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Joshua Cadmium

Member Since 23 Jun 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 26 2010 05:46 PM

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In Topic: Square Things

24 June 2010 - 09:58 PM


Thanks so much for the encouraging words!

I am a big fan of The White Stripes and I have been strongly influenced by them. I do like the same things they like, so I do think a good deal of it is just me being me. (I loved the De Stijl art movement in highschool, for instance, before I heard of the band, and I thought at the time that Mondrian didn't go far enough, that he could have omited blue and yellow and just gone with red, since it was the most dominant color. When I saw the White Stripes album De Stijl, it blew me away.)

Although I've considered having other instruments, I'll almost definitely keep it a two-piece. I'm of the belief that keeping it simple is better.

With two people, I think it is easier to get together and practice and it appears to me to be much easier to write songs. For instance, we couldn't come up with music that would fit the lyrics I had for Kickers (which by the way is about the classic video game Qix, which we're both hooked on. It's really addicting once you get the strategy.) I ended up writing the music the morning before we recorded, and Alex and I came up with a drum beat like 10 minutes before we laid it down.

The best part, though, is that it is so simple to improvise stuff (we did a good amount of that during recording, including most of my solos) and I can get crazy without worrying where exactly the music is going. We've also been playing so long that we're pretty in tune with what the other person is going to do, as well.

Also, and I think this has to be said, more people equals more that has to be spread around. I know it will be easier to do music full time (which is my goal) if we don't have to make as much money to support us.

Now a question for you: what venue do you think would be a good fit for us? Obviously, you get what you can get, but I'd really like our first show to be memorable. I'd really like to play The Trunk Space, but although I've been there several times for art exhibits, I've yet to see a show there. (I have been out of the loop for local shows, unfortunately.)

Thank you so much for checking us out! I'm really glad you liked it.