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Hollywood Alley
Member Since 25 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Mar 19 2012 05:17 PM
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- Active Posts 74
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- Member Title Aerosmith Acolyte
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International Punk Rock Tonight
19 March 2012 - 05:17 PM

Bro Loaf tonight
16 March 2012 - 10:06 AM

All sorts of awesome shit this night.
12:15am: Broloaf
Re-Burn and the Skidmarks
These Charming Men
$7 cover, 21+
Crazy Weekend of Rock
08 March 2012 - 06:13 AM

Friday 03/09/12
9:30pm: The Herps
10:15 pm: The Venomous Pinks
11pm: Grave Danger
Midnight: The Green Lady Killers
4 bands, $6 cover, 21+
RSVP on Facebook!

Saturday 03/10/12
9:30pm: Jackson Dife
10:30pm: Dirty Lingo
11:30pm: Black Party Politics
12:30am: The Good Bipolars
$5, 21+
RSVP on Facebook

Sunday 03/11/12
10pm: The Prague
11pm: The Frail (S.F.)
DJs (Blue Collar Profit, William Motherfucking Reed and Steena Lynn) start at 9pm and play in between and after bands.
$5 cover, ($3 before 11pm), 21+
RSVP on Facebook
TONIGHT: Antique Scream/Jupiter Crash/PV Casualties/Leonhardt
24 February 2012 - 07:19 AM
Antique Scream returns to Phoenix. Get there early. Music starts at 9pm sharp!
9pm: Leonhardt (Stoner Acoustic)
9:45pm: PV Casualties (Misfits tribute band from Phoenix)
10:30pm: Jupiter Crash (Alternative/Post-Punk from Las Vegas)
11:30pm: Antique Scream (Psychedelic Blues-Rock from Seattle)
$5, 21+

9pm: Leonhardt (Stoner Acoustic)
9:45pm: PV Casualties (Misfits tribute band from Phoenix)
10:30pm: Jupiter Crash (Alternative/Post-Punk from Las Vegas)
11:30pm: Antique Scream (Psychedelic Blues-Rock from Seattle)
$5, 21+

Sat. 02/11/12: The debut of The Chiefs w/ Idols Plague, Puer Aeternus,
10 February 2012 - 01:57 PM

The Chiefs first show in Arizona! Come kick it, its a Saturday night - it'll be a good time, good friends, good music. A rad bar too! Invite your friends!
Puer Aterenus - 9:30 - 10:00
Idols Plague - 10:15 - 10:45
Chiefs - 11:00 - 11:30
Enirva - 11:45 - 12:15
8:30pm / $5 / 21+
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