Some info on the Water Dudes from an email I got:
As most of you know, for 12 years I served on the Board of Directors of the Central Arizona Water Conservation District. This obscure office is the three county elected board that runs the CAP Canal. There are 15 board members, and this year 5 seats from Maricopa County are open. The election is non partisan, and you “vote for 5” from among a slate this year of 15 candidates.
One of Arizona’s most important, and longest standing, traditions, is that water transcends partisan politics. Our extraordinary record of quality water management is the result of more than 100 years of bi-partisan and non-partisan cooperation. Carl Hayden, John Rhodes, Barry Goldwater, Morris Udall, Bruce Babbitt, John McCain and Jon Kyl are all examples of this outstanding tradition.
But this year, the tradition is at risk. A group of extreme, partisan, and stunningly unknowledgeable people are trying to take over the CAP Board. Why? Because it’s easy, and because they believe that all government is bad and should be cut, cut, cut. Their only stated platform is to end the CAP’s employee retirement system and to reduce the staff. The CAP has fewer than 500 employees, and it’s budget and operations are mainly paid for from water and power sales. There is a very minor property tax, which is used to stabilize the operations and protect our water supplies. No matter how much you feel that government has gotten too big or intrusive, that shouldn’t have anything to do with this race.
DON’T LET THE EXTREMISTS TAKE OVER THE CAP!!! This is a very big deal, but is easily lost in all the noise. Here are the candidates, grouped by recommendation:
Frank Fairbanks. Retired Phoenix City Manager. As solid, steady, smart, decent and capable a person as you could possible ask for. Registered Independent. Lots of past experience on water issues. Endorsed by Arizona Republic after they interviewed the candidates.
David S. “Sid” Wilson. Retired General Manager of the CAWCD. 40+ years of water management experience. One of the most expert people in the field in the U.S. Republican. Also endorsed by Az. Republic.
Tim Bray. Currently incumbent board member. Water consultant, primarily to major developers and cities. Creative, extremely knowledgeable on water markets and pricing, which are becoming more and more important. I’m pretty sure he’s a Republican. Endorsed by Az. Republic.
Jim Holway. Formerly Assistant Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources. After leaving ADWR, worked at ASU in the Global Institute of Sustainability. Now at the Sonoran Institute, which is a moderate environmental organization. Has a balanced, environmental perspective. Democrat. Endorsed by Az Republic.
Ray Jones. Water Consultant, primarily to private water companies. Formerly President of Arizona American Water. Very knowledgeable on utility operations, water pricing, and water conservation issues. I’d guess he’s a Republican, but I don’t actually know.
RECOMMENDED: These are also totally solid candidates and would be fine board members.
Karl Kohloff. Retired water management professional. Used to run Mesa’s water system. One of the truly “grand old water buffaloes” of Arizona. Probably a Republican, but again I really don’t know or care.
Arif Kazmi. Civil Engineer who works for ADOT. Registered Professional Engineer. Not a water guy, but really interested and has huge experience with big infrastructure issues. I’ve been told he’s a Democrat. Endorsed by Arizona Republic.
Andy Yates. Young guy who worked at the Arizona Capitol Museum. Now has his own PR/Consulting business. Really eager and interested in water. Young Republican looking to break into public policy issues.
Brian Munson. Works for mining company ASARCO. Formerly Director of Water Quality at the Arizona Department of Water Resources. Registered independent.
Mark Lewis. (Not the newscaster). Incumbent Board Member. I served with Mark on the Board and have known him a long time. He’s often a decent board member, though he sees everything in terms of political advantage. He has organized the “insurgent” group to take over the board and “shrink government”. I think it’s mostly about getting himself elected President of the Board. Republican, as are all the following.
TC Bundy. One of the hard core slate who knows nothing about water issues.
Raymond Johnson. Ditto.
Cynthia Moulton. Ditto.
John Rosado. Ditto.
PLEASE, PLEASE, TAKE THIS VOTE SERIOUSLY!!! The CAWCD is local, efficient, non partisan government at its best, and it’s really at risk this year. Feel free to forward this on to anyone.
- The Shizz
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Member Since 02 May 2006Offline Last Active Nov 02 2010 10:34 PM
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In Topic: ballot propositions
01 November 2010 - 10:44 PM
In Topic: Justin Pearson Book Signing
15 May 2010 - 09:06 PM
I'm totally going to pick this book up. I think it will be an interesting read. I only met JP a few times, but he always seemed pretty nice to me. I would go to the reading but I have to work that night.
Hot Rod Todd is still alive? It's been awhile since I thought about those days.
Hot Rod Todd is still alive? It's been awhile since I thought about those days.
In Topic: Shizz Prom 2k10 Song Request Thread
19 April 2010 - 08:12 PM
In Topic: if you think the sales tax increase is bad...
12 April 2010 - 07:15 PM
I am actually employed through a grant from First Things First. I've been allowed to see the great work that is being done in our communities and for Arizona kids through this group and with this money. I really hope either the legislature agrees to borrow the money or that the voters are smart enough to vote for FTF to continue. Thanks for posting this!
In Topic: April Fools!
01 April 2010 - 09:48 PM
That (rubber band around faucet) IS the best April Fools joke, I agree. I did that last year to my BF and it was hilarious!
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