I don't like these sort of arguments because it polarizes an otherwise functional group.
Lets stay on topic and enjoy our lives as musicians and as friends.
- The Shizz
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: CaptainAdultDiapers
Member Since 18 Sep 2003Offline Last Active Feb 10 2004 12:38 PM
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- Group Shizzified
- Active Posts 38
- Profile Views 1,079
- Member Title I <3 Lady Gaga
- Age 46 years old
- Birthday December 27, 1977
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In Topic: I think The Brickhouse puffs on male genitalia!
27 January 2004 - 09:26 PM
In Topic: anyone wanna help me set up a show?
08 December 2003 - 10:59 AM
We took advice from AAA and are very happy with 1 dollar hosting.
In Topic: GFC 5
23 October 2003 - 01:55 PM
Yeah, I think I will come. It sounds like a lot of fun. You guys are very creative.
It is cool to see some people that dig the sport of MMA.
It is cool to see some people that dig the sport of MMA.
In Topic: GFC 5
23 October 2003 - 01:35 PM
Oh wait you said you wear gloves. Sorry I am at work and sometimes don't read thoroughly enough.
In Topic: GFC 5
23 October 2003 - 01:34 PM
Yeah, I wasn't trying to be too hard. It just seems scary to me if you create this fighting tournament where you have very little rules and let almost anyone fight. What if someone there is macho and takes it too far. This sounds like the old UFC where they let almost anyone fight and didn't have rules and that didn't last too long. I know in Brazil they still have "Vale Tudo" or no holds bar fights. You can tell a Brazilian fighter sometimes by the huge scars on their foreheads from the cuts they get from doing headbutts. It is just something to consider. I do this stuff all the time and love it but when I do it there are rules and an understanding. We wear gloves and we do it not a competition level because we are not professional fighters. You should consider gloves, you should have more rules and you should consider a referee (I don't know if said you had one or not).
That being said, Geek Fighting Championship, that is fucking classic.
That being said, Geek Fighting Championship, that is fucking classic.
- The Shizz
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