June 2009 - 01:12 AM

Degrae, Truth #1: Thoreau said "...Most men lead lives of quiet desperation..." You know how true that was of myself. And of course there are STILL elements of this within. But with this new found freedom is a remarkable ability to begin again, to reap a harvest of dreams and desires. And purpose.

Who would have ever thought that quiet, middle aged, straight guy who works at a big box store would have the opportunity meet other like minded men to talk about affecting our world in positive, non partisan ways? To help do construction in the 2nd poorest country in the world? To teach children? Here AND in Africa? Out of my desperation and willingness to be open to the larger thruths: We have it so good, we don't even know it. Then Malawi called me.

My job is heartless, but sometimes I give it some heart. I've seen you so it, too. Help folks kinda fulfill THEIR dreams. And that's a pretty big deal. AND you GET TO play some kick ass music, too! The rest of us non rockers just envy the hell out of all of you guys that have jobs and rock out.

Truth # 2: Rabbi Talushkin's wife said: "The only happy people I know, are people I don't know well."

It's not about happy. Happiness comes and goes like a vapor, a mist. Highs and lows, if you will. The point is about contentment. Finding things in life that make one content. And the most important things in life, after all, are not things.

Mr Degrae, I don't think it's the hand we're dealt, it's how WE shuffle the cards. Have your Baby.

In Topic: You're theory is interesting, but it doesn't take into account

16 May 2009 - 12:13 AM

To get back to the original idea, I have to disagree. the very big problem with Marx and his ism was that if one wasn't into "it", then "it" certainly wouldn't be into you. And anyway, your opinion didn't matter cuz those in power were the ones telling you the way it was gonna lay down. And that was it.

A really cool part of OUR paradigm is that we can take it in those general directions. These days we are leaning more left, and I'd say we (as a nation) are on a significantly different track now than we were a year ago. Like it or not. Personally, I'm enjoying our new Pres.

So we still got the IRS and mass graves and traffic and work with people who don't give a crap, but we still got friendship, love and sex and altruism, because we want these things. They don't hardly cost anything. It doesn't always have to be a dungheap. And no, I didn't vote for Ron Paul George or Ringo

In Topic: Best Lines from 30Rock

14 May 2009 - 11:42 PM

Speaker:"Tracy, I have a surprise for you..."

Tracy:"I'm alergic to horses"

oh yeah...FAP!

In Topic: Texting while driving.

30 April 2009 - 12:07 AM

A few years ago, I was talking to shrink who was taking part in a study that concluded that: People that talk (this is before texting was so big) on phones while driving are far more distracted than those that have been drinking. Russian Roulette with a cell phone and a Dodge Neon. AWESOME.

In Topic: What are you afraid of?

27 April 2009 - 11:44 PM

Saying "shit" in front of my mom. And I'm old. Other than that, pretty much nothing. I'll make an ass out myself everyday cuz who wants to be too hip to say "hi".