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Member Since 10 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 22 2009 06:45 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: mouse in my shorts...

01 July 2009 - 01:35 PM

best pest control you can have... teh kittehs. Mine are awesome at it. I can just point to something and say "get the buggy" and they gobble it up. I've even seen them torture and tear apart scorpions. Bad ass kittehs. Kittehs 4, scorpions 0!

I need my cats to have a talk with yours. Cats 0 Scorpions 3.

I've tried pleading - they just meow, grounding - they don't really do anything for me to take away, and yelling - they fail to comprehend "I'm in trouble".

In Topic: Michael Jackson DEAD?!?!?!

28 June 2009 - 04:30 PM

mj's passing made me think back to the prison dance therapy "thriller" routine.

perhaps one of my favorite you tube clips of all time.

Ha! At first I was thinking, "I can't believe they let a chick out there!"      Oh wait.

In Topic: Lists

08 June 2009 - 09:11 PM

Read a bunch of legal stuff
Read a bunch of ethics stuff
Write a bunch of ethics stuff
Research necessary qualities for job application
Hope possible new job is more than a lateral pay grade (am also broke)
Refine Resume
Try to do all of the above before 3rd beer kicks in - might be too late though

In Topic: what makes you feel like a kid again?

08 June 2009 - 09:02 PM

I dont know what its called. I only know what it sounds like when it takes a mans life!

I heard Creosote could be used to cure cancer?

I thought it could cause it.

We used it to "paint" fences in KY, you have to get some special permit (pay a fee and sign a form) to do it yourself. Then wear some special coveralls and gloves to apply it.

I've never used it but I've safely removed it (very sticky) from myself, my truck and my horse with baby oil. Works great!!

In Topic: what makes you feel like a kid again?

05 June 2009 - 10:40 PM

The beach! Playing in the surf on a red flag day!!!

And almost drowing in 12" of water then feeling totally invincible because you kept your cool until the wave went back where it belonged.

That was always awesome.