Udupi Cafe on scottsdale rd, tempe.
all-you-can-eat indian buffet. all veggie. yum.
- The Shizz
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corndoggy dogg
Member Since 12 Jun 2006Offline Last Active May 11 2009 12:05 PM
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- Active Posts 73
- Profile Views 1,336
- Member Title Aerosmith Acolyte
- Age 51 years old
- Birthday September 11, 1973
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In Topic: Shizz Veggie/Vegan folks
10 May 2009 - 02:14 AM
In Topic: Currently pooping
07 May 2009 - 04:39 PM
nah that's perfectly normal.
oh yeah, i forgot about this...
In Topic: Currently pooping
07 May 2009 - 11:57 AM
i have been accidentally pooping my pants a lot lately. like 1 or 2 times per month. i think i'm farting and then i realize i pooped. the other night i pooped the bed and had to change the sheets in the middle of the night. i think something might be wrong..?
In Topic: Currently pooping
07 May 2009 - 10:42 AM
once my little brother and i pooped by the river and then we thought we would get in trouble so we picked our poop up with our mittens and threw it into the river. from then on, those were the poop mittens and they got mixed in with all the other mittens. none of the other siblings ever knew. (is pooping with your brother considered incest?)
In Topic: Shizz Prom May 2nd @ Icehouse Tavern
03 May 2009 - 11:10 PM
so does everyone think we should do a homecoming dance this fall?
i don't want to wait another year for an awesome formal dance-off like last night.
oh please oh please!!! i was so ready; aqua net, a hideous dress, bisbee slim and i even learned the will smith apache dance. but at the last minute the 3.5 hour drive seemed too daunting. now i know that it would've been worth it. two votes for another one in the fall.
- The Shizz
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