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Member Since 12 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2010 07:35 PM

#918057 Sound Strike

Posted by innerear on 28 June 2010 - 03:47 PM

I'm sure they are going around telling each other how great they are. But them Boycotting is bringing more attention to the problem then if they do nothing, I think giving celebritys credit for anything beside making their art is stupid but thats just my opinion. But I realize that most people idiolize muscians and other celebrities so more power to them.

I already stated somethings to do start patetions send them to your goverment officials. Go to Scottsdale door to door with information on how sb1070 is unconstitutional and unjust. Give them facts on how crime has not risen in the past 15 years despite what is being said. All of these may not make sudden impacts but the more noise there is the more they get concered. It's easy to get on a soap box around people who agree with everything you say try doing it in front of people who disagree.

Oh and have sex with hot mexicans.
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#918034 Sound Strike

Posted by innerear on 28 June 2010 - 03:09 PM

Donald makes some good points.

I do believe the very public boycott of South Carolina among other things lead to South Carolina taking down the flag.
I believe a Boycott does the exact same thing as marches to the capitol or gathering people to form an SOS, it's drawing attention to the problem. And I think you are misguided in thinking that 50,000 people is alot in a state of a population of 6.6 million in a metropolitan area with a population of 4 million in a city with a population of 1.5 million. Particullarly with a large population of those people marching coming from other parts of the country. Most polls I have seen from both libral and conservative media have both stated that more people are for sb1070 then against... Anywhere ranging from upper 50% to 70%.
Personally I also think sitting in your little knitting circle and telling each other how great you are for disliking the same things is really not doing anything besides maybe pumping up your egos a little.

The only positive I've seen in this post was from donald saying to get involved and getting involved doesn't mean speaking to like minding people. It means presenting facts to those that are either on the fence on the matter or on the other side of the fence, and voting and writing your goverment officials.
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#896105 The Phix

Posted by innerear on 30 April 2010 - 04:07 PM

But my point is a house show is a house show if I'm paying to go to a venue and see a show I would expect there to be atleast descent vocal PA. Lost Leaf has decent Vocal PA. Rythm Room sounds pretty good. There are places, why do people settle for sub par in this town, you may consider me a hater but I know personally I'm always trying to be better at what I do and pushing what is considered good. Jacki you know, unlike most people, I would say all of this in person as well as on the internet. I'm actually more likely to say this in person as I don't do ineternet posting all to often.
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