Yeah it seems like most Discount fans I talk to feel that way. I'd guess she was slamming junk back into the late Discount days as well, as the one time I saw them at the First Unitarian Church here in Philly, she was clearly on something beyond the normal realm of substance abuse. Sucks but they still played great.
I don't like the early Kills stuff at all but I think Midnight Boom is awesome and I really like the Dead Weather so far, but it seems even less people are into them than the Kills.
Also went back and edited in the Reminder by Feist. I think that is the end of my list retconing.
- The Shizz
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Member Since 04 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Nov 08 2010 11:07 AM
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- Member Title Aerosmith Acolyte
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- Birthday July 30, 1982
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In Topic: Albums of the Decade
05 January 2010 - 04:14 PM
In Topic: Albums of the Decade
05 January 2010 - 11:52 AM
Thank ya! I already edited in a few things I forgot since you quoted me there... two Pedro The Lion albums, an Orchid album I thought had been mentioned earlier, and Jonathan Mann's Mario Opera.
Absolutely love Allison Mosshart, was lucky enough to see Discount twice when I was younger. I've enjoyed her stuff since then (obviously) but Discount will always be my favorite band she did.
Absolutely love Allison Mosshart, was lucky enough to see Discount twice when I was younger. I've enjoyed her stuff since then (obviously) but Discount will always be my favorite band she did.
In Topic: Albums of the Decade
05 January 2010 - 11:19 AM
A couple more I don't think I've seen mentioned. Gotta back up the vast majority of these lists, plenty of great stuff mentioned so far. I tried to keep off splits and EPs unless it was absolutely necessary. Believe it or not I did edit this down a bit from what I put together originally.
the Casket Lottery - Moving Mountains
Cursive - Domestica
Dillinger Four - Versus God
Discount - Crash Diagnostic
Engine Down - To Bury Within The Sound
Kid Dynamite - Shorter, Faster, Louder
Milemarker - Frigid Forms Sell
American Nightmare - Background Music
Cursive - Burst And Bloom
Forstella Ford - Quietus
Hot Water Music - A Flight And A Crash
Majority Rule - Interviews With David Frost
Milemarker - Anaesthetic
Mogwai - Rock Action
Small Brown Bike - Dead Reckoning
Strike Anywhere - Change Is A Sound
the Casket Lottery - Survival Is For Cowards
Isis - Oceanic
mewithoutYou - [A->B] Life
Off Minor - Heat Death of the Universe
On The Might Of Princes - Where You Are and Where You Want to Be
Orchid - Orchid
Pedro The Lion - Control
Small Brown Bike/The Casket Lottery - Split
Alison Ranger - Formula Imperative
Black Eyes - Black Eyes
Dutchland Diesel - Jump The Fence
Give Up The Ghost - We're Down Til We're Underground
Majority Rule - Emergency Numbers
Jonathan Mann - The Mario Opera Act 1
Murder By Death - Who Will Survive, And What Will Be Left Of Them?
Pretty Girls Make Graves - The New Romance
the Rapture - Echoes
Small Brown Bike - The River Bed
Stop It! - Stop It!
the Strokes - Room On Fire
This Day Forward - In Response
the Weakerthans - Reconstruction Site
the Assistant - We'll Make The Roads By Walking
Breather Resist - Charmer
Converge - You Fail Me
Dillinger Escape Plan - Miss Machine
Les Savy Fav - Inches
mewithoutYou - Catch For Us The Foxes
Pedro The Lion - Achilles Heel
the Progress - Golden State
Q And Not U - Power
Rescue - Volume Plus Volume Plus
Celebration - Celebration
the Insurgent - It Will Be That Sound
Johnny Cash - American V: A Hundred Highways
the Killers - Sam's Town
Mogwai - Mr. Beast
Murder By Death - In Bocca Al Lupo
Passion - The Fierce Urgency Of Now
Pretty Girls Make Graves - Elan Vital
the Rapture - Pieces Of The People We Love
the Strokes - First Impressions of Earth
Young Widows - Settle Down City
Feist - The Reminder
Jena Berlin - Quo Vadimus
the Killers - Sawdust
Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends
the B-52s - Funplex
the Killers - Day & Age
the Kills - Midnight Boom
Mogwai - The Hawk Is Howling
Murder By Death - Red of Tooth and Claw
Passion - The Option
Young Widows - Old Wounds
Coalesce - Ox
Coalesce - OXEP
Converge - Axe To Fall
the Dead Weather - Horehound
the Casket Lottery - Moving Mountains
Cursive - Domestica
Dillinger Four - Versus God
Discount - Crash Diagnostic
Engine Down - To Bury Within The Sound
Kid Dynamite - Shorter, Faster, Louder
Milemarker - Frigid Forms Sell
American Nightmare - Background Music
Cursive - Burst And Bloom
Forstella Ford - Quietus
Hot Water Music - A Flight And A Crash
Majority Rule - Interviews With David Frost
Milemarker - Anaesthetic
Mogwai - Rock Action
Small Brown Bike - Dead Reckoning
Strike Anywhere - Change Is A Sound
the Casket Lottery - Survival Is For Cowards
Isis - Oceanic
mewithoutYou - [A->B] Life
Off Minor - Heat Death of the Universe
On The Might Of Princes - Where You Are and Where You Want to Be
Orchid - Orchid
Pedro The Lion - Control
Small Brown Bike/The Casket Lottery - Split
Alison Ranger - Formula Imperative
Black Eyes - Black Eyes
Dutchland Diesel - Jump The Fence
Give Up The Ghost - We're Down Til We're Underground
Majority Rule - Emergency Numbers
Jonathan Mann - The Mario Opera Act 1
Murder By Death - Who Will Survive, And What Will Be Left Of Them?
Pretty Girls Make Graves - The New Romance
the Rapture - Echoes
Small Brown Bike - The River Bed
Stop It! - Stop It!
the Strokes - Room On Fire
This Day Forward - In Response
the Weakerthans - Reconstruction Site
the Assistant - We'll Make The Roads By Walking
Breather Resist - Charmer
Converge - You Fail Me
Dillinger Escape Plan - Miss Machine
Les Savy Fav - Inches
mewithoutYou - Catch For Us The Foxes
Pedro The Lion - Achilles Heel
the Progress - Golden State
Q And Not U - Power
Rescue - Volume Plus Volume Plus
Celebration - Celebration
the Insurgent - It Will Be That Sound
Johnny Cash - American V: A Hundred Highways
the Killers - Sam's Town
Mogwai - Mr. Beast
Murder By Death - In Bocca Al Lupo
Passion - The Fierce Urgency Of Now
Pretty Girls Make Graves - Elan Vital
the Rapture - Pieces Of The People We Love
the Strokes - First Impressions of Earth
Young Widows - Settle Down City
Feist - The Reminder
Jena Berlin - Quo Vadimus
the Killers - Sawdust
Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends
the B-52s - Funplex
the Killers - Day & Age
the Kills - Midnight Boom
Mogwai - The Hawk Is Howling
Murder By Death - Red of Tooth and Claw
Passion - The Option
Young Widows - Old Wounds
Coalesce - Ox
Coalesce - OXEP
Converge - Axe To Fall
the Dead Weather - Horehound
- The Shizz
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