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Member Since 30 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2013 06:28 PM

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In Topic: what do we need to talk about? It has been a sad weekend.

15 October 2013 - 08:53 PM

The help is always there JRC, the person who needs it has to want it. God knows I tried, and tried before, and we reached out as soon as we found out about Amy. I'm not saying we don't try anymore, but my heart is so sore and my soul is so tired trying just trying to help. Sorry just venting here, all these people I love just floating away. Hold everyone close. The material bullshit doesn't matter. It's the love you share that makes you rich.

In Topic: what do we need to talk about? It has been a sad weekend.

15 October 2013 - 04:21 PM

What more can we say? I find peace in knowing Amy can be free and not have to fight the illness and pain anymore. I wish Derrick had seen another way, but I hope he is with Amy and they are together singing wherever they are.

In Topic: Anyone know/can recommend an Social Security attorney ?

19 March 2013 - 04:37 PM

Did you have any luck?  Have her contact the Arizona Bar Association and see if they can help her get an attorney Pro Bono.  While waiting to find an attorney she can easily file Notice of Appeal which should give her time to find an attoney before she has to file an opening brief.  Hope this helps.  If she plans on filing the Notice of Appeal herself let me know and I may be able to find a fill in the blank form which may make it easier.  Also if her attorney has not removed himself from the case he has an obligation to file I think.

In Topic: Your beard does not need a shave line at the neck...

01 February 2013 - 04:18 PM

Ok my my two cents on the neck beard.  You all know I live with someone who usually has an epic beard year round out of utter laziness.  There are cases when the neck beard should be groomed in my opinion.  I don't mind the beard but please shave the neck when it starts to look like you have a vagina on your neck.