- The Shizz
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: hunter
Member Since 29 Sep 2003Offline Last Active Aug 24 2014 10:57 PM
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 538
- Profile Views 9,672
- Member Title Gotcha Jacket Dancer
- Age 41 years old
- Birthday May 1, 1983
Mesa, AZ
Posts I've Made
In Topic: Suns Thread....
08 March 2010 - 07:18 PM
Been a while buddies... remembered this thread and figured since I hadn't posted in it in a couple years I'd come by and spread my cheers for this season... Last year was 46-36... this year we're 40-25 already... 17 games left... I smell a 50-32 record at least. Good enough to get into 2, or 3? Depends... our schedule is quite easier now than most others comparing who we're playing and road/v/home games...
In Topic: 10 Year High School Reunion
22 August 2009 - 10:06 PM
Most of the people at my 10 year reunion are all fuck-ups and still doing the same shit they were in 2001... so I'd pass. I have nothing in common with them nor am I interested in reliving the "glory days"
- The Shizz
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