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Member Since 05 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2012 05:03 PM

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In Topic: Episodes, Sweet Bleeders, Pressed And + more, March 5th @ The Rogue Ba

14 January 2012 - 02:01 PM

Gotcha, I will send them a line and contact Rogue Bar directly.
I wrote a big like 2 paragraph post talking about V&A right before I read that, so I didn't want to overtly spam the board, but here's the Victory and Associates record:
These Things are Facts

RIYL: Rocket From the Crypt, The Thermals, Fugazi, etc.
Ex-Replicator, Mount Vicious, Ned (Now Mwahaha), etc.

In Topic: Episodes, Sweet Bleeders, Pressed And + more, March 5th @ The Rogue Ba

12 January 2012 - 11:19 PM

um hi...
any chance Victory and Associates from SF/Oakland could jump on this bill? We don't bite... much.
(see my recent post)