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Justin - I.C.A.

Member Since 05 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2011 08:01 AM

Topics I've Started

So i'm new

05 June 2011 - 08:10 PM

Hey everyone. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Justin from Baltimore, MD. I'm new to playing in the VG scene. I recently joined a band that plays VG music. I wasnt aware how big it is! I was slightly familiar with some bands (minibosses, the advantage, powerglove, metroid metal, Entertainment System - saw them open up for MC Chris) but i had no idea how big the VGM genre has grown. I've been playing video games since i was a small lil lad back in the days of commodore64 and still play religiously to this day so when i was asked to join a VG band it suited me well. I've been playing the drums for about 15 years and have never really had the opportunity to play in a band. So I am happy that I finally have this chance and I look forward to making some awesome VG Music. And i want to thank Darmock for pointing me to these boards. I've been listening to a lot of new VG bands and i am very impressed. But anyways i just wanted to introduce myself. Take care everyone!!

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