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Ninja Guitar
Member Since 13 Oct 2009Offline Last Active Feb 24 2011 10:48 PM
About Me
Born and raised in Phoenix
I play guitar and I can sing a little
I used to play out alot, but I got bored and took a loooong hiatus from the stage
The time has come to rock once again!
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- Active Posts 102
- Profile Views 3,083
- Member Title Kohls Restroom Monitor
- Age 46 years old
- Birthday June 19, 1978
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In Topic: Tuscon Congressman Gabrielle Giffords shot
12 January 2011 - 11:31 AM
In Topic: Tuscon Congressman Gabrielle Giffords shot
08 January 2011 - 03:07 PM
Alright let's get back on point here shall we. The point is people were killed today because of what?? Politics?? What we need to take a look at is why? Negative campaigning, horrible media coverage. The fact is we are all human beings and people need remember what the fuck compassion is.
Yea....thats what I was trying to say. I apologize if I suck at saying it. I get worked up sometimes. I'm not trying to be a dick. I just want to talk about this ass that shot some people, and not have to hear propaganda for once. My bad peeps
In Topic: Tuscon Congressman Gabrielle Giffords shot
08 January 2011 - 03:04 PM
Fox news is for cunts. You're both acting like punk bitches. Cool it.
Yea...its real big of you to tell us to "cool it", while calling us "punk bitches".
Fucking classic
HA! Funny stuff
Do all Marines share your great sense of humor?
In Topic: Tuscon Congressman Gabrielle Giffords shot
08 January 2011 - 02:31 PM
Fox news is for cunts. You're both acting like punk bitches. Cool it.
Yea...its real big of you to tell us to "cool it", while calling us "punk bitches".
Fucking classic
HA! Funny stuff
In Topic: Tuscon Congressman Gabrielle Giffords shot
08 January 2011 - 02:17 PM
Quit pretending like you know what you're talking about, douchebag. Great day, great moment to call an unwarranted bullshit... are you sober? nothing but classy, and bonus that you're wrong about the facts. Would love you to say this to me in person sometime, I will punch you in the face
That's the kind of mood I'm in today.
Blow me, clown. You clearly missed the point. That would be, something horrible happened, including a child being killed, and your first thought is to start crying about Fox News.
And you're a fucking tool. I'm a U.S. Marine, please.....punch me in the face. Pussy
E-thugs are cute

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